"Well, I'm Catholic and I'm pro-choice..."

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That’s what a friend said to me today. What she argued was that, if a woman is raped, then she should be able to abort. Also that, if a woman wants to, she should be able to.

As I gave them the strongest arguments and most shocking statistics, they wouldn’t budge.(There were two pro-choice Catholics and one pro-choice person who I don’t know the religion of.) Among their arguments and statements and mine were:

But it’s the womans choice!
It’s also the serial killer’s choice to go out and kill as many people as he wants.

What if the woman is raped?
It still doesn’t mean the baby doesn’t has life. What if a man simply beat up a woman and then left an infant with her? Should she kill it because she doesn’t want it?(The second and third bit I didn’t have to time to talk about to them, but I did get to the first sentence.)

But it’s not a life!
The baby has control over all of its bodily functions and directs the growing and development to come. The only thing the mother provides is shelter, blood, and oxygen.

I’m Catholic, but it’s not like its a rule you have to be against abortion.
Yes, but you still have to follow Church teaching. The Church teaches that life begins at conception, not after implantation of the baby in the uterus, not after the first trimester, the second, or the third, AND not after birth…LIFE BEGINS AT CONCEPTION! You are not following the Church’s teaching if you do not recognize this. GOD IS NOT PRO-CHOICE.

Do you realize how many abortions occur worldwide annually? Guess.
1 million?
10 million, 25 million?
No…46 million abortions take place worldwide in one year. 46 million…

Do you think condoms are okay?
No. I’m Catholic. (This obviously doesn’t mean to some what it should.)

If all those abortions never took place, there’d be poverty, suffering, and overpopulation.
Overpopulation is a myth. The number of people in a country does NOT affect the per capita wealth… Do you not think those babies suffered? Torturing those who cannot speak out for themselves is one of the worst crimes ever committed.

But a baby can’t think!
Yes it can!
But it can’t remember being in the womb!
Neither can a baby remember being one year old, does that mean that young infants can be murdered?

Why do you know so much about abortion?
I’m Catholic.(Once again…I just this doesn’t mean what it should to some people. Is it not the Catholic duty to defend life?)

Man, I know guys like you…this one guy at the Catholic conference we went to talked to us for 3 HOURS about how bad abortion is.

It makes me truly sad that many don’t know what it means to be Catholic. These people think that the Catholic guy that stood his ground for 3 hours and defended the lives of millions isn’t a good person or isn’t correct. How far can people fall?

By the way this all came from their curiosity of my shirt from DeathRoe.com. It says “Death Roe Survivor…My execution authorized 22 Janurary 1973.” First of all, they didn’t know what Roe vs Wade was…then when I explained one of them said “you’re against abortion?!” in a shocked voice. Again I say…How far can people fall?
Very,very good. Very, very orthodox. Keep up the good work.
To quote from Paul’s Epistle to the Oklahomans, “A soft answer really p****eth them off.”😛
Hey, all!
I haven’t read each and every post here, but I have to say to the OP, Apologist, You Go!! And may God be With YOu in reaching out and standing up for the CHurch!! The people you have talked to/with may not be changed right now, but at least you gave them information and perhaps they will think about it the next time they have a friend who is in an unplanned pregnancy or have to vote.

I want to ask Apologist about Abstinence Education and chastity programs – namely, do you think they can work if kids have a firm support group and they and their friends have that mindset (to save themselves for their future spouse)?

I am on a planning committee to have such a program for the Catholic 13 - 15 yo’s in our area. It is sponsored by our right to life group; we figure it pays to put our funds toward the root cause of the abortion problem. Kids are not being taught properly (Sex is good, so good it should be saved for marriage; God made us for each other, etc).We have a speaker lined up who is committed to this project and knows how to relate to teens. We are planning to have a band, food, prizes, and Reconciliation and Mass afterward.

Any suggestions???


Happy Easter!!
I want to ask Apologist about Abstinence Education and chastity programs – namely, do you think they can work if kids have a firm support group and they and their friends have that mindset (to save themselves for their future spouse)?
As a youth myself, I would say that it is a wonderful idea. I would definetly focus on why God made sexuality, what married sex is all about(unitive, procreative etc.), and I would definetly check out Rob Bell’s clip called Flame(I think that’s what it’s called). To order it online it only takes a few bucks(10 I think?). It talks about Hebrew(I think) words for love. There’s a word for deep friendship, complete commitment, and sexual love. It talks about a true marriage needs “all three flames” of love to be full. Definetly check that out. Really, really stress children as God’s gift…how all married Catholics should be open to life. Stress that God made sexuality for unitive, procreative, and pleasure between two people completely committed to one another.

Talk about how they also have a choice to stay abstinent(contrary to what many confused high schoolers are being fed/feeding others). Cover everything!

