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Did you speak tongue without interpretation amongst believer?
Nope. I pray in tongues during my private prayer time.

In Christ,
Nancy šŸ™‚
AH, you see what happens when I tell you I love you. You get that warm fuzzy feeling. šŸ˜ƒ
I donā€™t base my faith on warm fuzzy feeling
I donā€™t base my faith on warm fuzzy feeling
Beng. I ran out of tongues for the day. God Bless you in your search for Gods Truth šŸ˜‰
Will everyone please stop replying to Beng, so we can continue our discussions

Will everyone please stop replying to Beng, so we can continue our discussions

I will reply to every charismatic related topic tho.
Since this thread has been reduced to meaningless babble, I bid you people goodbye. Some of you should be truly ashamed of your conduct. As I do not hang out with the rude and the unintelligent in real life, I do not see why would I want to do that here? If your purpose was to choke this thread with your absurdities, you have succeeded. It would serve some of you well if you prayed for the gift of humility, with humility you may get a dose of wisdom too. I wish you all the very best and May God bless you with his peace and love.
Man. Why are you reversing the word of God?

Where is this benefit of speaking in tongue when you do not edify the Church since thereā€™s no interpretation? And Paul clearly said how he rather speak 5 understandable words than thousands of useless tongue.

You argument is like how Protestant want to avoid James 2:24.
It would be far more productive if you would take my words in context, not only with all the words I wrote, but also with the rest of the discussion.

I clearly stated that one should not speak in tongues in public if there is no one to interpret.

But, since you donā€™t want to actually read what I say and instead accuse me of corrupting the Word of God, I will restate:

Speaking in tongues with no interpretation: Personally edifying, but not edifying for the Body. Should not be used publicly unless there is someone to interpret.

Speaking in tongues with an interpretation: Personally and corporately edifying.
Since this thread has been reduced to meaningless babble, I bid you people goodbye. Some of you should be truly ashamed of your conduct. As I do not hang out with the rude and the unintelligent in real life, I do not see why would I want to do that here? If your purpose was to choke this thread with your absurdities, you have succeeded. It would serve some of you well if you prayed for the gift of humility, with humility you may get a dose of wisdom too. I wish you all the very best and May God bless you with his peace and love.
Iā€™m not ashame of myself.

Give me a reason why.
It would be far more productive if you would take my words in context, not only with all the words I wrote, but also with the rest of the discussion.

I clearly stated that one should not speak in tongues in public if there is no one to interpret.

But, since you donā€™t want to actually read what I say and instead accuse me of corrupting the Word of God, I will restate:

Speaking in tongues with no interpretation: Personally edifying, but not edifying for the Body. Should not be used publicly unless there is someone to interpret.

Speaking in tongues with an interpretation: Personally and corporately edifying.
Your word:

The very fact that Paul instructs the Corinthians to not get up and speak in tongues to all assembled unless there is an interpretation demonstrates that it is possible to have a legitimate occurence of this gift without an interpretation.

Thereā€™s no legitimacy in speaking tongue amongst believer without interpretation.
Since this thread has been reduced to meaningless babble, I bid you people goodbye. Some of you should be truly ashamed of your conduct. As I do not hang out with the rude and the unintelligent in real life, I do not see why would I want to do that here? If your purpose was to choke this thread with your absurdities, you have succeeded. It would serve some of you well if you prayed for the gift of humility, with humility you may get a dose of wisdom too. I wish you all the very best and May God bless you with his peace and love.
May you experience the Peace that only He can give,

Hope in all you do,

All the Joy your heart can hold,

And Loveā€”human & divine flowing to and through you.

Love & Prayers,

Speaking in tongues with no interpretation: Personally edifying, but not edifying for the Body. Should not be used publicly unless there is someone to interpret.

Speaking in tongues with an interpretation: Personally and corporately edifying.
Please understand that the Charasmatic gifts are not only the gifts of the Spirit as described in Corinthians, which are far more supernatural.

There are simpler gifts Simple prophesy, Healing prayer other than miraculous cures, and a praise/prayer tongue, which is praise and prayer, can be done alone, but is usually more beneficial if done in a group and DOES NOT REQUIRE INTERPRETATION,

This is an accepted charisteristic of the Charismatic movement.

