Trump team and United Technologies reach agreement on keeping close to 1,000 factory jobs in Carrier plant in Indiana

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$7 million in tax breaks is a lot of money that the state of Indiana will lose to save 1000 jobs.
How much money would the state get if all the jobs left? Maybe Carrier has enough jobs there so there is a net loss for the taxpayers, I don’t know. But this is a drop in the bucket compared to all the other issues out there.

I just see this as Trump getting publicity for no reason (again). The media needs to find new things to report on.
One thing I’ve often wondered about the working class voters who elected Mr. Trump on the basis of renegotiating trade deals and bringing jobs back to America is do these same voters want everything to cost a lot more as things used to (because they weren’t made in China or another country where labor costs are low)? In other words, aren’t Trump voters and value-minded Walmart shoppers the same people? Will they be disappointed if that comes to pass? I suspect it’s a case here of wanting to have one’s cake and eating it too.
So why should a US company have to resort to near slave labor to be successful and keep prices low? Id like to see their profit margins the past few years.

The only reason they ship jobs to other nations with cheap labor is so their profits can continue to skyrocket year after year, essentially, they must take advantage of a people who do not have labor laws, in short if they could find a group of people who would work for 25 cents an hour, you can bet they would give them jobs in a heartbeat, or if another country suddenly allowed for complete slavery, you can be sure US companies would partake…the ONLY concern is pumping the profits as high as possible, no matter what it takes or who gets taken advantage of.

Another thing regarding US companies having factories in Mexico that is rarely mentioned in the US, is the ‘operating fees’ they must pay to cartels and other criminal outfits when the factories are located in certain parts of Mexico, I know about this firsthand.
Interesting comment from Larry Summers:
“Former U.S. Treasury Secretary Lawrence Summers blasted Donald Trump’s deal with United Technologies Corp. to keep factory jobs in Indianapolis, labeling the president-elect’s intervention as a dangerous shift away from American capitalism. … Summers wrote in a blog post Friday. “Presidents have enormous latent power and it is the custom of restraint in its use that is one of the important differences between us and banana republics.””
Obama added $7.917 trillion to the debt, but George W. Bush added $5.849 trillion, a close runner up. And don’t forget that a lot of the debt that was added under Obama was part of the stimulus package that was needed to avoid a complete meltdown of our economy that started at the very end of Bush’s second term.
Incorrect. President Obama more than doubled the debt and gave us more than all of the other presidents combined because liberal fiscal policies fail.
Incorrect. President Obama more than doubled the debt and gave us more than all of the other presidents combined because liberal fiscal policies fail.
I hate to be the one to correct you, but your statement is not accurate…

First, we got to remove ourselves from the idea of partisan politics; the idea that one group is actually better for us than the other. The truth is that we have developed a habit of *living beyond our means *since the eighties (that I recall).

In regards to the current deficit contributed by President Obama, yes he has doubled it - something that should concern all of us. However, if you remember, he entered office with a crises on his hands - one involving the Banks! That was a problem that started during the Bush Administration:

TARP (Troubled Asset Relief Program) was initially voted down by Congress, but was than amended and finally passed by Congress and signed into law by President Bush on October 3, 2008. This allowed for an immediate spending of $350 billion and permitting Congress to petition for an additional $350 billion at a later date. Eleven days later, Paulson, Bernanke and Timothy Geithner, then the president of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York put CPP (Capital Purchase Program) in motion. Other events took place to further help your friends that added even more money to our deficit.

What worries me now - and I don’t mean to digress too far off the subject - all the “unaccounted” for money that is moving persuasions. The country is divided for many reasons. But a major contributor to that problem is money that can be channeled to groups and causes without any accountability. Example; everyone has a “foundation” - Clinton, Trump, even companies. It is not all for philanthropic reasons, money is being moved between influences that even involve other counties (among the concerns).

Therefore, I worry when I read blanketed statements *tooting the horn *of one group while criticizing the other. You have to realize that things have not been good for a very long time and each party has had the opportunity to steer the ship!
They also make great gas furnaces! I have one in my home. Not cheap either mind you. I really agonized over which furnace to buy too - let me put in a plug for Carrier - it is functional, basic - you don’t need all the bells and whistles out there.

I like this gesture - it reminds me of…well, yes, Reagan. 1100 hundred jobs and corporate welfare - let’s face it. If Hillary did it, the GOP would frown on it, Obama bailing out the car industry, etc. Good PR.

All the same, it signifies seriousness of purpose from the Trump people. Trump is sure to mis-step, hurt himself, but the left as an opponent seem to be hanging themselves with their own intellectual insolence and hysteria. The ‘safe space’ has been invaded by someone with determination and a real commitment to help the country. Pass the crayons.
I hate to be the one to correct you, but your statement is not accurate…

First, we got to remove ourselves from the idea of partisan politics; the idea that one group is actually better for us than the other. The truth is that we have developed a habit of *living beyond our means *since the eighties (that I recall).

