What We Have Lost & the Road to Restoration

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That’s just it. The people who staunchly defend the NO accuse the TLM goers of wanting the NO to be abolished, when all the traditional Catholics want is to have access to the TLM. How would those same people feel if the TLM replaced their beloved NO, and all they had access to was a few indult NO’s scattered over the map? They have a very self-absorbed viewpoint, IMO.
As a convert to the Church, I’ll tell you the clash between NO and TLM proponents, the seemingly petty arguments and complaints by followers of some holy orders against other orders, and many other divisions within Mother Church came as a great surprise. The One true Church can very easily be viewed as a disfunctional family rather than a unified body of Christ. Each case probably has (or had) some merit; but in most circumstances, (IMHO), pride has achieved a victory by divisiveness. Sometime, somehow these divisions must give way to unity and regain a focus on the One we’ve come to Worship.

Pray hard and often that the gates of hell stay V E R Y far away.
That’s just it. The people who staunchly defend the NO accuse the TLM goers of wanting the NO to be abolished, when all the traditional Catholics want is to have access to the TLM. How would those same people feel if the TLM replaced their beloved NO, and all they had access to was a few indult NO’s scattered over the map? They have a very self-absorbed viewpoint, IMO.
With respect, I do not see this.

I am only recently (last summer) back in the Church after a long 25 years away (back thanks in part to a protestant mother-in-law and the CA radio and forums!), and quite honestly have only recently heard of the term Novus Ordo, though of course this is the Mass I am most accustomed to (just didn’t know the name) both from my earlier days as a Catholic in the '60s-'80s and currently. So, I know close to nothing about the TLM and things “traditional” - that’s a given, and I do not mind showing my ignorance - as I am learning from you guys. But perhaps being recently back to the Church also gives me a bit of objectivity here; you are free to disagree, of course.

I think I have followed this link pretty closely, and though I do not understand all that I read here (I am unable to distinguish TLM and Traditional - it is more than just the language, no?), here are the impressions you all have given me here:
  1. This is one fine group of Catholics, and I am happy to begin getting to know you.
  2. ALL OF US love Mass.
  3. It appears to me that most of those with a preference for the TLM/Traditional have no objection to the NO provided it is done reverently AND correctly (with no or at least greatly reduced incidences of “abuse”). They also rightly would like to see wider availability of the TLM/Traditional, even if this slightly decreases the availability of the NO. Now, I know so little about the TLM/Traditional mass, but I can easily understand the preference. I honestly believe that once I attend a Traditional Mass, I will continue to do so. I will here admit that my failure to check out whether there are any local Traditional Masses is mere laziness on my part.
  4. It also appears to me that all of those with a preference for NO have no objection to the TLM/Traditional. I have not noticed ANYWHERE on this thread a single defender of the NO (including myself here) that did not recognize the beauty of the TLM/Traditional Mass. If I missed someone putting down the TML, let me know. I know mention was made of the position of Richard P. McBrien on the TLM, but I also know that ALL of us here think he’s wrong (about SO many things…).
  5. Some (I repeat SOME) of those showing a preference for the TLM/Traditional Mass on this forum appear to actually HATE the NO, yes, the Mass itself. A good deal of this was covered here earlier. This, in fact, is what prompted me to post on this thread, and I thank JKirkLVNV for taking up a good defense of the only Mass I (now) know and love.
So, if you are interested in the impression of a relative newcomer, there it is.

Again, I look forward to learning more from all of you regarding a return (my return?) to a more traditional faith - I only ask that you not attempt to convince me or others in the interim that the NO is somehow invalid or not Catholic.

In peace.
As a convert to the Church, I’ll tell you the clash between NO and TLM proponents, the seemingly petty arguments and complaints by followers of some holy orders against other orders, and many other divisions within Mother Church came as a great surprise. The One true Church can very easily be viewed as a disfunctional family rather than a unified body of Christ. Each case probably has (or had) some merit; but in most circumstances, (IMHO), pride has achieved a victory by divisiveness. Sometime, somehow these divisions must give way to unity and regain a focus on the One we’ve come to Worship.

Pray hard and often that the gates of hell stay V E R Y far away.
Again, just back into the Church, I can second this.
But why?

I read that the Assumption Grotto Masses are in Latin.
Why not just TLM it and make everyone 100% happy?

A Novus Ordo ad orientum with all the vestements and the Latin language is so similar to the TLM I think they should just go all the way.

The main reason I still find the TLM superior over the Novus Ordo is that the TLM has many more ancient prayers and devotions within it which were erased in the NO missal.

