I’m not as confident that I’d like the results of a vote of it were held today. Abortion has been status quo for a generation. the world has become more secular during that time.Let’s remember that Roe v. Wade was not an election. The American people have never been allowed to vote on abortioni – and when segments of them are allowed (as in North Dakota) they are likely to severely restrict it.
What we need to do is push Roe v. Wade aside – it was, after all, the Supreme Court deciding by fiat something that was not politically viable – a 20th Century version of the disasterous Dred Scott decision. Let us then work state-by-state to stop this crime.
But the key is social disapproval of abortion. And society expresses its disapproval of intollerable acts by making them illegal.
The vote in (conservative) South Dakota did not go our way. The law that was orginally passed and then overturned by voters in South Dakota, (full ban, basically in line with Catholic teaching) is what I want on the books, but I think I’d take a merely restrictive law that stands over a full ban that gets shot down. But the full ban would have forced the Roe issue.
Roe could be overturned without a vote, and should be, but we better have a plan about what we’re going to do when that happens. Because that’s when the fun is really going to start. I’d bet everything I own that there will be at least 10 state constitutional amendments protecting the “right” to abortion proposed within a week of Roe falling. Do we think we’re going to stop those in New York, California and Massachusetts? The pro-aborts are going to get very active FAST if Roe falls and we’re the ones who will have to do double the work at that point to change the staus quo. Even if we put up a huge effort and defeat every amendment, we’re still left with legal abortion.
I’m not trying to disagree. I’m tryng to figure out how we get from here to where we want to be.
No matter what, we need numbers. We have to win people over from either pro-abort or apathy. I’d just as soon win them over fully into our camp, with the help of the Holy Spirit, than try to win them over to pro-life with purely secular arguments and leave them otherwise “of this world.”
I hopes for South Dakota, but now i have to ask, how do we get there from here?