Marilena, the text that I saw quoted from my blog (thanks to a response from another poster, since I have had to use that hand dandy little IGNORE feature) is the text that came with the video. They are not my original words.
The Novus Ordo is here to stay. I for one think it should stay, but it should be said with complete reverence. The Novus Ordo Catholics who hate the TLM need to get over it, and leave those of us alone who desire the TLM. I have been going to the NO for ten years, patiently waiting for a TLM. I realize I will have to move to a big city to have access to one.
I don’t think the TLM haters realize how threatened they feel about the TLM. It will never replace their cherished NO, so why don’t they just back off and let those of us who desire a TLM alone?
your a wonderful big sister
as for the NO, i don’t mind it if it is reverent, and do not have a problem with it
so long as it is reverent. and there are some that are really reverent. one poster showed us a picture of one that was very reverent, and had the traditional altar, and it was quite pleasing to see it
i can’t remember the name of the poster, but i saw the photo and it ws quite lovely.
iam not sure if they actually feel threatened, i just think that perhaps they are just zealous for their mass, and so they can be. some people cannot accept the TLM, and some can. no one is asking that the TLM replace the NO. i think it would be nice to see the whole church go back to its old roots, but that is my own opinion, and not everyone would agree.
i think if they love their mass, they love their mass, but also at the same time, there are those of us who deeply deeply love the TLM, and cherish it because it is the Mass of All Time, and we’d like to see it preserved for all time, and so i believ eit is.
if some don’t like it, then they are entitled to their opinion, the same as we are of ours. i just don’t like being bamboozled by people who attack out of nowhere without real knowledge about what the TLM is. and that has happened. some will state things without facts, and to say something truthfully, one must have facts, be it about the NO or the TLM.
I never saw the reason to change the Mass, but change did happen whether some wanted it to or not. and it is not going to go away. it would only be nice to see in some churches, reverence for God because He derserves it. He is the Maker of All Things. a lack of reverence does not happen in all NO churches, it does in some. and this is truly heart breaking.