What is Black Liberation Theology?

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I would caution anyone about using the History Channel, or any other entertainment source, as proof of history. Yes, the channel is about history, but to fit stories into 30 or 60 minutes requires editing, which can remove important facts. It is entertainment, smart entertainment, but still, entertainment.

The History Channel is a good place to start, but then continue on in your path of learning.
The History Channel is very poor indeed – if history is what you want. I recall a program that told viewers that the Shroud of Turin is “the holiest relic of the Catholic Church” and that we “take it out and worship it” once a year.:rolleyes:
I would caution anyone about using the History Channel, or any other entertainment source, as proof of history. Yes, the channel is about history, but to fit stories into 30 or 60 minutes requires editing, which can remove important facts. It is entertainment, smart entertainment, but still, entertainment.

The History Channel is a good place to start, but then continue on in your path of learning.
Sorry it was the “Discovery Channel” Not just entertainment but fact, proof, uncovered, science, record, document, etc, etc. they are King Tut etc. Eygpt, Abraham journey, travel and uncovered etc. Also show all the thousands of under ground cities and Christian churches, showing pictures etc.
God Bless
Thousand of churches long before Rome Church was build and where they got the designs and got alot of ideas etc in th building of Cathedrals etc.

God Bless
The History Channel is very poor indeed – if history is what you want. I recall a program that told viewers that the Shroud of Turin is “the holiest relic of the Catholic Church” and that we “take it out and worship it” once a year.:rolleyes:
Sorry it was the Discovery Channel!!
The Hebrews were enslaved in Africa. They were not of Africa.

Which pharaoh are you talking about? There was only one short-lived dynasty of black royalty in ancient Egypt. The mummified corpse of the pharaoh of Moses’ time was discovered a few years ago. He had red hair.

He didn’t pass as pharaoh’s grandson. The Hebrews did not identify themselves with black Africans. Neither did the Egyptians.

The pharaohs of that time were not black.

No,Ethiopia is not mentioned that many times. And when Ethiopia is mentioned,it is usually derogatory.

Obama is a phony.
May I ask my Catholic brother or sister are you a racist? Why do you say Obama is a phony?

I know black people who have red hair what is your point. Yes they were and you need to discover that! Do you really think Moses was white? You need to go and reread the Old Testaments and read about the curses. God had Blessings and God had curses.

Yes! they lived in Africa and God was taking them to the promise land. The land of milk and honey. African soil is not rich for growing vegetation not even today that is why so many are starving.

And if you are not black you would never survie 40 yrs in the dessert my friend? Just ask the soldiers who are fighting in Iraq if you know any that have come back from there. Third degree burns are high high on medical care there, because we are white, Iraq people do not burn they are dark skin!

John in the Book of Revelations or was it Daniel— he had white “wooly hair”! I have never seen in history of white slaves they were all black period-- Read God’s curses in the bible God’s I will what would happen if they rebelled the laws and commandments of God go back to the Book of Moses Jesus speaks of that. Roman History they were black slaves.

God Bless–don’t worry we are all God’s children!
Science fact, studied, proven, we can all be trace back to the beginning from Africa! Who else is called Pharoh, we call them Kings and Queens in England. 12 “Tribes” “Chief” priest. Yes! Ethopia is mention over 2,500 times. Abraham started out from “UR” God Bless
Leprosy turns the skin white! Black man with leprosy turns the skin white. How could miracles they would see the curse and cure. Read the names of the Chiefs of Eliphaz-- Amalec. These, Theman, Husam, Omar, Sepho, Cenez, Nahath Zara, Samma, Oholibama, Chiefs of Seir, Horrite, Lotan, Sobal, Disan, Sebeon, Horrites, clans were known as descendants etc.

Read the curses–you will be forced out of your land etc. Iron rods around your neck etc.etc. Not to inter marry, If they did not obey the commandments of God, his feast days etc. Look at the paints of the Egyptians on mountains etc-- painted dark skin brown.

God Bless
No big deal if you white skin and have leprosy–makes your skin white, or pink white hairs also appear. You would not see it, or be shamed. God Bless
PS The Oldest Church in the “world” is found in Africa! Our friends went to Africa last year and have pictures of it. Have you ever been in the desert they have, on camels you see nothing nothing, hot, hot they have pictures also. They live in caves still and showed them! Where is gold found? God said I put gold in your ears etc God Bless
Black Liberation–not even the fires of hell will prevail against my church–it makes me ponder for the truth will be known in God’s time. Not till all the gentles are in. God created all things. God is the great “I AM”.

Mother Theresa–The rich are here to save the poor, but in the end the poor shall save the rich. The poor are here to be seen. I ponder on these statements.

I ponder I have never known a white slave and slave is used through out the Old Testament, Joseph was captured as a slave brought to Egypt. Poor were slaves to the rich. Interesting don’t you think.

“I will” scatter you God said. The lost “12” Tribes of Israel, they are the Israelites. They were captured and scattered and taken as slaves to different countries, there names were changed to what ever country they were taken to. They lost their identity! But “I will gather” you from the North, South, East and West and bring you home. The Jewish people were not forced out of their land, they left on their own did they not? some return on their own to do they not?

Beware of idols. Obey my commandments, Sabbath, Feast Days and if you don’t Moses gives the curses what would happen if you don’t. Interesting when you read the curses what would happen to them.