Remember God only permits and evil to draw a greater good. Maybe getting some of this stuff out here in the open will cause many to take a second look at the Holy Spirit and how he worksā€¦especially in the Charismatic Renewal. Youā€™re right to take it a little slowerā€¦at Godā€™s Paceā€¦ everything in its timeā€¦Just Trust. I am a former Protestant and it took me many years to get to where Iā€™m at to this dayā€¦and I fear I have so very much more to go. You are on the right trackā€¦just let go and let Godā€¦ Bless you and I will put you on my prayer list. Annunciata:)
Much appreciated and Bless you as well.
Hi Sue, All,

I agree Sue about the prayer/praise tongue, as a matter of fact I was just thinking about this the other day before I came to this thread. I was at mass and the person in charge of the music this Sunday must have only recently discovered the Latin hymns cause everyone played was such. Since Iā€™m an oldie but hopefully a goodie, didnā€™t make a never mind to me, not to mention that still
my four years of Latin pays off on occasion, this being one of them. The thought I had is how many of the younger congregation knew of what they were saying, and tho the words were pronounced you could hear the hesitancy in their voices, but they were singing Godā€™s praise, so they sung with all their hearts.

Praising God in tongues isnā€™t much different, we as simple people
allow the Holy Spirit to bring a flow of angelic like sounds from our depth, and the really amazing thing is that it isnā€™t orchestrated, itā€™s variations would suggest choppy, disordered sound alone, but it isnā€™t. Itā€™s peaceful and sounds as tho someone had notes they were following. Hard to do if youā€™re planning to do so in the midst of a group ā€œwithoutā€ music to follow. Much like for many singing in Latin is just as unknown as singing in tongues, they follow the others in pronunciation and melody. The ā€œdifferenceā€ is that each in tongues are singing their personal praise to God, and somehow in the magnificence of His Spirit the Lord takes each sound and blends it together that no music written could ever compare with.

Only God can create unity out of what seems like disconnected sounds or words and to me this is what tongues of this nature are.
The ability to become one in a moment of praise as people, children of God, and God in receiving, brings a sound that emulates the very heartbeats of the souls of the faithful. This may be disturbing to some because there is no particular understanding, yet if one isnā€™t familiar with Latin, that as well can be babble to many ears, but manyof us know that this is not true because we understand or are at least familiar with some of the interprutations of the Latin hymns. Hard to explain to some, that just maybe words, as we know them cannot express the words of oneā€™s heart But when elevated by His Holy Spirit in simple and divine praiseā€¦words that flow from the being and not just from the human being, theyā€™re meaning just may be what God sees that man missesā€¦God knows the hearts of men, imagine God hearing the sounds as well from these hearts and understanding their wordsā€¦even if we donā€™t! Who is man that he can suggest what comes ā€œbefore the Lordā€ in the form of praise or prayer, just cause they donā€™t understand, doesnā€™t mean that God, who understands absolutely everything doesnā€™t, unless of course we limit God in our own humanity, such a mistake I would think, since He is God and accepts all prayer - as well as the prayee of sincere heart.

God bless,
Hi Elaine,
The ā€œdifferenceā€ is that each in tongues are singing their personal praise to God, and somehow in the magnificence of His Spirit the Lord takes each sound and blends it together that no music written could ever compare withā€¦

ā€¦Who is man that he can suggest what comes ā€œbefore the Lordā€ in the form of praise or prayer, just cause they donā€™t understand, doesnā€™t mean that God, who understands absolutely everything doesnā€™t, unless of course we limit God in our own humanity, such a mistake I would think, since He is God and accepts all prayer - as well as the prayee of sincere heart.
That about sums it up.

Another thing to remember is that we are saying that it is an option for those who feel called to pray in this manner. Anyone who doesnā€™t wish to use this prayer method should seek the prayer most beneficial to them.

But it is very wrong to condemn the prayer method of an approved movement of the Church.

report regarding the conference
Charismatics Urged to Promote Eucharist as Bond of Unity
Pope Sends Message to Catholic Fraternity

VATICAN CITY, OCT. 31, 2004 (
).- John Paul II expressed his appreciation for the Catholic Charismatic Renewal communities and encouraged them to promote the Eucharist as a bond of unity in a troubled world.

