Also, originally there were two women’s umbrella groups and one man’s group. These are the women’s groups:
- The Conference of Major Superiors of Women (CMSM) which became the LCWR in 1971 and which contemplative sisters were not allowed to join.
- The Association of Contemplative Sisters (ACS) which never received approval from the Vatican.
In 1992 the Council of Major Superiors of Women Religious (CMSWR) was founded in Rome as a reform group but it has not replaced the LCWR. Some congregations, however, do belong to both the LCWR and the CMSWR.
It is possible, since the ACS was never approved by Rome, that contemplative sisters did join the LCWR to some degree in the intervening years, but I don’t how prevalent that might have been. The fact that women OSBs are involved in this lends real credibility to this idea that some did, though.