I hate to be the one to correct you, but your statement is not accurate…
First, we got to remove ourselves from the idea of partisan politics; the idea that one group is actually better for us than the other. The truth is that we have developed a habit of *living beyond our means *since the eighties (that I recall).
In regards to the current deficit contributed by President Obama, yes he has doubled it - something that should concern all of us. However, if you remember, he entered office with a crises on his hands - one involving the Banks! That was a problem that started during the Bush Administration:
TARP (Troubled Asset Relief Program) was initially voted down by Congress, but was than amended and finally passed by Congress and signed into law by President Bush on October 3, 2008. This allowed for an immediate spending of $350 billion and permitting Congress to petition for an additional $350 billion at a later date. Eleven days later, Paulson, Bernanke and Timothy Geithner, then the president of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York put CPP (Capital Purchase Program) in motion. Other events took place to further help your friends that added even more money to our deficit.
What worries me now - and I don’t mean to digress too far off the subject - all the “unaccounted” for money that is moving persuasions. The country is divided for many reasons. But a major contributor to that problem is money that can be channeled to groups and causes without any accountability. Example; everyone has a “foundation” - Clinton, Trump, even companies. It is not all for philanthropic reasons, money is being moved between influences that even involve other counties (among the concerns).
Therefore, I worry when I read blanketed statements *tooting the horn *of one group while criticizing the other. You have to realize that things have not been good for a very long time and each party has had the opportunity to steer the ship!