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Because CA has a great capacity for LOVE!
Dear Word,

Would you not agree that conversing about having love in one’s heart and actually having love in one’s heart are two very different things? How do we know there is LOVE in the human heart? What did Jesus say? Read John 15: "Now REMAIN in my love. IF you obey my commands, you will REMAIN in my love just as I have kept my Father’s commandments and remain in his love. (John 15).
Tru,If you really want to know Gods love read 1Corinth 13.Are you walking in His love? How about the spirit of unity. Do your words bring Glory to God. You may not agree with your brothers and sisters but that is no reason to bring strife. Sometime I wonder what Im doing here myself. Debate only brings on strife when not spoken in Gods love. 😦
We can go round in circles forever. Why can’t we agree to disagree?
No. Because it’s an obvious error.
The preacher to the Papal household prays in tongues.
Fr Cantalamessa’s fidelity is very questionable. Him being a papal household preacher doesn’t change that fact (in fact it makes us look worst).

This is what I wrote when you brought up his name
Fr. Raniero Cantalamessa, OFMCap (preacher to the Papal household). Always quote by Charismatics afficianados because he’s the preacher of the papal household (whatever that is).

What google found for moi

  1. He got a ticket for an INTERDENOMINATIONAL gathering in Kansas where he caught his charismaticism fever
  2. He said that SOMEONE (we don’t know whether he’s Catholic or not) spoke prophetic words, which he describe as “authoritative messages spoken in the name of God.” Wow, even private revelation such as the approved Fatima doen’t have any authoritative power whatsoever.
  3. “This is a prophecy for the future of the church. One day the church shall be reunited in one single visible body. This is how it will happen; through all of us repenting, praying and weeping together, under the Iordship of Christ." But can you imagine, I was still very critical and said to myself: “This is very beautiful. No doubt this comes from the Lord, but I cannot accept it.” I was unprepared to understand the expressions of other Christian denominations, especially Pentecostals.” …
After this decision everything went smoothly, even though I resisted with all my strength. You must realize that I did my best. There was a moment during the prayer meeting when we were in the chapel praying, and I remember saying to myself: “I am a son of St. Francis of Assisi. I have a beautiful spirituality. What am I looking for among these lay brothers?” At that moment a lady opened her Bible and started reading. It was the passage where John the Baptist said to the Pharisees: “Don’t say in your hearts, We are sons of Abraham, we are sons of Abraham.”’

I assure you, this is the way the Holy Spirit builds when he is present in a gathering. He speaks in a simple but very, very strong way. So I stood up (speaking Italian because I did not know any English then) and everybody seemed to understand my Italian. I said: “Lord, I don’t want to say any longer that I am a son of St. Francis of Assisi. I ask you to make me a true son of St. Francis of Assisi. Baptize me with your Holy Spirit.” Then they prayed over me. I recall somebody saying: "Choose Jesus as Lord of your life."
You do not agree—this is your option, I am not telling you to pray in tongues, do not tell me to stop this wonderful form of prayer—(God wouldn’t like that)
If you speak or pray tongue in front of the conggregation and they can hear it, and there’s no interpreter you should cease doing so because it’s forbidden by the Bible. If not, then you have the spirit of disobedience.
Tru,If you really want to know Gods love read 1Corinth 13.Are you walking in His love? How about the spirit of unity. Do your words bring Glory to God. You may not agree with your brothers and sisters but that is no reason to bring strife. Sometime I wonder what Im doing here myself. Debate only brings on strife when not spoken in Gods love. 😦

Why is it that most of the charismatic posts on these debates have a lot of “you” and “your” in them? Could it be that instead of focusing on the topic the charismatic emphasis is to hone in on the person and to lunge an attack? I have been called sedenvactist, there have been calls not to read my posts and how to make them invisible, I have been accused of spewing hatred and generally rudely treated. There was a negative thread recently to bring attention to my “behavior”, even a link was provided to prove I have “fear” on the Apologetics board. There were many relies, some recognized the intent, some did not. When one person finally called on the folly and pointed it out, the response of the OP was, well we have feelings too. Lately they have been praying for my conversion. Well that is excellent. When we pray for an enemy, hopefully the dislike of the individual is lessened and ultimately the person praying arrives at some sort of peace. God bless them all!

I DO walk in unity with my brothers and sisters Word. I obey the Magisterium, I partake in the Sacraments, and I have regular fellowship with my brothers and sisters in the One Holy Catholic Apostolic Church: I do walk in HIS love. God bless.
I DO walk in unity with my brothers and sisters Word. I obey the Magisterium, I partake in the Sacraments, and I have regular fellowship with my brothers and sisters in the One Holy Catholic Apostolic Church: I do walk in HIS love. God bless.
As do those involved in CCR. We do not tell you which approved method of worship to follow, why do you condemn us? (and don’t give me your incorrect interpretation of scripture—conservative Catholics should not interpret scripture on their own)

May the peace & joy of Our Lord Jesus Christ be with you, wherever you go and whatever you say.

