And if people die, it’s on them. They were never fit to begin with and only the fit survive.
How Darwinistic. From self-identified pro-lifers too.
No one is being cruel by recognizing that some people will die and some will live. It’s reality in this fallen world.
I like the analogy of driving a car, or travelling in a car. It is a fact that people die or undergo massive life-changing injuries in car crashes. When we go somewhere in a car, we could become one of the deaths or major injuries.
So we take simple precautions–wearing seatbelts, wearing glasses and hearing aids if we need them, not drinking and driving, making sure we have had enough sleep, not trying to eat our dinner while we’re driving, iff possible planning a route that does not take us through heavy traffic, keeping our car in decent condition, etc.
But no matter how many precautions people make, some will die.
Is this reason to get rid of all cars–to stop people from dying? I’m thinking that if someone I loved is ever killed in an auto accident, I might feel that way for a while.
But it’s not realistic in today’s world. And it’s not cruel to recognize that some will die in auto accidents and most will live and we will all keep driving anyway, any more than it’s cruel to recognize that some will die from COVID-19 (or other infectious diseases) and some will live, but we all have to keep living our lives in public, not staying safe at home.
We CAN"T stop basic living to save every life in the world! It won’t work. We will all die anyway of something.
I remember hearing comedian Redd Foxx talking about giving up smoking, drinking, staying out late–and sittin’ aroun’ dyin’ of nuthin!