Me too, but like I said I’ve been trying to keep my mind open to the other position.I am someone who believes in theistic evolution.
Me too, but like I said I’ve been trying to keep my mind open to the other position.I am someone who believes in theistic evolution.
What do you mean?You must have missed the whole “we must have total compliance here” idea. That’s all this is.
I find it interesting that a Roman Catholic would support someone who does not believe in the Big Bang. I read that his QSO theories have not had much acceptance within the scientific community.See this book:
What do you mean, “from where it all started space has stretched so much since then that from where we are sitting here on earth, it’s been billions of years”And while it’s only been a few thousand years from where it all started space has stretched so much since then that from where we are sitting here on earth, it’s been billions of years. In that article I posted, they even do the math and it adds up. Amazing, and it’s what I think has happened!
I am fine with someone making a claim that conflicts with mine. It is interesting however, that my response to a comment not brought up by me, that refuted the comment using scripture and historical precedent was deleted from the thread. Apparently, some are fine with making a claim but are not fine with having to defend it.Then let me rephrase: the Catholic priest on this Catholic forum was stating the Catholic view of the what the Lutherans have, not the Lutheran view of what the Lutherans have.
I’m sorry if you’re bothered by that. But you did choose to be a member of a Catholic forum, so it should neither surprise nor offend you to find people here claiming that a church that lacks apostolic succession lacks the Eucharist.
He’s getting a bit conspiratorial and suggesting that the reason literal creationism isn’t taken seriously is because there’s some shadowy cabal keeping truth from the masses. Or something.What do you mean?
Some people interpret parts of the bible literally. Nothing wrong with that. But If someone points out that scientific evidence contradicts said interpretation and that the science based viewpoint is accepted by a very high percentage of bona fide scientists, then some people have a tendency to claim there has been a degree of brain-washing, or suggest that there is pressure to comply with the ‘groupthink’ (as per 1984).edwest:![]()
What do you mean?You must have missed the whole “we must have total compliance here” idea. That’s all this is.
Simply put…I enjoy the debate. It wouldn’t be much use to me discussing life, the universe and everything with people who would agree with most of what I say, so it’s more beneficial to debate those who almost always disagree with me.Bradksii, out of curiosity as the resident atheist, what led you to start posting on CAF? Presumably you don’t think that religious belief is per se stupid, since otherwise you wouldn’t bother to engage.
I don’t mean this as a prelude to a fight or anything. You’re always respectful and your posts are usually well reasoned and interesting. I’m just curious.
So let’s take the evidence as per the video that was linked. Which is meant to be an honest appraisal of a scientific investigation into red shift. And whch starts with a demand that we always must appreciate, before we even get to the evidence, that God created the universe and effectively, if He wanted to the speed of light to vary in any way, then we must accept that.When the information coming in ignores alternative possibilities and data, I find it interesting that only a handful of people do look into it.