Just to clarify your thinking brother Beng I am [CNI ]in a Christian non institutional Church at this moment in my life.Are we your persecutor? How charitable are you? Would you mind giving me substantial argument in defend of:
I am here to tell you the errors of your way. But if you could project yourselves as the persecuted early Christian than would you mind if I project myself as Isaiah the Phrophet? Like Isaiah I’ve been telling you to turn from your errors but you do not listen.
- Tongues in front of believer without interpreter?
- Baptism by spirit as believed by Charismatics?
Really, would you mind using your reasoning that somehow what I said might be true? Even the obvious contradiction between the charismatic practice of tongue and 1Cor 14:27-28.
Oh, and having endorsement, even a strong one, from the Pope does not mean that the practice is erroneous. In the famous episode where St Augustine’s said the infamous [Roma locuta est] causa finita est, Pope Zosimus was deceived and endorsed strongly two heretics Pelagius and Celestius.
So please, use your God given reason, the one we use to know God.
SPOKENWORD, I think, is not a Catholic. He was a Catholic for 34 years and then become a non-denomational. Does this tell you something?