**The Pope disclosed his hopes in a message read by Archbishop Stanislaw Rylko, president of the Pontifical Council for the Laity, at the 11th International Conference of the Catholic Fraternity of Charismatic Covenant Communities and Fellowships. **

**The four-day conference in Fiuggi, Italy, ends Monday. The meeting has brought together 1,200 delegates from 70 nations. **

Also attending the event are Cardinal Francis Arinze, prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Sacraments; Bishop Renato Boccardo, secretary of the Pontifical Council for Social Communications; Andrea Riccardi, founder of the Community of Santā€™Egidio; and Chiara Lubich, founder of the Focolare Movement.
The Holy Fatherā€™s message, signed by Cardinal Angelo Sodano, Vatican secretary of state, is addressed to Charismatic communities to express ā€œall his affectionā€ and to impart ā€œhis blessing.ā€ Does anyone think there was even the slightest possibility that there was no praying in tongues? or that the Prayer Tongues were interpreted? If anything wrong was occurring, could these high officials just let it happen?

Elaine brought up a good example when she spoke about prayer in Latin, and it reminded me of Paulā€™s words in 1 Cor. 14:14-16, "For if I pray in a tongue, my spirit prays, but my understanding is unfruitful. What, then is to be done?
  • I will pray with the spirit, but I will pray with the understanding also.
  • I will sing with the Spirit, but I will sing with the understanding also. Else, if thou givest praise with the Spirit alone, ā€”
St. Paul seems to prefer that we engage all of our faculties in prayer, whenever possible. I do not disbelieve the ability to praise the Lord in the Spirit, without the use of oneā€™s understanding, but I would think it is for those specific times when one is finding difficulty in knowing how to pray and turns it over to the Spirit to pray in him. It is also a gift for those times when one is especially desirous to praise God, but feels the inadequacy of their ability to exalt Him with great honor and praise.

However, I would not think this is something one should attempt every time he engages in prayer, thinking it is a more excellent and spiritual way to pray. I thought it might be good to mention here for the benefit of those who do not understand the gift of tongues.

Using Elaineā€™s example, we can pray in Latin, *Pater Noster, Qui est in caeli, *and our will is truly praying to God, but our *understanding *is unfruitful and does not participate in the prayer (unless we know Latin). So our faculties are divided by not being fully and entirely engaged in all their essense - body, mind and spirit.

St. Teresa alluded to this in some of her writings, though she was not speaking about tongues, but certain forms of contemplative prayer. She said it greatly wearied her when all of her faculties were unable to enter into prayer, and one of them was left void.

I was uniting with a friend for the past several days in praying a novena we determined was appropriate for the election, and for some reason, I was unable to put all of myself into the prayer. My will prayed, and my heart, but my mind just could not enter into the prayer. For this reason, I had wanted to stop praying it a few times, until the Lord reminded me that the prayer is fruitful because of the intention and captivity of the will, even though my understanding was out in left field. He heard my heart.

Hopefully, this example will be instructive and helpful to those seeking deeper understanding of this spiritual gift.

**Does anyone think there was even the slightest possibility that there was no praying in tongues? or that the Prayer Tongues were interpreted? If anything wrong was occurring, could these high officials just let it happen?

The Holy Father supports the ā€œcommunitiesā€. Thereā€™s no mention about the praying in tongues, baptism in the Holy Spirit, etc. You donā€™t hear Holy Father condemning communities unless they are in schism. He asks the communities to promote the Eucharistā€¦ If charismatic prayer session is all about adoring the Eucharist, the Holy Spirit the way I understand thatā€™s been done in the last 19 centuries, I would try to show up every time.
Using Elaineā€™s example, we can pray in Latin, *Pater Noster, Qui est in caeli, *and our will is truly praying to God, but our understanding is unfruitful and does not participate in the prayer (unless we know Latin). So our faculties are divided by not being fully and entirely engaged in all their essense - body, mind and spirit.
If I pray in Latin, even though I do not understand, but I know I can verify with others that the prayer is about praising God. If the prayer is an unknown language, thereā€™s no way to guarantee that itā€™s about praising God, or about dialogue w/ other spiritsā€¦
then I rather praise in silence, why should I put myself in the risk of not pleasing Holy Spirit?

You do well to stay with the way God leads you to pray, fully conscious of all you speak to Him, with all of your mind attentive to His presence. That cannot do any harm.

What causes concern is the offense we give to God when any of us judges the way He may lead another to pray. It is better that we bow out of things we donā€™t understand lest we risk becoming a critical spirit, thinking we need to be a ā€œsaviorā€ to any who follow a different road. It is good to trust that God will always take care of His own.
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