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Maybe someone here can help me out. I recently reviewed these forums ( and elsewhere) for information on the Charismatic Movement, along with “speaking (or praying) in tounges”.

In all of these forums I see the speaking/praying in tongues discussed but I can’t find any instance of someone, who has this gift, describing the sensation or the personal experience from within.

Things I’d like to know are:
When one is prayiong tongues is one aware of the sounds/words one is expressing?
Do the sounds being made make sense to the individual making them? In other words is there self-translating?
Does one feel completey overtaken, or is it more of a feeling of a changed mood?

The only experience I have of listening to someone speaking in tongues is from a radio broadcast where (I think) Ken Copeland and some other Pentecostal is having a “conversation” in which they appear to be communicating and understanding one another. There is a lot of laughter between them as if they are telling each other jokes in another language. I must admit here that I founf that particular experience to be artificial. It seemed totally non-sensical and disturbing.

I’d welcome any (name removed by moderator)ut that could give me a greater understanding of this.
Any (name removed by moderator)ut would be greatly appreciated.
Hi! 👋

When I pray in tongues I don’t feel “overtaken”. It’s just something I can do. I start speaking and it just comes out. No effort is required, but for me effort is required in trying not to control it. I have no idea what I’m saying because it’s the holy Spirit praying through me. I felt the Lord tell me one day that I was given the gift because I find it difficult to find the words to praise Him. He puts it into words for me. I don’t need to know what it means. God does.

I’ve never heard of anyone having a conversation in tongues. Tongues is for prayer, not for conversation or demonstration. I’d be wary of anyone publically putting on a show.

In Christ,
Nancy 🙂
I do know about the others, but when I was instructed at my first Life in the Spirit Seminar, I just opened my mouth and started to babble. (I did what I was told to do)
I’m sorry this happened to you at a Life in the Spirit seminar. I’ve heard that at some the focus is totally on tongues. If it’s truly a gift it can’t be taught.

My experience was totally different. Tongues was mentioned a few times but only in the context of talkng about the gifts of the Spirit or during some witness talks. No one encouraged or recommended it. I wish you could come to the semimar at my parish!!! The focus is totally upon deepening one’s relationship with Christ through the holy Spirit.

In Christ,
Nancy 🙂
Although his hearers prayed and sang with various utterances after Holy Communion, he simply watched and listened with fatherly attention. His was the example and authoritative “word of knowledge and of wisdom.”
Did the Pope ever—then or at any other time- say anything that would indicate he disproved of the praise/prayer tongue? He has given many supportive homilies, and he does know about praise/prayer tongues—the preacher to his household uses them.

I have quoted many articles by priests who do use prayer tongues. If you don’t like it, fine, but stop harassing me about the charisteristics of an approved movement of the Catholic Church

Please, I don’t desire to come across as being a person of no faith. I pray for help with these issues. I go to confession regularily, sometimes weekly and confess the problem I have with my Faith. I often say the Rosary. I am not writing this post to advocate nonbelief. I struggle and am in a constant search. However I’d be lying of i stated that these so called miracles being so controversal, so disputable, so unprovable and so seeming pointless didn’t trouble me. I know I should believe purely on Faith. But I can’t seem to stop myself from reachig for these evidences, these proofs.

It’s distressing and troubling. Either the people in these forums are of much greater Faith then I, or they are more reluctant to express thier doubts when they have them. I am not sure which. I can only keep hoping for more Faith. But I think I am going to die searching.

Okay, I’ve said enough. I hope I didn’t offend.
Even the apostles prayed for an increase in faith. Correct me if I’m wrong but it almost sounds like you are expecting certain feelings to accompany your faith. I fell into that trap until I received the gift of tongues. No feelings accompanied it showing me that the holy Spirit isn’t about feelings. Neither is faith.

In Christ
Nancy 🙂
Beng, I had edited one of my posts after you responded, so you never saw the last statement
And I definitely agree with you in regards to speaking in tongues, but a prayer/praise tongue is different, even if it is referred to as speaking, it is not a teaching tongue, and therefore does not need interpretation.
Even the apostles prayed for an increase in faith. Correct me if I’m wrong but it almost sounds like you are expecting certain feelings to accompany your faith. I fell into that trap until I received the gift of tongues. No feelings accompanied it showing me that the holy Spirit isn’t about feelings. Neither is faith.

In Christ
Nancy 🙂
Hi Nancy,

Nice to see a friendly face

It’s sounding like those who criticize tongues had a bad experience. I’m not sure that judging the entire practice of praying in tongues as bad because of one’s personally bad experience is necessarily the best way to go.

