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Are we your persecutor? How charitable are you? Would you mind giving me substantial argument in defend of:
  1. Tongues in front of believer without interpreter?
  2. Baptism by spirit as believed by Charismatics?
I am here to tell you the errors of your way. But if you could project yourselves as the persecuted early Christian than would you mind if I project myself as Isaiah the Phrophet? Like Isaiah I’ve been telling you to turn from your errors but you do not listen.

Really, would you mind using your reasoning that somehow what I said might be true? Even the obvious contradiction between the charismatic practice of tongue and 1Cor 14:27-28.

Oh, and having endorsement, even a strong one, from the Pope does not mean that the practice is erroneous. In the famous episode where St Augustine’s said the infamous [Roma locuta est] causa finita est, Pope Zosimus was deceived and endorsed strongly two heretics Pelagius and Celestius.

So please, use your God given reason, the one we use to know God.

SPOKENWORD, I think, is not a Catholic. He was a Catholic for 34 years and then become a non-denomational. Does this tell you something?
Just to clarify your thinking brother Beng I am [CNI ]in a Christian non institutional Church at this moment in my life. :confused:
Hi All,

“Beng” -PS
SPOKENWORD, I think, is not a Catholic. He was a Catholic for 34 years and then become a non-denomational. Does this tell you something?

Sadly yes it does, but for the grace of God in all that you were given instead of humility that you exist at all in a condition you deem greater then another without charity or heart you choose it
necessary to use it as a weapon to achieve credibility in your
statements. You couldn’t be more wrong Beng…you apparently do not think at all, least not with the mind of Christ.

Isaiah’s main point was directed to his country’s affairs…his mission was to proclaim the fall of Israel and of Judah, the punishment of a “nations” infidelity with regard to treaties and war.
Isaiah tried in vain to discourage a policy so based on human expediency; as the pledge of God’s intentions he foretold the mysterious birth of Immanuel and made the first of his messianic prophecies…Under Hezekiah, a devout man bent on reform there was a resumption of political intrique, Isaiah true to his principles
pleaded for trust in God, not military alliance…during this time
just before and after the fall of Samaria, Isaiah delivered most of the oracles and also the oracles against the nations…the king
of Judah resolved to defend Jerusalem, Isaiah supported his decision, assuring him of God’s help, and the captial was in fact saved. There is nothing known of Isaiah’s career after 700, and according to Jewish tradition he was martyred under Manasseh.

Isaiah’s vision was a revelation of the transcendence of God and the unworthiness of man, his monotheism has a note of exultation in it but also of awe - God is the Holy, the Strong, the Mighty One, the King…Man is a creature defiled by sin for which God demands reparation - God insists on justice between men and sincerity in divine worship - God looks for faithfulness and Isaiah is the prophet of faith, in times of crisis all he prescribes is trust in God and in no one else, by this alone will salvation be won.

No Beng…I find it difficult to allow you to compare yourself to Isaiah…because he trusted only in God and you trust only that
you are right while all other faithful, regardless of their integrity or religion are wrong. There is an error, but it does not lie with these
others, they follow their Lord while you follow your limits.

And by the way…one doesn’t know God by reason Beng, everything He has ever done or will ever do is so far beyond man’s reason and so far beyond man’s understanding man can do no less then bow in his ignorance and ask the Holy Spirit to enlighten not his mind, but his spirit in the ways of the Lord…which do you fear more enlightenment or the charismatics or is it both because one leads to the other.

God bless,
Hi All,

“Beng” -PS
SPOKENWORD, I think, is not a Catholic. He was a Catholic for 34 years and then become a non-denomational. Does this tell you something?

Sadly yes it does, but for the grace of God in all that you were given instead of humility that you exist at all in a condition you deem greater then another without charity or heart you choose it
necessary to use it as a weapon to achieve credibility in your
statements. You couldn’t be more wrong Beng…you apparently do not think at all, least not with the mind of Christ.

No Beng…I find it difficult to allow you to compare yourself to Isaiah…because he trusted only in God and you trust only that
you are right while all other faithful, regardless of their integrity or religion are wrong. There is an error, but it does not lie with these
others, they follow their Lord while you follow your limits…

And by the way…one doesn’t know God by reason Beng, everything He has ever done or will ever do is so far beyond man’s reason and so far beyond man’s understanding man can do no less then bow in his ignorance and ask the Holy Spirit to enlighten not his mind, but his spirit in the ways of the Lord…which do you fear more enlightenment or the charismatics or is it both because one leads to the other.

