Whites don’t?I repeat: Liberation Theology is simply Marxism with a phony veneer of Christianity. Black Liberation Theology adds racism, and mixes in a bizarre interpretation of “history.”
God Bless
Whites don’t?I repeat: Liberation Theology is simply Marxism with a phony veneer of Christianity. Black Liberation Theology adds racism, and mixes in a bizarre interpretation of “history.”
You say the Hebrews were in slaved in Africa? What? Hebrew were white people in slaved by black people? I disagree–That I am sorry makes no sense at all that statement.The Hebrews were enslaved in Africa. They were not of Africa.
Which pharaoh are you talking about? There was only one short-lived dynasty of black royalty in ancient Egypt. The mummified corpse of the pharaoh of Moses’ time was discovered a few years ago. He had red hair.
He didn’t pass as pharaoh’s grandson. The Hebrews did not identify themselves with black Africans. Neither did the Egyptians.
The pharaohs of that time were not black.
No,Ethiopia is not mentioned that many times. And when Ethiopia is mentioned,it is usually derogatory.
God Bless
Why do you continue to pretend to quote something with no citation? That is a form of plagerism you know. Cite your sources or stop arguing that nobody is refuting you. Your opinion pretty much counts for nothing, sources do.I am right, and you have produced nothing to refute what I have said.
This is a (knowingly?) false statement. In Post 31 Vern provided a link to the source. In Post 32, you responded and even quoted the link.Why do you continue to pretend to quote something with no citation? That is a form of plagerism you know. Cite your sources or stop arguing that nobody is refuting you. Your opinion pretty much counts for nothing, sources do.
You haven’t been paying attention, have you?Vern you cite A document then refuse to read the first paragraph of it wherein Ratzinger says straight that he is speaking of only one form of LT. The fact is, it has NOT been banned, nor have its proponents. Most of them are in quite good stead with the church. You simply mimic the usual ultra right rhetoric. It is being taught in every reputable Catholic University, it is being taught at seminaries, It being written of by dozens upon dozens of Catholics all without a complaint. You should not read it. But you cannot get away with saying its somehow evil. To do so suggests that the Vatican has not been properly advised by you yet, but then your only source seems to be one document.
Are those men Catholics?You are correct that Rev. Wright is a proponent of black LT. I do not agree with the man on some points assuredly, but on others, he has spoken truthfully to be sure. He is certainly no worse than the likes of Falwell, Hagee, and a host of other hate-mongering right wingers.
And I enjoy you attempting to defend the indefensible. Do you say “G** D*** America?”I do enjoy watching you guys scream about something that the Vatican allows. It just shows how out of step you really are, and consequently how you pick and choose what tenets of the Church you choose to accept or reject.
Well, I’ve read some Gutierrez, and he clearly doesn’t have an uncritical view of Marxism.Sorry, grammatical error when I typed that post. It should have read “One of the core tenents…”.
As for where I got that information or on what basis I drew that conclusion, I must admit I only had two sources. But those are authoritative sources. The words “revolution” and “myth” appear in those documents in the same context I used them You can see that in the paragraph I quoted from.
I am doing little more than repeating what the Church has said. I am not expressing my personal opinions. The Church describes aspects of Liberation Theology as an “uncritical view of Marxism”.
How is quoting a Vatican document (which was also linked in that post) which addresses Liberation Theology creating a straw man? The actual quote you are so upset about are words from that document. They are not mine. And it is about LT.Well, I’ve read some Gutierrez, and he clearly doesn’t have an uncritical view of Marxism.
You are trying to create a straw man here.
The document makes it clear that is is speaking of certain forms of Liberation Theology. I’m not upset about the document. I’m saying that the document is addressing certain directions in which LT can go. You have to take the trouble actually to read the LT theologians if you want to know which ones come under these condemnations and which ones don’t. Otherwise, just do what the Vatican statement does–affirm that LT theologians must avoid certain errors without saying anything about whether they have done so or not.How is quoting a Vatican document (which was also linked in that post) which addresses Liberation Theology creating a straw man? The actual quote you are so upset about are words from that document. They are not mine. And it is about LT.
I’ve been pointing out this same thing for a week. It is simply being ignored. It is the document cited, and I simply pointed out that the opening paragraph belied the conclusion that LT is banned. As far as I know Boff is the only one censured as well. Sobrino has been called upon to answer for some of his writings but that is all, as far as I know. Gutierrez has faced no inquiries as far as I know either.The document makes it clear that is is speaking of certain forms of Liberation Theology. I’m not upset about the document. I’m saying that the document is addressing certain directions in which LT can go. You have to take the trouble actually to read the LT theologians if you want to know which ones come under these condemnations and which ones don’t. Otherwise, just do what the Vatican statement does–affirm that LT theologians must avoid certain errors without saying anything about whether they have done so or not.
