
Hi!Maybe someone here can help me out. I recently reviewed these forums ( and elsewhere) for information on the Charismatic Movement, along with “speaking (or praying) in tounges”.
In all of these forums I see the speaking/praying in tongues discussed but I can’t find any instance of someone, who has this gift, describing the sensation or the personal experience from within.
Things I’d like to know are:
When one is prayiong tongues is one aware of the sounds/words one is expressing?
Do the sounds being made make sense to the individual making them? In other words is there self-translating?
Does one feel completey overtaken, or is it more of a feeling of a changed mood?
The only experience I have of listening to someone speaking in tongues is from a radio broadcast where (I think) Ken Copeland and some other Pentecostal is having a “conversation” in which they appear to be communicating and understanding one another. There is a lot of laughter between them as if they are telling each other jokes in another language. I must admit here that I founf that particular experience to be artificial. It seemed totally non-sensical and disturbing.
I’d welcome any (name removed by moderator)ut that could give me a greater understanding of this.
Any (name removed by moderator)ut would be greatly appreciated.

When I pray in tongues I don’t feel “overtaken”. It’s just something I can do. I start speaking and it just comes out. No effort is required, but for me effort is required in trying not to control it. I have no idea what I’m saying because it’s the holy Spirit praying through me. I felt the Lord tell me one day that I was given the gift because I find it difficult to find the words to praise Him. He puts it into words for me. I don’t need to know what it means. God does.
I’ve never heard of anyone having a conversation in tongues. Tongues is for prayer, not for conversation or demonstration. I’d be wary of anyone publically putting on a show.
In Christ,