…Take into account that I am a youth, so I don’t know everything about teaching on sex yet. 😃

Good luck with your classes!
I have many replys. I am a female. No Vern that does not count in my book, LOL. Being truly one with your wife and going through conception, growth, birth, and child rearing does in my book. I am a nurse and worked L&D and also have 3 children. I must say pregnancy and birthing is a sneeze compared to raising a child.
My sister was raped at 14 and not only allowed my neice to grow safely within her womb kept her and raised her with love. My sister also during her pregnancy wrote letters to the president and other gov. encouraging abortion to be illegal, as many had encouraged her get an abortion. My neice is great, is awsome, and is so happy to have her life reguardless of the pain surrounding her conception.
I think a big issue is that the USA is teaching many that you do not have to be responsible for your actions. Our judicial system is allowing wrongful actions to go unpunished n the name of freedom.
Also why is the father not allowed to fight for the life of his child. Is it not his flesh that made conception possible? In non rape case, the women certainly did not object to his flesh being within her. So why all the fuss when it’s time to take responsibility for your actions?
Please pray for these women and their partners that they become strong advocates for the respect of life. Many women suffer years after an abortion and need positive support to move them forward to learn to love their own life after such a grave experience.
Many young pro choicers have never had an abortion but preach it because they are ignorant. I suggest calmly and quickly, before any heated words come out, that you direct your sisters and brothers to a video. For many seeing is believing. Then dialogue with them on how they feel after seeing the video.
This way you are not saying that they are wrong or right nor voicing your own opinion. They will not be defensive but enlightened. so the next time your friend says “I’m prochoice” you can say oh really! I was wondering then if you would check out this video then discuss with me the part you liked best.

PAX Joyful in Jesus, Crazy Lady
What do i say to people who say something like “it’s my choice not to use my body for this baby”?
(that is if they admit it’s a baby)

technically what they’re saying is that it’s their right to be as selfish as they want, “it’s my body”, and you want to punch them(but you can’t do that:p )

So how does one refute?
As a youth myself, I would say that it is a wonderful idea. I would definetly focus on why God made sexuality, what married sex is all about(unitive, procreative etc.), and I would definetly check out Rob Bell’s clip called Flame(I think that’s what it’s called). To order it online it only takes a few bucks(10 I think?). It talks about Hebrew(I think) words for love. There’s a word for deep friendship, complete commitment, and sexual love. It talks about a true marriage needs “all three flames” of love to be full. Definetly check that out. Really, really stress children as God’s gift…how all married Catholics should be open to life. Stress that God made sexuality for unitive, procreative, and pleasure between two people completely committed to one another.

Talk about how they also have a choice to stay abstinent(contrary to what many confused high schoolers are being fed/feeding others). Cover everything!

…Take into account that I am a youth, so I don’t know everything about teaching on sex yet. 😃

Good luck with your classes!
If you are a youth, you are a very wise youth. God bless you.
You are absolutley right, and all of us should have the courage to stand up for the faith!! There is no half way or execeptions. When the baby is conceived Jesus breathes a soul into it. A soul has memory, intellect and will. Continue to stand up for the Catholic faith. God will reward you in heaven!
What do i say to people who say something like “it’s my choice not to use my body for this baby”?
(that is if they admit it’s a baby)

technically what they’re saying is that it’s their right to be as selfish as they want, “it’s my body”, and you want to punch them(but you can’t do that:p )

So how does one refute?
Ask then when they think they were entitled to that body? At conception? At 12 weeks gestation? At 32 weeks? One month after birth? 6 months after? One year? Etc…

You can also answer them with: “Yah, I agree. It’s my body, my right to life from the moment of conception. You rights end where another person’s body begins, in or out of the womb.”

If their mothers had that view then they would no longer be alive, what if she had acted on her “right”? Do they believe their lives are that dispensible?

I want to say THANK YOU:clapping:

It’s people like you that changed my heart, I had a similar set of conversations many years ago. I didn’t budge then either (just held to some abstract “rights” belief & “I’d never personally but…”). I never believed in abortion but was under the misguided impression it was a “necessary evil”, that “enlightened” people accepted it as necessary (:nope: No I was wrong, so totally & utterly wrong:( ).

While I didn’t budge publically those conversations got me thinking. A little nagging thought that wouldn’t stop or go away no matter how hard I tried to silence it or ignore it, that became so loud that one day I had to listen. When I did, I received the answers I needed. I began to try to prove to myself that what I believed was OK, that what I had heard/seen/read by pro-lifers was wrong…but in the end every justification I tried to support fell away. Then I didn’t just budge I made a giant leap.

