A lot of men are drawn to it? There is nothing to back this up. As part of my job, I follow pop culture and demographic trends. This sort of group-think may exist in certain social sub-cultures but aside from that theory, it doesn’t exist in real common life.
Choosing the “right” women involves a finite set of factors with a finite set of defined limits. An “us versus them” approach is never productive. Should I expect any woman I meet to produce a card with her bona fides? Sheesh. I’m getting tired of ‘let’s throw it against the wall and see if it sticks’ experiments.
In your following of trends have you not seen:
- The widespread demonisation of men and masculinity in society (and often the Church);
- The amount of legislation, money and attention which is expended on furthering women at the expense of men;
- The carnage among men of divorces which have been initiated by women;
- Marriages which started out with best intentions, only to settle into a status quo of servitude by the husband?
This is what single men, young and old see, and they realise that marriage is a roll of the dice where there is a large possibility of it destroying their life. We make “due diligence” in selecting a spouse but there are no guarentees and for a man the probability and cost of a bad outcome are too high.
So, I endorse MGTOW both as a life choice, and also a philosophy for men who are dating.
You may be correct that not a lot of men have been drawn to it
yet. Young men are stupid when it comes to “love” and are eager to be heroes, but I for one will continue to hope that many more wake up before falling into the trap of modern “marriage”.
There are also women who advocate MGTOW both from a sense of justice, or for the safety of their sons.
And, BTW, I’ve got skin in this game, with a son currently in a long term relationship. He’s not a practicing Catholic, but generally a sensible, likable and promising young man. She is a lovely girl and they have a very strong relationship, but my prognosis for their future is that they will have children, possibly marry (they’re both a bit “traditional”), and that she will eventually leave him. It’s like watching a slow train wreck.