I personally will choose to read more uplifting posts.
Why is it that most of the charismatic posts on these debates have a lot of “you” and “your” in them? Could it be that instead of focusing on the topic the charismatic emphasis is to hone in on the person and to lunge an attack? I have been called sedenvactist, there have been calls not to read my posts and how to make them invisible, I have been accused of spewing hatred and generally rudely treated. There was a negative thread recently to bring attention to my “behavior”, even a link was provided to prove I have “fear” on the Apologetics board. There were many relies, some recognized the intent, some did not. When one person finally called on the folly and pointed it out, the response of the OP was, well we have feelings too. Lately they have been praying for my conversion. Well that is excellent. When we pray for an enemy, hopefully the dislike of the individual is lessened and ultimately the person praying arrives at some sort of peace. God bless them all!

I DO walk in unity with my brothers and sisters Word. I obey the Magisterium, I partake in the Sacraments, and I have regular fellowship with my brothers and sisters in the One Holy Catholic Apostolic Church: I do walk in HIS love. God bless.
Tru, Action speaks louder than words.
Why is it we dont see it? Did you read 1corinth,ch 13?.Have you put those Words into action? 😦
As do those involved in CCR. We do not tell you which approved method of worship to follow, why do you condemn us? (and don’t give me your incorrect interpretation of scripture—conservative Catholics should not interpret scripture on their own)
Give me another interpretation of 1Cor 14:27-28.

The point is, the verse plainly said what it is. Unless you can give me another interpretation that is inconsistent with the one I’ve said (tongues in front of believer is disobedience) then you have no basis for the errors of charismatics
May the peace & joy of Our Lord Jesus Christ be with you, wherever you go and whatever you say.
Don’t patronize.
I personally will choose to read more uplifting posts.
Realize the errors first.
Tru, Action speaks louder than words.
Why is it we dont see it?
What do you want to see? People agreeing to your errors and say sugar coated encouragements to you? That’s what I call the theology of warm fuzzy feelingness ™. And that is childish.

And all of your “I’ll pray for you, May God open your heart” comment from you are nothing but patronizing remarks. As if we don’t open our heart.
Did you read 1corinth,ch 13?.Have you put those Words into action? 😦
Have you read 1 Cor 14:27-28? Do you speak tongue in front of believers?
What do you want to see? People agreeing to your errors and say sugar coated encouragements to you? That’s what I call the theology of warm fuzzy feelingness ™. And that is childish.

And all of your “I’ll pray for you, May God open your heart” comment from you are nothing but patronizing remarks. As if we don’t open our heart.

Have you read 1 Cor 14:27-28? Do you speak tongue in front of believers?
Beng,Did you pick up Tru,s tongue? You speak with double tongue. 😃
Tru, Action speaks louder than words.

Why is it we dont see it?

Gee, I do not know that Word. I cannot tell why other people fail to see the obvious.

Did you read 1corinth,ch 13?.Have you put those Words into action? :(Well I must say I am not going to explain what I do and how I live my life on this forum, because I do not believe puffing up like a Pharisee. I follow the True Devotion, so I would find it quite abhorrent to publicly share certain aspect of my life. God knows and sees all. How some others perceive me is the least of my concern.

Once again, there it is, attacking the person rather than discussing the topic which I believe was “tongues” if I am not mistaken.
I have a favor to ask Word; please don’t ever patronize me again with statements of your agape love for me.
Forgive me for offending you. You see this is what happens when we allow satan to come in.Please put me on your ignore list so that I will not be the cause of causing division.My days are numbered debating anyone for all it does is bring strife.Why give satan a foothold? 😦
I forgive you Word. I still ask you to respect my wishes. I do not wish to be used this way again.

As for participating, I agree with you, as a non-Catholic, a bit more prudence would be wise, because non-Catholics tend to increase dissention rather than bringing resolution to these debates. God bless.
I forgive you Word. I still ask you to respect my wishes. I do not wish to be used this way again.

As for participating, I agree with you, as a non-Catholic, a bit more prudence would be wise, because non-Catholics tend to increase dissention rather than bringing resolution to these debates. God bless.
Thanks Tru,I feel better already. Lets try to be a little more sensitive to each others understanding.May we have wisdom and understanding in Jesus name. 👍
QUOTE TRU_DVOTION. charismatics are heretics all right, but they are also very limited in their arguments. Have you noticed the majority are unable to carry a theological discussion? All their conversation is hype, or about feelings, or about their spiritual gifts or how much love they have in their hearts. But try to oppose them… they turn ugly and unloving. Thats your problem Tru, to much theology and not enough intimacy. You know that I love you[in Christ] even though you think we have to much love in our Hearts. Did you not know that God is Love? Well us heretics want to be full of His LOVE. God Bless . 👍
Spokenword, I recognize the tongue in cheek nature of your first few sentences. however, just a clarification:** Charismatics have not been declared heretics by anyone in proper authority, only by individual Catholics, who apparently believe that they know more than the Magisterium on this issue. ** In fact we have papal approval to operate as a formal lay apostolate of the church. We teach no new doctrine. We do have among us many theologians, though certainly not everyone of us is gifted in that area, nor is it fair to expect that of ANY group. Many parts, one body, remember?

