I am sorry that you have this sort of emotional pain. Please, seek a good counselor to help you get past this. It is not normal to cry every night. Seek therapy and healing.r all their false accusations against me that I cry every nightime
As I would tell my own brother or son, this sort of number says your “picker” needs to be recalibrated. If you had 3 bad relationships, that can be marked up to chance. A person does not randomly date 20 abusive people, there is something inside that is causing them to be attracted to these abusers.I have been through with 20 women with this kind of experience.
Again, counseling and growing in Christ can help you become the sort of man who attracts women of virtue. Men and women of virtue are drawn to each other.
Make friends with Catholics.
This website will help you find your Diocese website. Search for young adult groups, I have heard that Theology on Tap is in your country, that is just one example of young adult fellowship opportunities.
Events like this one will allow you to meet other on-fire Catholics:
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