Thank you and all the people like you 👍

Uhhh…I’m not sure you understand how young I am. The only thing I’d probably be doing is going to the talks. I’m not sure many people would think it acceptable if I gave them. But going to talks works too! Yeah, I’ve just been learning so many things this last half-year about the faith. I’ve been reading so many Apologetic materials(most online) and trying to get more Apologetic classes in my parish. It’s actually become a large part of my life and helped me to become closer to God. I just wanna bring the Truth to others as well and defend life. This is the most life I can attempt to defend in one discussion.
Wanted to give you some encouragment of this issue. Being young is not a bad thing, it’s such a wonderful witness to see young people standing up on this issue. You’d be surprised at how happy people would be to know that there are young people out there who are pro-life. There are so many out there yearning for another person of similar age to relate to one this issue. The pro-abortion rights side has given the false impression that all young people are for legal abortion, the peer pressure is huge. If not Priests For Life then find where you do feel you fit best (maybe ALL?).

Having a strong young person stand up and offer why abortion is not acceptable ever is just what we all need:thumbsup:
You can be…as long as you choose life!!

Seriously, I don’t see how people (who are not just Catholic, but all Christians) can think this way. It’s so sad to think that.
this is the point on which my friends disagree with the Catholic Church. They say the emotional damage of birthing the child and then putting it up for adoption will be greater than having an abortion.
… just replace “emotional damage” with “potential for profound spiritual growth” and you’ve got a winner of an observation, there! God often calls us to do difficult things in order for us to grow spiritually. We all are in need of further moral development; none of us is perfect.

:gopray2: Bring on the opportunities to grow in your love and become closer to you, Lord!
“Well, I’m Catholic and I’m pro-choice…”

This is impossible. If you are pro-choice then you are pro-death and definitely not Catholic. You may go to mass, receive communion, even go to confession, but as long as you publicly espouse a pro-choice agenda you have excommunicated yourself from the church and commit sacrilege by receiving the sacraments. You must confess with the intention of not committing this sin again to licitly receive the sacraments again.
True, you can’t have it both ways. That’s why I hated how John Kerry flaunted his Catholicism…I’m really hoping Brownback will become president. 🙂

I haven’t actually had the argument, but in my mind, if someone said “but it’s my body!” I’ll reply “But it’s the baby’s body, too!”

The hardest one to convince others about is “What about when the woman’s health is in danger?” I have a few ideas, but any concrete refutations you guys can offer would be helpful…🙂
True, you can’t have it both ways. That’s why I hated how John Kerry flaunted his Catholicism…I’m really hoping Brownback will become president. 🙂

I haven’t actually had the argument, but in my mind, if someone said “but it’s my body!” I’ll reply “But it’s the baby’s body, too!”

The hardest one to convince others about is “What about when the woman’s health is in danger?” I have a few ideas, but any concrete refutations you guys can offer would be helpful…🙂
Start with concrete examples of cases where the mother’s health is in danger. You’ll find they generally fall into two categories – one where you have a “one or none” situation (that is where both mother and baby are doomed if nothing is done) and “mental health” problems (“Like, I’d feel reeeeeely, reeeeeely bad if I had to have this baby.”)

In the first class of cases, you usually have a dual-effect situation – a tubal pregnancy is a good example – where we recognize we cannot save both and our efforts to save the mother may hasten the baby’s death.

In the second class of cases, you have a Black Hole – human life is less important than feelings. It is in this second class that you find the vast majority of abortions for “medical reasons.”
“Well, I’m Catholic and I’m pro-choice…”
What is pro-choice anyway? Support of a basic human freedom? Then why doesn’t the pro-choice community look happy? I think most of those supporting the “freedom to choose” are not demonstrating a love of this freedom, but are imprisoned by pain and rejection in their lives. As we can see, Catholics are not exempt from this. The thought of an “unwanted” child may tap deeply into their personal experience of pain and rejection. While they wish to be sympathetic, they mistakenly support the freedom to abort because they may not be mature enough in their faith to know how to respond.

Abortion is the fruits of rejection; being rejected often leads to the act of rejecting. They are closely related, and lead to the same outcome: torment of the soul.

If a few moms had decided to act on their “rights”, a lot of special people would not be in my life right now.
Start with concrete examples of cases where the mother’s health is in danger. You’ll find they generally fall into two categories – one where you have a “one or none” situation (that is where both mother and baby are doomed if nothing is done) and “mental health” problems (“Like, I’d feel reeeeeely, reeeeeely bad if I had to have this baby.”)

In the first class of cases, you usually have a dual-effect situation – a tubal pregnancy is a good example – where we recognize we cannot save both and our efforts to save the mother may hasten the baby’s death.

In the second class of cases, you have a Black Hole – human life is less important than feelings. It is in this second class that you find the vast majority of abortions for “medical reasons.”
Thank you 🙂 This distinction really helps.
this is the point on which my friends disagree with the Catholic Church. They say the emotional damage of birthing the child and then putting it up for adoption will be greater than having an abortion.
That’s pretty sick…I can’t imagine having my child in me and choosing to kill my child rather than put him or her up for adoption.
*I suppose the real trick to being able to say such a thing is out of sight, out of mind. Often it is several weeks before the baby can be felt. The mother can’t feel her baby or see her baby or hear her baby. *
How does this desensitization occur? Are we so detached from blood, murder, pain and gore, death and suffering? How strange.
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