In Christ,
Nancy 🙂
Beng-- Did the Pope ever—then or at any other time- say anything that would indicate he disproved of the praise/prayer tongue? He has given many supportive homilies, and he does know about praise/prayer tongues—the preacher to his household uses them.
Unfortunately our current Pope is not stern enough. Nevertheless endorsement by Pope,as I have said, doesn’t mean that it’s God approved. In fact it seems that the current practice of Charismaticism is in opposition with the word of God.
I have quoted many articles by priests who do use prayer tongues.
In Mass? Prest can not use ANY prayer outside the Rubric of Mass. No tongue.
If you don’t like it, fine, but stop harassing me about the charisteristics of an approved movement of the Catholic Church

Who harass you?

I only attack any abuse and anything that is contrary to the Catholic faith and also the word of God. Current Charismaticism is one of them.

Me and many people thinks that it’s just a protestant wannabes within Catholicism. They’re stuck with Catholicism but they want the emotional outburst like that of Protestantism to feel good, to have that warm fuzzy feeling. Those are not faith.
It’s sounding like those who criticize tongues had a bad experience. I’m not sure that judging the entire practice of praying in tongues as bad because of one’s personally bad experience is necessarily the best way to go.

In Christ,
Nancy 🙂
Are you saying that St PAul had had bad experienced with tongues? He was the one who wrote 1 Cor 14:27-28.
Beng, I had edited one of my posts after you responded, so you never saw the last statement
And I definitely agree with you in regards to speaking in tongues, but a prayer/praise tongue is different, even if it is referred to as speaking, it is not a teaching tongue, and therefore does not need interpretation.
Any tongue, whether it’s prayer or speaking, that is done in front of the faithful without valid interpreter comes from the spirit of disobedience.

St Pauls does not make any distinction on 1 Cor 14:27-28.

I am trying to learn to get to where you and others are at in your Faith. So I sometimes intercept threads and try to get to the bottom of issues. I’m learning to keep my mouth shut and spend more time talking to the Holy Spirit and requesting His help. Seems Love and Faith is something that should come without controversy. The fact that Christians are in dispute over matters goes a long way in inhibiting my Faith (speaking mostly of Protestant vs. Catholic here). Wouldn’t we think that an almighty God would somehow intervene and put and end to it all? If all Christians were on the same page, it would go a LONG way in strengthening our Faith and Alleviating
Remember God only permits and evil to draw a greater good. Maybe getting some of this stuff out here in the open will cause many to take a second look at the Holy Spirit and how he works…especially in the Charismatic Renewal. You’re right to take it a little slower…at God’s Pace… everything in its time…Just Trust. I am a former Protestant and it took me many years to get to where I’m at to this day…and I fear I have so very much more to go. You are on the right track…just let go and let God… Bless you and I will put you on my prayer list. Annunciata:)
The only proper way to unity for Protestant is that they convert to Catholicism. For Orthodox is to submit to the Roman pontiff.
The only proper way to unity for Protestant is that they convert to Catholicism. For Orthodox is to submit to the Roman pontiff.
The only proper way to unity is to walk in Gods Love. 👍
Originally Posted by Catholic4aReasn
*It’s sounding like those who criticize tongues had a bad experience. I’m not sure that judging the entire practice of praying in tongues as bad because of one’s personally bad experience is necessarily the best way to go.

In Christ,
Nancy :)*
Are you saying that St PAul had had bad experienced with tongues? He was the one who wrote 1 Cor 14:27-28.
Nope. I’m referring specifically to those on this board.

In Christ,
Nancy 🙂
The only proper way to unity is to walk in Gods Love. 👍
Does that mean that the Catholic doctrines must be combine with Protestantism and Orthodox?

What is it with Charismatic with sugar coated, warmfuzzy feeling language?
Does that mean that the Catholic doctrines must be combine with Protestantism and Orthodox?

What is it with Charismatic with sugar coated, warmfuzzy feeling language?
You may have missed my post that addressed this issue. While feelings may accompany faith or an outpouring/rekindling of the holy Spirit it’s not necessarily so. I was completely void of emotion when I received the gift of tongues and feel no particular emotions when I pray that way. It’s not about feelings at all actually but I think many fall into that trap.

In Christ,
Nancy 🙂
Does that mean that the Catholic doctrines must be combine with Protestantism and Orthodox?

What is it with Charismatic with sugar coated, warmfuzzy feeling language?
Beng, Have you thought about seeking an exorcist ? 😃 I love you beng. 😉
You may have missed my post that addressed this issue. While feelings may accompany faith or an outpouring/rekindling of the holy Spirit it’s not necessarily so. I was completely void of emotion when I received the gift of tongues and feel no particular emotions when I pray that way. It’s not about feelings at all actually but I think many fall into that trap.

In Christ,
Nancy 🙂
Did you speak tongue without interpretation amongst believer?
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