Our Catholic Charismatic covenant community here in Dallas has our local bishop’s approval, and we meet with him regularly and keep him apprised of our activities, teachings, and so forth. We also have a charter from the Vatican to do what we do. How is that heretical?

I am curious that no one has addressed the issue I raised in a previous post: why are TONGUES the only charismatic gift that gets people all riled up? I don’t ever hear people complaining about us charismatics and that pesky gift of healing…

Let us focus on the Giver of the gifts instead of on the gifts themselves. ** It is our relationship with Him that matters more than all other things. The gifts are just a means by which the Body, His people, can be served**. 😃

Blessings of Jesus Christ to all of you
Spokenword, I recognize the tongue in cheek nature of your first few sentences. however, just a clarification:** Charismatics have not been declared heretics by anyone in proper authority, only by individual Catholics, who apparently believe that they know more than the Magisterium on this issue. **
There are many prominent Catholics who are IN THE HIERARCHY that condemn the error of charismatics. Fr William Most is one of the many.
In fact we have papal approval to operate as a formal lay apostolate of the church.
So did SSPX.
We teach no new doctrine.
The Baptism by Spirit as believed by Charismatic is never the teaching of the Church.
Our Catholic Charismatic covenant community here in Dallas has our local bishop’s approval, and we meet with him regularly and keep him apprised of our activities, teachings, and so forth. We also have a charter from the Vatican to do what we do. How is that heretical?
Do oyu know how many people approve of SSPX back then when it’s still acknoewledge by the Vatican?
I am curious that no one has addressed the issue I raised in a previous post: why are TONGUES the only charismatic gift that gets people all riled up?
Could it be because it’s an obvious error?
I don’t ever hear people complaining about us charismatics and that pesky gift of healing…
Because it’s too hard to examine although it’s not impossible. Give me enough money (and benefits) and I will do so.
Let us focus on the Giver of the gifts instead of on the gifts themselves. ** It is our relationship with Him that matters more than all other things. The gifts are just a means by which the Body, His people, can be served**. 😃
Blessings of Jesus Christ to all of you
The giver, which is the Holy Spirit, already inspired 1Cor 14:27-28. If those Charismatics disobey it, what does that tell you?

Plus, the Holy Spirit also revealed the nature of baptism. And there’s no such thing as baptism by spirit as believed by Charismatics.
Tru and Beng are tickets to heaven for us Charismatics.
Are we your persecutor? How charitable are you? Would you mind giving me substantial argument in defend of:
  1. Tongues in front of believer without interpreter?
  2. Baptism by spirit as believed by Charismatics?
I am here to tell you the errors of your way. But if you could project yourselves as the persecuted early Christian than would you mind if I project myself as Isaiah the Phrophet? Like Isaiah I’ve been telling you to turn from your errors but you do not listen.

Really, would you mind using your reasoning that somehow what I said might be true? Even the obvious contradiction between the charismatic practice of tongue and 1Cor 14:27-28.

Oh, and having endorsement, even a strong one, from the Pope does not mean that the practice is erroneous. In the famous episode where St Augustine’s said the infamous [Roma locuta est] causa finita est, Pope Zosimus was deceived and endorsed strongly two heretics Pelagius and Celestius.

So please, use your God given reason, the one we use to know God.

SPOKENWORD, I think, is not a Catholic. He was a Catholic for 34 years and then become a non-denomational. Does this tell you something?
You addressed your post to Spoken word, but what you quoted was said by dear Tru. Don’t let it upset you. Tru and Beng are tickets to heaven for us Charismatics.

The ignore list is such a great feature
I’m glad I’m not the only one who caught that. So much misunderstanding, so much judging, so much…:banghead: on these fora…You’d think we we’re all a bunch of anti-Christians here! I think it’s time we all stand back… take a deep breath… and be mindful that we are here because we love the Lord and try to heal our differences!.. Satan is having a ball!
:amen: ,Annunciata:(
I’m glad I’m not the only one who caught that. So much misunderstanding, so much judging, so much…:banghead: on these fora…You’d think we we’re all a bunch of anti-Christians here! I think it’s time we all stand back… take a deep breath… and be mindful that we are here because we love the Lord and try to heal our differences!.. Satan is having a ball!
:amen: ,Annunciata:(
Would you agree that Satan is having a ball everytime an error is not corrected?
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