So why not just celebrate a TLM instead of a TLM-ish NO?
Why go to all that trouble (ad orientem, altar boys, chant, etc.) for a NO when you could just have the Old Mass? As someone else on this forum, quoting Homer Simpson, has said, why go to America junior when you can go to America.
That is not what the craftsmen (and I choose this word carefully) of the Novus Ordo had in mind when they created it.
What’s that table there for, anyway? Looks out of place :whistle:
Why go to all that trouble (ad orientem, altar boys, chant, etc.) for a NO when you could just have the Old Mass? As someone else on this forum, quoting Homer Simpson, has said, why go to America junior when you can go to America.
That is not what the craftsmen (and I choose this word carefully) of the Novus Ordo had in mind when they created it.
What’s that table there for, anyway? Looks out of place :whistle:
That is EXACTLY what I was thinking.

And I thought outloud.

One post above you 🙂
But why?

I read that the Assumption Grotto Masses are in Latin.
Why not just TLM it and make everyone 100% happy?

A Novus Ordo ad orientum with all the vestements and the Latin language is so similar to the TLM I think they should just go all the way.

The main reason I still find the TLM superior over the Novus Ordo is that the TLM has many more ancient prayers and devotions within it which were erased in the NO missal.

So why not just celebrate a TLM instead of a TLM-ish NO?
Now there’s a thought.
That wasn’t the Church, was it, Paramedic Girl? No pope, as Supreme Legislator, promulgated the Barney Mass…or the Clown Mass…or any of the abuses we sometimes see. It was one misguided priest.
If the Supreme Legislator *did *promulgate a Barney or Clown “Mass”, or if he ordered priests to perform jumping jacks during the consecration, would we be obliged to obey? I’m just curious what you think about this, and to see if you’re consistent with your arguments…
I’m at a loss for words…that was extremely depressing.

Pray for the return of Tradition.
I completely agree. I watched the video and was shocked, perturbed and then after thinking about it, angry.
I love Mass Traditional or Pauline. What I don’t like are people like the one narrating the video badmouthing anything and everything that came out of Vatican II.
Yes, the liturgical abuses are real. By the way one bishop that was shown with protestant and jewish leaders was the cardinal of my old diocese in Los Angeles Roger Cardinal Mahoney.
He is very modern and in that archdiocese many churches were instructed to remove The Blessed Sacrament and Place it in a chapel separateLy. Inexcusable !

I visited the cathedral In Los Angeles and the “presider’s chair” is almost a carbon copy of Old Smokey, the electric chair in Florida.
The Blessed Sacrament is housed in a Chapel that you can hardly find. The tabernacle looks like a HOT DOG bun. I was in tears.
The sanctuary looks like an egyptian temple. I wish I could show you the pictures.
We must pray hard, very hard, for an end of heresy in our church and the emergence of The church Our Father in Heaven wants.
God bless our Holy Father Pope BenedictXVI who is taking the necessary steps.

Beata Maria, Mater Dei Ora Pro Nobis!

Maria Rose
That wasn’t the Church, was it, Paramedic Girl? No pope, as Supreme Legislator, promulgated the Barney Mass…or the Clown Mass…or any of the abuses we sometimes see. It was one misguided priest.

Maybe im just looking in all the wrong places, but I have seen many, many, MANY irreverent Novus Ordo Masses. And I have (to be quite honest) never seen one (not even by my dear Bishop whom I love…without him I wouldnt have my FSSP parish) Novus Ordo Mass that did not have grave liturgical abuses.

None to the Barney point sure…but riddled with abuse nonetheless.

In my entire life however, (which I know you find very, very, short Jkirk 😉 ) the onlything ‘close’ to an abuse Ive ever seen in a TLM was when Fr. Novokowsky told a joke that no one laughed at…(which was during the Homily…no mid-Mass comedy acts there)

Which (slightly off-topic) ended up creating a roar of laughter…due to its horribley “un-funny” nature.
I completely agree. I watched the video and was shocked, perturbed and then after thinking about it, angry.
I love Mass Traditional or Pauline. What I don’t like are people like the one narrating the video badmouthing anything and everything that came out of Vatican II.
Yes, the liturgical abuses are real. By the way one bishop that was shown with protestant and jewish leaders was the cardinal of my old diocese in Los Angeles Roger Cardinal Mahoney.
He is very modern and in that archdiocese many churches were instructed to remove The Blessed Sacrament and Place it in a chapel separateLy. Inexcusable !