As far as I know (I could be wrong), the only Liberation Theologian who has actually been censured by the Vatican is Boff. I haven’t read Boff so I don’t know how he compares to Gutierrez.
James Cone, not Jeremiah Wright, is the most famous black liberation theologian in America.So, to the question: “What is Black Liberation Theology?”
Black Liberation Theology is best explained by its foremost proponent – the Reverend Jerimiah Wright (“G** D*** America!”)
By its fruits, you may know it.
No, James Cone is indeed a primary advocate – but the most visible and influential proponent of Black Liberation Theology is Jerimiah Wright.James Cone, not Jeremiah Wright, is the most famous black liberation theologian in America.
Jesus cursed things that did not have souls – including a fig tree, remember?And since countries do not have souls, I am not at all sure that calling down damnation on a country is a sin.
Yes, I think this theology is being misused (as Darwin has been misused). This LT completely misses the point of the exodus of the hebrew slaves from Egypt. However historically accurate it may be, the real lesson is the liberation from sin that God offers through his son, Jesus Christ, who is and always has been our redeemer.That is simply inaccurate. It remains what it is, valid theology. That fact that some misuse it is nothing different than the fact that some folks misuse Darwin. It doesn’t invalidate the theology at all. Just the means used to “put it forth.”
Calling Anything one disagrees with as “MARXIST” is Radical Right, and Untruthful. Typical Big Money Only RNC. Am Conservative, but honest Catholic. Character assasination is Not Proper, Or Catholic. Vivat Jesu, Not selfLiberation Theology is Marxism disguised as Christianity. Black Liberation Theology adds racism to the mix.
Only because the right-wing media has set him up as such due to [edited] link with him. I have heard people talk about liberation theology for years, and had never heard of Wright (that I remember) until the [edited] business.No, James Cone is indeed a primary advocate – but the most visible and influential proponent of Black Liberation Theology is Jerimiah Wright.
Jesus cursed things that did not have souls – including a fig tree, remember?
I prefer to refrain from speculation as to what Jesus would say, other than that He would say nothing incompatible with faith, hope, and charity. I can imagine circumstances in which calling down God’s judgment on a country might be fully compatible with faith, hope, and charity–indeed, that is essentially what Jesus did when He cursed the fig tree, so thanks for bringing that up!Would Jesus say “G** D*** America?”
No. Not under present circumstances, anyway.Would you say it?
I would not reject my pastor for saying it, if that’s what you’re asking. That would be an abominable act of schism and disobedience.Would you follow a man who said that?
I agree completely.Liberation Theology is Marxism disguised as Christianity. Black Liberation Theology adds racism to the mix.
Brother Vern, you do not seem to understand lot of Basics. Our Lord did not give us “The Word”. Nowhere is the Bible mentioned in the Bible. Nor does God ever say he is giving us writings. Our Lord gave us THE CHURCH Matt 16:18-19. Secondly, theology is not changing and new ideas. Basic right, wrong has been known since we lived in caves, comunanlly sharing. Basic theology is very unchanging. Morality is unchanging, despite New WAve attempts to rationalize theft, drugs, self as most important. Thirdly, Your main focus is on your property and money, suggesting every Tax is forceful Marxist attempt to grab your wealth. Ever heard * From those to whom much is given, much is expected ? * Or Noblesse Oblige? Ever considered helping others, instead of yourself only? Know of Lord’s And Church teaching, in the Ten Commandments on, about Not worshipping false gods, like money, wealth, self? Is Church teaching, that obsessive focus on own money and property, wealth, is worshipping false god. So taught in RCIA. Fourthly, Government only uses “force” with violators of Law. Like not paying taxes, etc. Fifthly, why suggest that Helping the Poorest is marxist govt use of power. Sixthly, do not know that deefamation of character can be called worst personal or group abuse? Ethnic attack? Major Sin? Why call any group trying to help poor or disadvantaged as Marxist? Seventhly, not aware that The Church respects all groups, faiths, persons? Only teaches against Evil Acts, like selfishness. Eightly, brother Vern, not aware that attacks by name-calling, and guilt by association are severely condemned? Chargeable in Court, and Based on Natural Law. The Magesterium of the Church in two thousand years has gone over almost every problem extant. And has found the Best Answers. All best answers are in the Lord, the Magisterium, His Church, not ourselves. Ninethly, ever heard of Social Conscience? Tenthly, Aware that Pope John Paul II ther Great did Not ‘attack Marxism’, as Pope Benedict did not overtly Condemn Liberatiom Theology? Both condemned, in modest words, Any Excesses that damage groups, indviduals. It is the Excesses of Capitalism And Marxism, And Liberation Theology that were Carefully worded denounced, by Both Popes.Do you claim that General Revelation continues?