What We Have Lost & the Road to Restoration

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…For now own, we will be called low down traditionalists…and the modernist have earned the new title of Uber Catholic.
I have no problem with being called a low down traditionalist.
I’ll stand by it and not have a problem at all because I have seen the other side of the coin.
I’ve been told, “There is something in the water over there.” at my very traditional parish.
and, “I don’t understand people like you.”

I’ve seen the other side. I’ve seen people ticked at who genuflect and people stand up and walk out on a Rosary then come back for mass. I heard people freak out at the thought of getting habited nuns talking to young girls for vocations.

While they slam us, they push people away.
While they cheer how wonderful they are, they insult a group of Catholics and say how Protestants are better than us. Okay, whatever.

Maybe it’s time to stop thinking WWJD and start wondering WWTVD (what would the Vatican do) because they know what Jesus wants and not us.

Bless you Sonny! We are what we are and we know where our hearts are.
(Response to bolded) That is good to hear! 🙂 (I could’ve sworn that I read in one of your posts in another thread not too long ago that you were promoting female altar servers in your parish?)
I don’t believe I used the actual word “promoting” my friend 🙂 if I did that would take on a different meaning. I am inviting anyone boys or girls to come to the training. We allow altar girls in our parish. If you want to know more about what I’m doing you can go read my thread I started 🙂 I received very helpful advice.


Also, you might be refering to these two exchanges I had with a poster within my thread?
Originally Posted by gefiam
You may want to think about having them attend the altar boy instructions for a period of time before they are even allowed on the altar.
Thanks for the advice gefiam you make good sense. I plan on having more than one training and will be adding in some education as well. The Father is planning on coming to talk with the kids as well. He is going over several things with me personally before the training. I am actually using altar girls as well, sorry, I know that is a touchy subject we won’t get into that on this thread…please
why are you quoting my sisters blog in this? exactly what does that have to do with this video? did you ask my sister permission to quote from her blog? when quoting from any blog or site, do you not need permission to do so? i’d think so.
Marilena, the text that I saw quoted from my blog (thanks to a response from another poster, since I have had to use that hand dandy little IGNORE feature) is the text that came with the video. They are not my original words.

The Novus Ordo is here to stay. I for one think it should stay, but it should be said with complete reverence. The Novus Ordo Catholics who hate the TLM need to get over it, and leave those of us alone who desire the TLM. I have been going to the NO for ten years, patiently waiting for a TLM. I realize I will have to move to a big city to have access to one.

I don’t think the TLM haters realize how threatened they feel about the TLM. It will never replace their cherished NO, so why don’t they just back off and let those of us who desire a TLM alone?
I guess I don’t understand where she thinks using altar girls is traditional. :confused: Oh well… sigh
I see that Karin helped me out there with the post. 😉 We are not a TLM parish but there is no reason why we can’t become as reverent as possible in the NO, right? Just because we use girls doesn’t mean I can’t kick it old school 🙂 I think most on this thread would love to see at least a very reverent NO.

When I get the chance and find my stupid memory card! I will take a picture of the inside of our parish and post it for ya’ll. I’m sure my dear TLM friends/whinners hehehe jk!!, would be very happy with the way our parish looks on the inside 😉

On that score I’d like to ask a question, I noticed several people posting pics of these very lovely parishes but I was under the impression that the reason we don’t see these anymore, is mainly money. Those types of designs would be very costly, at least I would think they would be. The video points out how all these modern parishes were built but I honestly thought it was due to not having enough to build those beautiful churches any longer.
How can you take a priest doing the limbo…people dancing around like ballarinas (sp??), and other things out of context…they should not even be occuring so as to enable one to take them out of context. This is just a couple of small examples among a plethora of things…Also, how can you take a Pizza Hut Church out of context?
Did you even bother reading what I said? First of all, I had not watched the entire piece. Second, I said that I was agreeing that all of it was not true. I was saying that I don’t take ANYTHING on face value that is created for personal agendas. We should all be so skeptical.

Ya know what - I’ve written and deleted my further comments to you too many times, this tells me I can’t be chartible in my comments to you so I will just keep my hands off my keyboard from now on. :mad:

Did you even bother reading what I said? First of all, I had not watched the entire piece. Second, I said that I was agreeing that all of it was not true. I was saying that I don’t take ANYTHING on face value that is created for personal agendas. We should all be so skeptical.