God bless,
Well said Elain! I couldn’t agree with you more!
God Bless You
Hi All,

“Beng” -PS
SPOKENWORD, I think, is not a Catholic. He was a Catholic for 34 years and then become a non-denomational. Does this tell you something?

Sadly yes it does, but for the grace of God in all that you were given instead of humility that you exist at all in a condition you deem greater then another without charity or heart you choose it
necessary to use it as a weapon to achieve credibility in your
statements. You couldn’t be more wrong Beng…you apparently do not think at all, least not with the mind of Christ.

Isaiah’s main point was directed to his country’s affairs…his mission was to proclaim the fall of Israel and of Judah, the punishment of a “nations” infidelity with regard to treaties and war.
Isaiah tried in vain to discourage a policy so based on human expediency; as the pledge of God’s intentions he foretold the mysterious birth of Immanuel and made the first of his messianic prophecies…Under Hezekiah, a devout man bent on reform there was a resumption of political intrique, Isaiah true to his principles
pleaded for trust in God, not military alliance…during this time
just before and after the fall of Samaria, Isaiah delivered most of the oracles and also the oracles against the nations…the king
of Judah resolved to defend Jerusalem, Isaiah supported his decision, assuring him of God’s help, and the captial was in fact saved. There is nothing known of Isaiah’s career after 700, and according to Jewish tradition he was martyred under Manasseh.

Isaiah’s vision was a revelation of the transcendence of God and the unworthiness of man, his monotheism has a note of exultation in it but also of awe - God is the Holy, the Strong, the Mighty One, the King…Man is a creature defiled by sin for which God demands reparation - God insists on justice between men and sincerity in divine worship - God looks for faithfulness and Isaiah is the prophet of faith, in times of crisis all he prescribes is trust in God and in no one else, by this alone will salvation be won.

No Beng…I find it difficult to allow you to compare yourself to Isaiah…because he trusted only in God and you trust only that
you are right while all other faithful, regardless of their integrity or religion are wrong. There is an error, but it does not lie with these
others, they follow their Lord while you follow your limits.

And by the way…one doesn’t know God by reason Beng, everything He has ever done or will ever do is so far beyond man’s reason and so far beyond man’s understanding man can do no less then bow in his ignorance and ask the Holy Spirit to enlighten not his mind, but his spirit in the ways of the Lord…which do you fear more enlightenment or the charismatics or is it both because one leads to the other.

God bless,
They will know we are Christians by our Love. Without Love in Gods eyes its meaningless. Thanks Elaine for walking and talking by Gods Spirit. May God Bless you. 😉
They will know we are Christians by our Love. Without Love in Gods eyes its meaningless. Thanks Elaine for walking and talking by Gods Spirit. May God Bless you. 😉
You have a very sweet Spirit and I know you only desire to show God’s love and to defend the move of the Holy Spirit. This is wonderful and Godly. However, we should also use good judgement and avoid idle talk and vain arguments. We are to use Wisdom when dealing with folks who refuse to see the Truth.

Jesus passed the GIFT of TRUTH on to the Church by the Holy Spirit, not through some of the folks posting on these boards. That gift has been passed on to us through the Holy Father, Bishops and Cardinals as well as our Priests. It has not been passed on to us through individuals in these threads who reject what the above ministers of Holy Mother Church has said. Some of these people say that our Holy Father has been acting as a parrot to others.

I recommend you refrain from being sucked in to idle talk and vain arguments. Instead, put these folks on your prayer list and pray for them. If they do not accept the Truth, as given by the Lord, Holy Scripture and Holy Mother Church, and of course, you, then you must “shake the dust off your feet” and move on.

That is just my opinion. You can accept it or toss it off.
You have a very sweet Spirit and I know you only desire to show God’s love and to defend the move of the Holy Spirit. This is wonderful and Godly. However, we should also use good judgement and avoid idle talk and vain arguments. We are to use Wisdom when dealing with folks who refuse to see the Truth.

Jesus passed the GIFT of TRUTH on to the Church by the Holy Spirit, not through some of the folks posting on these boards. That gift has been passed on to us through the Holy Father, Bishops and Cardinals as well as our Priests. It has not been passed on to us through individuals in these threads who reject what the above ministers of Holy Mother Church has said. Some of these people say that our Holy Father has been acting as a parrot to others.

I recommend you refrain from being sucked in to idle talk and vain arguments. Instead, put these folks on your prayer list and pray for them. If they do not accept the Truth, as given by the Lord, Holy Scripture and Holy Mother Church, and of course, you, then you must “shake the dust off your feet” and move on.