I visited the cathedral In Los Angeles and the “presider’s chair” is almost a carbon copy of Old Smokey, the electric chair in Florida.
The Blessed Sacrament is housed in a Chapel that you can hardly find. The tabernacle looks like a HOT DOG bun. I was in tears.
The sanctuary looks like an egyptian temple. I wish I could show you the pictures.
We must pray hard, very hard, for an end of heresy in our church and the emergence of The church Our Father in Heaven wants.
God bless our Holy Father Pope BenedictXVI who is taking the necessary steps.

Beata Maria, Mater Dei Ora Pro Nobis!

Maria Rose
Yes, I saw pcitures of the Cathedral in LA and Mahoney’s throne on the Cathedral’s website. Needless to say, I was not impressed. And to think that a halfway traditional-looking Cathedral could have been built for half the funds.
I completely agree. I watched the video and was shocked, perturbed and then after thinking about it, angry.
I love Mass Traditional or Pauline. What I don’t like are people like the one narrating the video badmouthing anything and everything that came out of Vatican II.
Yes, the liturgical abuses are real. By the way one bishop that was shown with protestant and jewish leaders was the cardinal of my old diocese in Los Angeles Roger Cardinal Mahoney.
He is very modern and in that archdiocese many churches were instructed to remove The Blessed Sacrament and Place it in a chapel separateLy. Inexcusable !

I visited the cathedral In Los Angeles and the “presider’s chair” is almost a carbon copy of Old Smokey, the electric chair in Florida.
The Blessed Sacrament is housed in a Chapel that you can hardly find. The tabernacle looks like a HOT DOG bun. I was in tears.
The sanctuary looks like an egyptian temple. I wish I could show you the pictures.
We must pray hard, very hard, for an end of heresy in our church and the emergence of The church Our Father in Heaven wants.
God bless our Holy Father Pope BenedictXVI who is taking the necessary steps.

Beata Maria, Mater Dei Ora Pro Nobis!

Maria Rose
Your talking about Our Lady of the Angels Cathedral, wreckovated by Cardinal Mahony.

The most sacandalous piece of ‘art’ in that egyptian temple however was the statue of Our Lady in the front.

Dressed like a pagan godess, shaven like a Macy’s plastic model (literally), and without a veil or even any sign of prayerful piety.

A) I don’t buy into the mindset that the Pauline Rite was designed with ecumenism in mind. I think it was designed with the idea of noble simplicy in mind.
Then you’re ignoring well-known facts. I can’t help you. I’m not sure where you get the idea that the Novus was created to give the Mass “noble simplicity.” Not only is it not true, but it wouldn’t make sense. The Traditional Mass already exudes “noble simplicity”, when compared with the more elaborate, flowery Eastern rites which are also beautiful. Simplicity is such a relative term, anyway. Yes, the Novus Ordo may seem “simple” compared with the Mass of the ages, but it is not simple compared with a Quaker service. Since you love “noble simplicity”, would you like to see the Mass brought to that kind of level?
**Moreover, the New Order Mass is neither noble nor simple. “Impoverished” would be a more appropriate term. It is not noble because it is not the product of centuries of devotion and authentic Catholic faith, but rather was thrown together by a committee whose primary intention was to craft a liturgy which avoided anything that might offend Protestants as much as possible. This is a FACT and is well documented. Even when “celebrated properly”, which is difficult NOT to do since the rubrics are so loose, the Novus Ordo is not noble. It is not simple either, with its endless array of options, options, and more options. Back when I still attended the Novus Ordo, I purchased a beautiful Novus Ordo Missal because I thought it would enhance the way I participate in Mass. I thought it would be nice to be able to following along in the Missal with the priest (even though this is hardly necessary since EVERYTHING is said out loud). I soon gave up on this idea, though, when I realized that using a Missal during the Novus Ordo Mass is about as complicated as filling out one’s tax forms. Options, options, options makes for much hustled page-flipping and confusion. (Thus the NO missal remains practically unused, and though it has a great section with beautiful, holy prayers, MANY of these private prayers for praying before/during/after Mass (such as the “Placeat tibi”) are prayers that were once in the Mass itself before Bugnini and Paul VI came along and decided to give us a Mass that had more “noble simplicity” :rolleyes: . **
B) I haven’t come here with a “holier than thou” attitude nor have I said that anyone here is disobedient (I said PuzzleAnnie was obedient, but I haven’t accused anyone of being disobedient other than the SSPX, who patently ARE). Given the tenor of YOUR posts and what you have to say about the Mass, I would avoid accusing other people of acting “holier than thou.”
**I haven’t really been paying attention to PuzzleAnnie’s posts, I was responding to things YOU said. **

C) I most certainly DO understand that the Catholic Church is not limited to the current trend promoted by the current pope and the current Cardinals. Where you get the idea that I don’t is a mystery to me. You make leaps in logic.
You certainly give that impression when you imply that traditional Catholics are “going against the Church” or "disobedient to the Church."

