The word “Church” has multiple meanings in our modern English language.All this talk about Universal Church really makes me wonder what are genuinely peoples’ views on church, if you believe church is just a community of believers and that the physical church doesn’t matter or if you believe church is both a community of believers and physical church matters.
- The church is the elect or the saints, those born again by the Spirit and who have a living faith in Christ. The universal/catholic church, if you will.
- The church is a local gathering of the saints in a physical place. This gathering is both physical and visible. But this gathering may (and usually does) contain both the “elect” (hopefully the majority of the gathering) and those who, for whatever reason, haven’t been born again by the Spirit and do not have an active and living faith in Christ. They may even be religious due to cultural, family, or personal reasons, but their heart hasn’t been changed from a heart of stone to a heart of flesh. They know how to go through the motions and the church culture but don’t have a living faith.
- The church is a building, with a auditorium of some kind, a baptistry, and so forth. This may even be someone’s home (like it was in the 1st Century). It is still common for the “church” to meet in someone’s home in places where Christianity is persecuted. In particular China and Muslim countries.
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