Dear Word, What Jesus would like to know is how long will you stay a heretic, fallen away Catholic and a Protestant?
Jesus said I know my sheep and my sheep know my voice. What voice are you hearing?Dear Word, What Jesus would like to know is how long will you stay a heretic, fallen away Catholic and a Protestant?
SPOKENWORD said:Jesus said I know my sheep and my sheep know my voice. What voice are you hearing?![]()
I appoligize to the board. Are Catholics exempt from this rule?Dear Spokenword,
It is against CA guidelines for non Catholics to harass Catholics on this Catholic forum. Please respect the guidelines. God bless.
We need to respect each other. May God help us to walk and talk in His Love.Please pray for me that I may do this.God blessNo, I would not think so… and I only hope something will be done soon about those who make personal attacks and encourage others to follow suit. One can disagree and argue on a topic, but a person’s integrity should never be called into question. Non Catholics have to be even more careful and respect Catholic opinion even if it is orthodox, it is Catholic nevertheless.
Beng and Tru,You know what, if I project myself to you, here is what I would say:
“Mysty101, you’re saying that my posts is trash? Where is your charity that you as a Chrismatics should have? I’ll pray the sorrowful mystery for you”
No problem.Beng and Tru,
I am sincerely sorry for engaging in this childish behavior. Jesus did say
I ask you time to time to find me another interpretation of 1Cor14:27-28.**You engaged in the slander of an approved Catholic movement with your erroneous interpretation of scriptures. **
I only mentioned about Fr Cantalemassa (hopefully the spelling is correct), the preacher of the Papal HOusehold. And yes, his fidelity is questionable. I have every right to say that.You slandered many good Catholics, as well as the many Bishops and Priests (Bishop Sam Jacobs, Fr Robert DeGrandis, Fr Benedict Groeschel, etc., as well as the preacher to the Papal household).
What truth?I do call you to order, and I will not resort to name calling, but if the truth hurts that is not my fault.
\Provide me with your interpretation of 1Cor 14:27-28. Let’s see if it fits.Many of your posts are your own interpretation of scripture and trash.
As I always said, Popes had approved SSPX and heretics (Zosimus controversy). Aproval from a Pope is neither authoritative nor infallible.The Pope has approved the Charismatic movement with all its Characteristics.
Someone who read his Bible and know the Catholic faith.Who are you to say you know more than the Pope?
Mysty101 said:Who are you to say you know more than the Pope?
God Bless, AnnunciataMatthew 16
17Jesus replied, "Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by man, but by my Father in heaven. 18And I tell you that you are Peter,1] and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades2] will not overcome it.3] 19I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be4] bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be5**] loosed in heaven." **
Thank you for keeping us in your prayers.One of the problems I see is that we come in and try to defend the work of the Holy Spirit. Some say its wrong,others say it is right.The reality is that God is in control. I believe that God reveals certain truths to His children when He sees they are ready to recieve it. I have no problem with people disagreeing,its the tone and arrogance in the way it is said. Thats what I mean whenwe are not speaking in Love. Its message is lost and has no value.I hope you see my point.We can agree to disagree but it has to be in love. God Bless.I pray for you, I pray for all of us. Everyone deserves our respect Word. Not only those who share our points of view. The fact we are part of CA indicates we all love God and we all try to do our best to serve him. I do not know if there is a family on this Earth that agrees on everything at all times. Of course not everyone is right, because there is only one truth. Any variation to truth is untruth. But aside from that, I cannot dislike any one of my brothers or sisters in Christ. I may disagree with their point of view, but always, always I wish the very best for each and every one of them. I will argue and defend what I believe is right, but I would not intentionally cause any personal hurt or injury to anyone. I wish people were able to debate issues rather than attack one another. It weakens their ‘cause’ and shows up how needy their cause really is. God bless.
Mt 16:23Mysty,
I guess this pretty much sums it up!
God Bless, Annunciata![]()
SPOKENWORD said:Thank you for keeping us in your prayers.One of the problems I see is that we come in and try to defend the work of the Holy Spirit. Some say its wrong,others say it is right.The reality is that God is in control. I believe that God reveals certain truths to His children when He sees they are ready to recieve it. I have no problem with people disagreeing,its the tone and arrogance in the way it is said. Thats what I mean whenwe are not speaking in Love. Its message is lost and has no value.I hope you see my point.We can agree to disagree but it has to be in love. God Bless.![]()
Tru, I pray that only we will do our best. My prayer even before I come on this site, is to ask the Lord that I may speak words of kindness and gentleness.That I may respond with His Spirit which lives in me. I pray that if I cannot speak in love that my lips will be sealed.We are one body in Christ Jesus. We are united in Jesus Christ. Let us give Glory to Jesus Christ and not bring tears to His eyes. God Bless you.Dear Word,
I would love to see if you were able to apply all this in each and every one of your posts from this day forward. I applaud your great resolve and I fully encourage your trying.
Dear Mysty,Mysty101 said:Beng and Tru,
I am sincerely sorry for engaging in this childish behavior. Jesus did say
I most sincerely applaud the acknowledgement of one’s past mistakes; it takes courage and humility to do that.
****You engaged in the slander of an approved Catholic movement with your erroneous interpretation of scriptures. **
I respectfully disagree with this interpretation. We are not bound to follow any movement or any apparition not endorsed trough the right channels. Please read up on Catholic Dogma and on Canon Law. Please read up on what we are bound to follow without question and without discernment, (because it has been discerned for us by the Magisterium) The Catholic Charismatic Renewal in not such an entity and I am sad to say, clergy endorsing it are endorsing it as individuals and are giving their private interpretation and no Catholic is bound to follow their lead in THIS MATTER or take anything they say regarding this matter as Catholic truth.
Anything outside infallible teaching coming from the Holy See we are able to and are encouraged to discern and to scrutinize.
Who are you to say you know more than the Pope?
This question once again is immature and argumentative and has no logical ground. The Pope has never made an infallible prouncement regarding the renewal. Please understand for what the renewal is. It is a lay initiated movement operating inside the Church but it is NOT, I repeat it is NOT the Church. God bless.
My rejection of your interpretation is backed by the Pope’s approval of the movement, and many Bishops and priests.This question once again is immature and argumentative and has no logical ground. The Pope has never made an infallible prouncement regarding the renewal. Please understand for what the renewal is. It is a lay initiated movement operating inside the Church but it is NOT, I repeat it is NOT the Church. God bless.