I just find this interesting and ponder.
God Bless
My black brothers and sisters believe in God and in Jesus Christ, they all do.

God Bless
Because he is a slick,pandering politician who uses uses empty moralizing to impress people.

His hair was thin.

The Iraqis are not black.
People in the Middle East wear head coverings and long clothing to protect themselves from the heat of the sun.

Christ is the “Lamb of God”,so it makes sense that he was described as having white,wooly hair. That is a symbolic description

There were slaves of all different races in ancient times. Any group of people that was conquered could be made into slaves.
Slick, pandering, empty moralizing to impress people, white people do not do that RIGHT!

Obama’s hair is thin, his mother is white hello.
This is what I love about our Catholic brothers and sisters. The Bible is full of smbolic description.

Sorry, Science, facts, proof, Historians, Arkie… paintings, cravings thousands of years old being still today found on mountains, writings on the top of huge mountains than man does not even know how they could even reach such heights describing Abrahams journey etc, history written in the Old Testament, caves, tombs much, much, much, more. Finding underground lost cities were the bible describes them. To much evidence tell us differently!

You do not or have seen the people of Iraq who live in the desert and remember God commanded them not to inter marry. Where is Babylon build and remember we are going back thousands, thousands of years. Israelities were forced into slavery and captured and scatter through out. they lost their identity even till this day. But God will gather home. God’s Curses do not fit any other race in history— but the “black slavery”.

McCain does not even know the Shitti from the Sunnie.

Why is there no Black people in Catholic Churches in the southern states or found in any Catholic Churches in Canada or America and do not say because we do not live among them–Go to Detroit???

I find this also interesting. Do you know if two parents who get married if one is whiter the other black-----that black always donomates over the white out come!

Remember those who are “first” will be “last”, and those who are “last” will be “first”. If John the Batize is the greatest man ever born of woman-- and yet he will be last in the Kingdom of Heaven— Jesus said!

Where does that leave me or you or who ever?

God Bless—truth shall set you free and not even the fires of hell will bevail over my church.

The church is also a “smybol”–WE" ALL WHO BELIEVE ARE CHRIST CHURCH!

In the book of Revelation —God said: you shall build your own house with your own hands no one else will build it. And you will return to “MY FEAST DAYS” and Sabbaths. And if no ones does God says what he will do to that nation!

God Bless
Obama is fair skin also as a black man or white man? Gravings on thousands of thousands generations depict wooly hair!

God bless
In another document, the core tenents of Liberation Theology, namely revolution, are stated to be incorrect and, in fact, described as a “myth”.
Why do you say that “revolution” is “the core tenets” (by my count that’s only one tenet!) of liberation theology? On the basis of which works of liberation theology do you conclude this? Or are you just relying on second-hand accounts by opponents?

I agree that the influence of Marxism has been pernicious for liberation theology. I do not endorse or embrace it wholesale. But I don’t reject it wholesale either. I listen to it and learn from it.

In my reading, the core tenet of liberation theology is that you cannot separate the salvation brought by Christ from social and political liberation. The one is not irrelevant to the other. Just how social and political liberation is related to the work of Christ is something on which liberation theologians disagree with each other.

I would caution anyone about using the History Channel, or any other entertainment source, as proof of history. Yes, the channel is about history, but to fit stories into 30 or 60 minutes requires editing, which can remove important facts. It is entertainment, smart entertainment, but still, entertainment.

The History Channel is a good place to start, but then continue on in your path of learning.
You are correct, trust no one, only God!!! I pray and ask God to teach me His Truth, His word, so that I will not be deceived, remember this is not God worldly Kingdom, God’s Kingdom will come!
God Bless
Why do you say that “revolution” is “the core tenets” (by my count that’s only one tenet!) of liberation theology? On the basis of which works of liberation theology do you conclude this? Or are you just relying on second-hand accounts by opponents?

I agree that the influence of Marxism has been pernicious for liberation theology. I do not endorse or embrace it wholesale. But I don’t reject it wholesale either. I listen to it and learn from it.

In my reading, the core tenet of liberation theology is that you cannot separate the salvation brought by Christ from social and political liberation. The one is not irrelevant to the other. Just how social and political liberation is related to the work of Christ is something on which liberation theologians disagree with each other.

Sorry, grammatical error when I typed that post. It should have read “One of the core tenents…”.

As for where I got that information or on what basis I drew that conclusion, I must admit I only had two sources. But those are authoritative sources. The words “revolution” and “myth” appear in those documents in the same context I used them You can see that in the paragraph I quoted from.

I am doing little more than repeating what the Church has said. I am not expressing my personal opinions. The Church describes aspects of Liberation Theology as an “uncritical view of Marxism”.
Sorry, grammatical error when I typed that post. It should have read “One of the core tenents…”.

As for where I got that information or on what basis I drew that conclusion, I must admit I only had two sources. But those are authoritative sources. The words “revolution” and “myth” appear in those documents in the same context I used them You can see that in the paragraph I quoted from.

I am doing little more than repeating what the Church has said. I am not expressing my personal opinions. The Church describes aspects of Liberation Theology as an “uncritical view of Marxism”.
And black liberation theology is best understood in the sermons of one of its principal proponents – the Reverend Jeremiah Wright. By its fruit, you know it.
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