In regards to the current deficit contributed by President Obama, yes he has doubled it - something that should concern all of us. However, if you remember, he entered office with a crises on his hands - one involving the Banks! That was a problem that started during the Bush Administration:

TARP (Troubled Asset Relief Program) was initially voted down by Congress, but was than amended and finally passed by Congress and signed into law by President Bush on October 3, 2008. This allowed for an immediate spending of $350 billion and permitting Congress to petition for an additional $350 billion at a later date. Eleven days later, Paulson, Bernanke and Timothy Geithner, then the president of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York put CPP (Capital Purchase Program) in motion. Other events took place to further help your friends that added even more money to our deficit.

What worries me now - and I don’t mean to digress too far off the subject - all the “unaccounted” for money that is moving persuasions. The country is divided for many reasons. But a major contributor to that problem is money that can be channeled to groups and causes without any accountability. Example; everyone has a “foundation” - Clinton, Trump, even companies. It is not all for philanthropic reasons, money is being moved between influences that even involve other counties (among the concerns).

Therefore, I worry when I read blanketed statements *tooting the horn *of one group while criticizing the other. You have to realize that things have not been good for a very long time and each party has had the opportunity to steer the ship!
Good post but I have to point out that there is a difference between debt and deficit. Deficits occur when there are realized expenditures that exceed revenues on hand.

Bernanke through the QE programs issued $4 Trillion worth of debt before any money was actually spent. Most of it is still sitting with the 12 member banks of the Fed. Some say the $4 Trillion can easily be cancelled but that would effectively raise interest rates, especially that of the longer-term issues. Maybe that’s what Trump plans to have Yellen do, I don’t know. But then he also wants to spend on infrastructure with tax cuts so that compounds the mystery.
Maybe for you.

For the 1000 people who do get to keep their jobs it’s a big thing.
Your, facts are wrong…it is 800 people who are avoiding layoffs, 1300 people who are employed at carrier in Indiana will be losing their jobs due to outsourcing to Mexico. I guess my perspective is just different than yours. The people who see Trumps deal as a “win” for Trump, I see Trumps deal as is if he placed a bandaid on a hemorrhage.
Maybe for you.

For the 1000 people who do get to keep their jobs it’s a big thing.
When the taxes for the 6.6 million people in Indiana are used to subsidize the jobs of 1000 people at Carrier, that’s called redistribution of wealth - a socialist concept. I guess anything is OK as long as it was Trump who did it.
When the taxes for the 6.6 million people in Indiana are used to subsidize the jobs of 1000 people at Carrier, that’s called redistribution of wealth - a socialist concept. I guess anything is OK as long as it was Trump who did it.
It’s only called “socialism” when a Democrat does it…

For the first time in about 9 years, the press is actually going to have to do its job.
What is the press’ job? Primarily to report the news, yes, but isn’t it also to serve as a foil to the present government (whatever the party) by holding it accountable, holding its feet to the fire?
What is the press’ job? Primarily to report the news, yes, but isn’t it also to serve as a foil to the present government (whatever the party) by holding it accountable, holding its feet to the fire?
It used to be this way, but since they are all owned by 6 private corporations now, they have their own agenda to push, they literally control what is news and what is not. The sheer power they have is immense, with time, they can sway public sentiment/ opinion on just about anything.
What is the press’ job? Primarily to report the news, yes, but isn’t it also to serve as a foil to the present government (whatever the party) by holding it accountable, holding its feet to the fire?
Someone has to, otherwise one-party runs the whole government, taking the corporates with them.
When the taxes for the 6.6 million people in Indiana are used to subsidize the jobs of 1000 people at Carrier, that’s called redistribution of wealth - a socialist concept. I guess anything is OK as long as it was Trump who did it.
A tax cut for one group of people does not equal a tax hike on another group of people. Only socialists who think that the govt owns all the money think that way. 😉
When the taxes for the 6.6 million people in Indiana are used to subsidize the jobs of 1000 people at Carrier, that’s called redistribution of wealth - a socialist concept. I guess anything is OK as long as it was Trump who did it.
Do you have some information about this deal that has not been publicized?
Thus far all we know is that a deal was struck and the factories are not moving.
When the taxes for the 6.6 million people in Indiana are used to subsidize the jobs of 1000 people at Carrier, that’s called redistribution of wealth - a socialist concept. I guess anything is OK as long as it was Trump who did it.
As opposed to my Indiana tax dollars subsidizing the Colts? Or the Pacers? Yeah - I’d rather it go towards those 1,000 instead.

(Not that it actually will - it doesn’t work that way, I know. But c’mon, really I don’t understand the hoopla about incentives…many corporations and definitely sports franchises have received them in the past and I’m sure more will in the future. It’s not a new thing. And keeping a thousand jobs that would have been gone, even for a short time, will mean a difference to those families and the places they do business with.)

Second - regarding voting for Trump, and supporting keeping jobs here and whether or not I’d be willing to pay more than Walmart prices - yes. In fact the majority of people I know have moved beyond looking for the lowest price and instead simply want a decent price on a decent quality item. I think originally everyone was about the “cheap” - but after having too many items not perform their basic intended function, people are becoming wiser. (Based on my non-statistical experiences in my blue collar neighborhood).
Wasn’t it back in 2009 that Obama loaned GM and Chrysler billions of taxpayer dollars to bail out those auto companies…and bail them out it did…and they paid the money back…and countless thousands of jobs in the auto industry and its affiliated companies were saved…and now those Republicans who condemned Obama for government interference are now praising President elect DT…funny how that works.
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