Liz, I’m not sure if you read every post, as this is a very long thread, but there are two people here who recognized their own or neighbouring parishes and/or priests in that video. I know one poster was on the first page, and I think the other was on page 2 or 3. Sorry, I don’t have the post #'s for you.
Marilena, the text that I saw quoted from my blog (thanks to a response from another poster, since I have had to use that hand dandy little IGNORE feature) is the text that came with the video. They are not my original words.

The Novus Ordo is here to stay. I for one think it should stay, but it should be said with complete reverence. The Novus Ordo Catholics who hate the TLM need to get over it, and leave those of us alone who desire the TLM. I have been going to the NO for ten years, patiently waiting for a TLM. I realize I will have to move to a big city to have access to one.

I don’t think the TLM haters realize how threatened they feel about the TLM. It will never replace their cherished NO, so why don’t they just back off and let those of us who desire a TLM alone?
your a wonderful big sister:) 👍 as for the NO, i don’t mind it if it is reverent, and do not have a problem with it
so long as it is reverent. and there are some that are really reverent. one poster showed us a picture of one that was very reverent, and had the traditional altar, and it was quite pleasing to see it:) i can’t remember the name of the poster, but i saw the photo and it ws quite lovely.

iam not sure if they actually feel threatened, i just think that perhaps they are just zealous for their mass, and so they can be. some people cannot accept the TLM, and some can. no one is asking that the TLM replace the NO. i think it would be nice to see the whole church go back to its old roots, but that is my own opinion, and not everyone would agree.

i think if they love their mass, they love their mass, but also at the same time, there are those of us who deeply deeply love the TLM, and cherish it because it is the Mass of All Time, and we’d like to see it preserved for all time, and so i believ eit is.

if some don’t like it, then they are entitled to their opinion, the same as we are of ours. i just don’t like being bamboozled by people who attack out of nowhere without real knowledge about what the TLM is. and that has happened. some will state things without facts, and to say something truthfully, one must have facts, be it about the NO or the TLM.

I never saw the reason to change the Mass, but change did happen whether some wanted it to or not. and it is not going to go away. it would only be nice to see in some churches, reverence for God because He derserves it. He is the Maker of All Things. a lack of reverence does not happen in all NO churches, it does in some. and this is truly heart breaking.
I see that Karin helped me out there with the post. 😉 We are not a TLM parish but there is no reason why we can’t become as reverent as possible in the NO, right? Just because we use girls doesn’t mean I can’t kick it old school 🙂 I think most on this thread would love to see at least a very reverent NO.

When I get the chance and find my stupid memory card! I will take a picture of the inside of our parish and post it for ya’ll. I’m sure my dear TLM friends/whinners hehehe jk!!, would be very happy with the way our parish looks on the inside 😉

On that score I’d like to ask a question, I noticed several people posting pics of these very lovely parishes but I was under the impression that the reason we don’t see these anymore, is mainly money. Those types of designs would be very costly, at least I would think they would be. The video points out how all these modern parishes were built but I honestly thought it was due to not having enough to build those beautiful churches any longer.
If it were due to money then what would the reason be for destroying many of the beautiful churches, altars, etc in the first place? I think there is much more of an agenda here.

For the record:

I promote the TLM, but I promote the NO to be celebrated properly (i.e., Gregorian Chant, much wider use of Latin, altar boys, etc.) because that is what the Church calls for. I am not anti-NO at all; I AM anti-abuses! (However, you’d be hard pressed to find a parish these days that isn’t chock full of abuses.)
On that score I’d like to ask a question, I noticed several people posting pics of these very lovely parishes but I was under the impression that the reason we don’t see these anymore, is mainly money. Those types of designs would be very costly, at least I would think they would be. The video points out how all these modern parishes were built but I honestly thought it was due to not having enough to build those beautiful churches any longer.
I believe that much of it has to do with style trends as well. In the 70’s when a new Church was built it was built according to the style of the time. Much like how a woman’s coat was designed according to the current style trends. At the time it was thought to be very respectful and appropriate. Only now do we look back in retrospect and see that the Churches of that era, along with the platform shoes, were both in poor taste. But at the time no one would have considered to build a Church or design a pair of shoes according to the style of the 1950’s or before, and today we still don’t. The beautiful architecture of the 1800’s and before is not something that would be designed today nor would it be possible to even construct due to the lack of money if not the total absence of craftsmanship.

