I plead guilty in the area of not being able to spell (actually I think I copied it from the post I was replying to). Can I get leniency for being an engineering major?Actually, Jesus started at Cana, a village; Canaan is a large general area corresponding to the Levant.

sigh, do I really have to do all the research my…Jesus referred to his mother as “woman”, which I find quite meaningful. She is certainly His Mother too.
Jesus called Mary “women” because she is the new Eve just as Jesus is the new Adam. Mary’s “yes” in obedience to God was contrast to Eve’s, just as Jesus’ obedience was in contrast to Adam’s disobedience (this feels familiar, it might have been in today’s Office of Readings).
Seriously, is this not enough for you?As far as I can tell, no anathema has been attached to the issue of women as priests. I’m no champion of the cause, but it seems to me that if the Pope really wanted to end all discussion on the topic once and for all, he’d declare it anathema like they did at Trent. A nice clear doctrinal statement. If that happens let me know.
Bl. JPII said “I declare” and referenced his position as Supreme Pontiff and teacher. Luke 22:32:Wherefore, in order that all doubt may be removed regarding a matter of great importance, a matter which pertains to the Church’s divine constitution itself, in virtue of my ministry of confirming the brethren (cf. Lk 22:32) I declare that the Church has no authority whatsoever to confer priestly ordination on women and that this judgment is to be definitively held by all the Church’s faithful.
The verse if referenced because that was Jesus praying for Peter that his faith may not fail, it is closely associated with the Pope’s infallibility.
A letter from the CDF (by Cardinal Ratzinger) confirmed that this teaching is infallible.
Anathema’s are not required to make a teaching official, and it actually shows a serious problem. If you won’t give assent to a teaching unless you are otherwise anathema, then it says to me that you are doing so in fear of punishment and not because you actually believe. It’s like convincing people not to sin because they’ll “go to hell”. You shouldn’t sin because you love God and you wish to follow His plan, not because you fear hell.
This pretty much convinced me:
If you only follow out of fear then you are not following, you’re being dragged along.Or what? See no anathema.
I pray that you find the courage to follow out of love and obedience, not our of fear of punishment. Because freely choosing to follow is the Freedom from the Law that St. Paul talked about. Freedom from the Law doesn’t mean freedom to do anything; it means you are free to live out the Law in your life without need for the Law. That is true Freedom, living in accord with God’s will as He has revealed through the Church for the love of God (and His Bride) alone.
Admonishing the sinner is one of the Spiritual Words of Mercy.I began reading this thread with a real interest in what Vatican had to say about the state of woman religious in the US. I have been reading and discussing the “visits” for quite a while. I have many family members who are part of religious orders being both nuns and priests. Having witnessed how much these people have sacrificed to live out the word of God in their lives on a daily basis, I am dismayed and angry at the uncharitable generalities that are stated in this thread. I am so reminded of Jesus’s continual criticism of the Pharisees. There seems to be too many pharisees and not enough apostles at this forum.
What we pray is for all peoples to live according to God’s plan, as He has revealed through the Church. What the world preaches is a false freedom that is in fact slavery, slavery to the senses and slavery to the world.