AgreedYour response was—and this is the first time I’ve used this word seriously not in the context of joking it quotation, so note it—cringeworthy.
AgreedYour response was—and this is the first time I’ve used this word seriously not in the context of joking it quotation, so note it—cringeworthy.
Somebody’s been reading Thomas Sowell…You could say the same thing about the Chinese.
Growing up in Southeast Asia, the Chinese are a minority yet they dominate economically and academically. They are often treated with suspicion and sometimes outright violence.
They kept to themselves, married only each other and spoke a different language.
Now with Communist China on the ascension they are regarded with even more suspicion.
Kind of reminded me of the Jews in the West.
It’s not a “loyalty oath” to Israel. Some states have simply said they do not want to hand out contracts to companies that refuse to do business with Israel. No one is forced to do business with Israel, they just can’t join the divestment movement and still expect to receive state contracts. You can disagree with that policy, but let’s be clear what is actually happening.The fact that there are states passing laws that require loyalty oaths to Israel, and that Congress has introduced legislation that prohibits criticism or boycott of Israel, is very alarming.
She didn’t criticize Israel. She criticized Jews for having mysterious Jew powers that are able to control the world–a longstanding anti-Semitic tactic. Let’s look at what she said:But any criticism of the state of Israel automatically gets the Thought Police on your case.
No. We have enemies in the Middle East because we meddled in its affairs and often inadvertently gave life to Islamic extremist groups. Iran is a perfect example. The CIA overthrew a legitimate government and helped the Shah take power. The Shah is overthrown and replaced with an Islamic Republic. Now Iran hates us, and we hate them.Too many Christians, especially in America, bow to the golden calf that is Israel. What have they done for us? Before our alliance with them, we had little to no enemies in the Middle East.
So, hating them for other reasons is ok?I do not hate Jews simply for being Jewish.
News flash–“the Jews” are not a monolithic group. There are individuals who are Jewish. Some of these Jews are Americans, others Israelis, and others live in nations all around the world. It is this tendency to treat “the Jews” as a single entity that lies at the heart of what anti-Semites do. They assign to Jews collective blame for everything they think “the Jews” are at fault for.But the fact that the Holocaust happened does not make them immune to criticism.
So what have “the Jews” done to you that is so bad?Criticism of bad behavior is not hatred.
African-American Stanford sociologist, has a long essay on that topic – what he refers to as “middleman minorities” – in his book, “Black Rednecks and White Liberals.”I am not familiar with Thomas Sowell.
??? There are a lot of allegations about the Catholic Church. There are allegations about the Illuminati. There are Big Foot photos that I can show you right now.I’m not saying I agree with anti-Semites, but there are a lot of accusations involving them.
Yeah, that just goes to show you that they are hated.the Jews have been kicked out of 109 countries throughout human history.
But we don’t need Jews for this. Plenty of non-Jews promote these ideas willingly.the Jews have encouraged relativism, multiculturalism, race-mixing and open borders to get people to abandon their own race or ethnic heritage (while simultaneously insisting on preserving Jewish identity and an ethnostate).
You know why Jews are blamed for “promoting usury”? Because in the Middle Ages, the good white Christians passed laws barring Jews from other types of work. Since Catholics were forbidden from charging most forms of interest, Jews were often the only people around who could provide loans. Therefore, they became wealthy bankers. And then good Christians would get jealous of their wealth and often come up with excuses to kill them or kick them out of their countries in order to expropriate their wealth.The Jews have promoted pornography, usury, left-wing politics, feminism, and white guilt
So what? It’s a free country.The Jews have an inappropriate amount of influence within business, government, media, entertainment, etc., given their small population.
Hmmm. When you say “Jews dislike”, would you distinguish JVP from ADL? Like many have said here, “The Jews” are not a monolithic opinion.An anti-Semite used to mean somebody who disliked Jews. Now it means somebody Jews dislike.
Criticizing Israel is NOT “anti-Semitism”.
I appreciate that!Wow! This thread has really plumbed the depths! Time to lift it up…
Thank you so much for this! A wonderful starting point. Would you say, then, that antisemitism is the prejudgment of holding a person’s Jewish ethnic/religious background against their human dignity? What sets antisemitism apart is that we associate it with being anti-Jewish, (even though Arabs are also Semitic if I remember right).The CCC reminds us that “The dignity of the human person is rooted in his creation in the image and likeness of God” (1700); “The divine image is present in every man” (1702); “All men have the same nature and the same origin” (1934); “Respect for the human person proceeds by way of respect for the principle that ‘everyone should look upon his neighbor (without any exception) as another self’ […] a brother” (1931).
We fail to respect the human person when we think of others as Them.
Are you saying that no one is prejudiced against Jewish people?Antisemitism is an unclean spirit…
Do you have an example of something she has said that is antisemitic? Maybe that will help clarify your definition.But she does not seem to have been pounded down, as she has been saying antisemitic things for quite some time.
On a thread about anti-BDS legislation here in the US, many posters stated that it was un-American to disallow companies to boycott whatever they wished. None of the posters agreed with anti-BDS legislation, and they were coming from a great variety of standpoints.The fact that there are states passing laws that require loyalty oaths to Israel, and that Congress has introduced legislation that prohibits criticism or boycott of Israel, is very alarming. I don’t care one way or the other about Israel vs. its enemies. But any criticism of the state of Israel automatically gets the Thought Police on your case.
Well, it’s not a crime, but given that humans naturally want “their fair share” and are naturally prone to wanting what others have, jealousy develops. No one is immune to this. In addition, when you add the layer of ingroup/outgroup impulses, “us and them” becomes “good v. evil” I think.Being successful is a crime, don’t you know?
Do you resent or hate Jewish people? What do you think of CCC 1700, 1702, and 1931?I do not hate Jews simply for being Jewish
See ltwin’s post above, referencing her comments about how Israel has hypnotized the world. Years ago, and she admitted it was antisemitic.Do you have an example of something she has said that is antisemitic? Maybe that will help clarify your definition.