Does that mean that we should just put up and shut up with the bare bones Churches built during that era? No, I think it is entirely possible to make them into very reverent and appropriate places of Catholic worship. Even of the most traditional type. It only takes a parish and a priest who want it badly enough to do it.

On that score I’d like to ask a question, I noticed several people posting pics of these very lovely parishes but I was under the impression that the reason we don’t see these anymore, is mainly money. Those types of designs would be very costly, at least I would think they would be. The video points out how all these modern parishes were built but I honestly thought it was due to not having enough to build those beautiful churches any longer.
I don’t think it has anything to do with money. Click on the link below and then on the individual links to brand new Churches in Fr. Jim Tuckers diocese.

so long as it is reverent. and there are some that are really reverent. one poster showed us a picture of one that was very reverent, and had the traditional altar, and it was quite pleasing to see it:) i can’t remember the name of the poster, but i saw the photo and it ws quite lovely. .
You mean this one? (Assumption Grotto Parish)

(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)


This is how the NO Mass should be! 🙂
And what do you suggest to someone who cannot find an orthodox home.

Walk a mile in my shoes or be still.
Ok it’s bugging me that I honestly don’t know if our diocese has an orthodox home, I’m going to ask our priest this question. After reading through this a few things come to mind that I remember hearing about in our diocese.

Anyway just sharing a ramdom thought 🙂
watching this video is a complete and utter waste of time. just read the tone of the responses on this thread. it sows a spirit of depression and discord so cannot be of the Holy Spirit.

better tactic: assist at Mass every Sunday and Holy Day at your own parish or the one that feeds you best, daily Mass when possible, with a spirit of unity with Christ and the whole Church, with a spirit of obedience to our Pope and Bishops who have given us the Order of the Mass, the rubrics, the lectionary and who have been charged by Christ with that responsibility, and who are our divinely ordained shepherds. Spend the effort formerly wasted on websites and books of disobedient, schismatic, bitter, ex-Catholics on developing the virtues, beginning with humility and obedience.
Thanks for the tip and advice. I was about 15 minutes into the video while skimming through these posts when I read your tip and advice…taken…thank you.

I’d like to add that I concur with St. Bernard of Clairvaux when he said that churches should not be embellished to the point of distraction from God. A simpler church…less adorned with distractions is a better one for me.
Does that mean that we should just put up and shut up with the bare bones Churches built during that era? No, I think it is entirely possible to make them into very reverent and appropriate places of Catholic worship. Even of the most traditional type. It only takes a parish and a priest who want it badly enough to do it.

As you know from our church, even bare bones and tons of dark wood can be made reverent and beautiful with statues and candles!
Ok it’s bugging me that I honestly don’t know if our diocese has an orthodox home, I’m going to ask our priest this question. After reading through this a few things come to mind that I remember hearing about in our diocese.

Anyway just sharing a ramdom thought 🙂
In my mind, every diocese should have one.
Many of us have talked about getting a list of them together, so if you find out, please do tell us! 🙂
If it were due to money then what would the reason be for destroying many of the beautiful churches, altars, etc in the first place? I think there is much more of an agenda here.

For the record:

I promote the TLM, but I promote the NO to be celebrated properly (i.e., Gregorian Chant, much wider use of Latin, altar boys, etc.) because that is what the Church calls for. I am not anti-NO at all; I AM anti-abuses! (However, you’d be hard pressed to find a parish these days that isn’t chock full of abuses.)
Oops, that doesn’t make sense, I meant to say that I promote the TLM (definately! 👍 ), but I promote the NO (properly celebrated) even more, … :o

FYI, I am a member of a TLM parish.
Oops, that doesn’t make sense, I meant to say that I promote the TLM (definately! 👍 ), but I promote the NO (properly celebrated) even more, … :o

FYI, I am a member of a TLM parish.
Despite what some TLM haters think, I also promote a reverent NO Mass.
And I would love to have access to one
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