That is just my opinion. You can accept it or toss it off.
Thanks Robertaf, I agree ,very Godly wisdom. I know I should not be debating anyone. All it does is call strife among our brothers. Please pray for me that I will stop. I love speaking to my bretheren and sharing Gods love. Im trying to be helpful, but I can see that is not always the case. Personally I think if this site had a forum where no debate was allowed I would only stay in that forum. It would be great!! God Bless you and thanks for your (name removed by moderator)ut. 😉
Please try not to quote all of Beng’s trash.

When you quote a post, you can erase all but the part you wish to answer. I’d hate to feel the need to add you to the ignore list because you quote posts which I’d rather not see.
You know what, if I project myself to you, here is what I would say:

“Mysty101, you’re saying that my posts is trash? Where is your charity that you as a Chrismatics should have? I’ll pray the sorrowful mystery for you”
Hi All,

“Beng” -PS
SPOKENWORD, I think, is not a Catholic. He was a Catholic for 34 years and then become a non-denomational. Does this tell you something?

Sadly yes it does, but for the grace of God in all that you were given instead of humility that you exist at all in a condition you deem greater then another without charity or heart you choose it
necessary to use it as a weapon to achieve credibility in your
statements. You couldn’t be more wrong Beng…you apparently do not think at all, least not with the mind of Christ.
What are you saying exactly with all the verbose above?

I say that to show that SPOKENWORD is NOT a Catholic after 34 years of being a Catholic. He’s now some non-denominational.

Please be more concise.
No Beng…I find it difficult to allow you to compare yourself to Isaiah…because he trusted only in God and you trust only that
you are right while all other faithful, regardless of their integrity or religion are wrong. There is an error, but it does not lie with these
others, they follow their Lord while you follow your limits.
Elainevw, please tell me where am I wrong if I tell the charismatics to not do tongues in front of congregation if there’s no valid interpreter? And, if I’m in error what does 1Cor 14:27-28 is saying?
And by the way…one doesn’t know God by reason Beng, everything He has ever done or will ever do is so far beyond man’s reason and so far beyond man’s understanding man can do no less then bow in his ignorance and ask the Holy Spirit to enlighten not his mind, but his spirit in the ways of the Lord…
It’s infallible than man can know God by reason. I’d prefer if you search for this yourselves. If you still don’t believe it than I could give you CCC etc
.which do you fear more enlightenment or the charismatics or is it both because one leads to the other.
I fear that charismaticism is leading people away from God through the spirit of disobedience.

Btw, please don’t be too verbose next time. It’s hard to understand your point.
I recommend you refrain from being sucked in to idle talk and vain arguments. Instead, put these folks on your prayer list and pray for them. If they do not accept the Truth, as given by the Lord, Holy Scripture and Holy Mother Church, and of course, you, then you must “shake the dust off your feet” and move on.
If I understand my Baltimore Catechism, a non Catholic (SPOKENWORD is not a Catholic) prayer for anything OTHER than his conversion to Catholic Chruch, the prayer will not be answered.

This is because God would want to give the person what is the most important to him/her first.
Mysty101 said:
Please try not to quote all of Beng’s trash.

When you quote a post, you can erase all but the part you wish to answer. I’d hate to feel the need to add you to the ignore list because you quote posts which I’d rather not see.

This post is simply offensive. I hope the Moderators are keeping an eye on this type of conduct. This simply does not belong on a Catholic Forum.
… Personally I think if this site had a forum where no debate was allowed I would only stay in that forum. It would be great!! God Bless you and thanks for your (name removed by moderator)ut. 😉
We do have such a forum. It is called **Catholic Charismatic Spiritual Talk and Sharing. **
Debate is not permitted there, although a few have tried. I promise to do all possible to keep it the way it was intended.
You are very welcome there.
We do have such a forum. It is called **Catholic Charismatic Spiritual Talk and Sharing. **
Debate is not permitted there, although a few have tried. I promise to do all possible to keep it the way it was intended.
You are very welcome there.
Curious. Isn’t that the attitude of a Cult? Just like JW who don’t let their follower read other book or to run where a guy know his faith. I know a guy who actually CHASE a JW to show them their error while they’re running away.
Beng, I missed that. Where did she tell me to say in the orthodox thread?
Beng, I missed that. Where did she tell me to say in the orthodox thread?
Either she deleted it, she asked moderator to deleted it or a moderator deleted it.

Isn’t that most telling?
Beng & Tru. Jesus wants to know how long will you continue to tear up His body?.If you continue this battle without walking and talking in His love it will mean exactly ZERO to the Lord. Its your choice.Its time you put religious pride to rest. 😦
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