I stand by what I said. To say what this video says about the Pauline Rite and the Pope and the Council is to be disobedient, unfaithful to the Church.
I disagree with the video’s implying that some of the sacraments might be invalid when celebrated under the new rites, but the overwhelming majority of what the video said was right on the mark. How interesting that you think the makers of this video are “unfaithful”, while I got a quite different impression, that the makers of this video are FAITHFUL Catholics who are seeing their Faith and its traditions being thrown out right and left and want to PRESERVE it.
You know…I was just finally able to watch the conclusion of the video…after reflection, it makes me so happy to know I have access to the TLM at a wonderful orthodox, traditional Parish…it is a huge blessing. I probably took that for granted to some extent…but after watching this video, I never will again. I feel bad for those who don’t have access to this wonderful gift…I hope and pray that all that want it, receive it in their Diocese. My parish is absolutely stunning…we have 5-6 of the old traditional confessionals in the back of the Church…we have the traditional Baptismal font…two beautiful side chapels with votive candles and breathtaking Mosaics…a traditional Altar rail…beautiful Altar…and an Adoration Chapel…I will try to take pictures one day and post them online…unfortuneatly, the Church used to be in an affluent part of town when it was built…now the area can be bad at times…therefore the Church doesn’t stay open all the time any more…it is only open right before Masses and other things such as Confession, and I do not want to take pictures while people are reciting the Rosary or right before Mass, etc…so I will have to try and get one of the Nuns to open it up for me…that is one thing I forgot to mention…we are blessed to have Mother Teresa’s order, The Missionaries of Charity at our Church…they have a convent there, and they run a shelter and soup kitchen. I am so Blessed!!!
How would those same people feel if the TLM replaced their beloved NO, and all they had access to was a few indult NO’s scattered over the map? They have a very self-absorbed viewpoint, IMO.
I hate to be a pity-pooper, but an awful lot of people (my parents and plenty of family and friends among them) DID live through such a time, it was called the 1940s and 1950s.

You really seem to think that the idea to make changes to the Mass came completely out of the blue and that everyone and everything was perfectly happy and hunky-dory before the big bad NO, don’t you?

Change came, and change continued, because a large proportion of celebrants and attendeees were UNHAPPY with the TLM and WANTED change!!!

And you dare to call them self-absorbed simply because they, before Vatican 2, were in exactly the same situation if not considerably worse (having absolutely no availability at all ANYWHERE of anything remotely approximating what they wanted) as you are now. It beggars belief.
I hate to be a pity-pooper, but an awful lot of people (my parents and plenty of family and friends among them) DID live through such a time, it was called the 1940s and 1950s.

You really seem to think that the idea to make changes to the Mass came completely out of the blue and that everyone and everything was perfectly happy and hunky-dory before the big bad NO, don’t you?

Change came and change continued because a large proportion of celebrants and attendeees were UNHAPPY and WANTED change!!! And you dare to call them self-absorbed simply because they, before Vatican 2, were in exactly the same situation or worse (having no availability at all of anything approximating what they preferred) as you are now. It’s beyond belief.
Thanks for telling me what I think, Lily. You obviously misread what I wrote. I said that the people complaining about tradtional Catholics wanting to have access to the TLM would not like it if the shoe was on the other foot. What part of that don’t you understand?
Thanks for telling me what I think, Lily. You obviously misread what I wrote. I said that the people complaining about tradtional Catholics wanting to have access to the TLM would not like it if the shoe was on the other foot. What part of that don’t you understand?
I’m telling you what you sound like.

And I’m telling you there can only be one foot in that shoe, and for now it’s not yours. For a long enough time it was awful for those who now are happy with the NO too.

Change the availability of the TLM if you can, suck it up if you can’t. It is what they had to do as well.
Yes, I saw pcitures of the Cathedral in LA and Mahoney’s throne on the Cathedral’s website. Needless to say, I was not impressed. And to think that a halfway traditional-looking Cathedral could have been built for half the funds.
Rather than squabbling back and forth about whether the Novus Ordo is a beautiful and authentically Catholic Mass, it’s sometimes better to simply look at the RESULTS themselves, for actions speak louder than words. The Traditional Mass inspired the architecture of Notre Dame Cathedral and St. Peter’s Basilica, in addition to thousands of other churches and cathedrals and the most splendid architecture, which were built for the celebration of THAT Mass. The Novus Ordo, on the other hand, has inspired such gems as the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels. Let’s take a look…
These two churches are located in the most Catholic city of New Orleans, Louisiana. Can you guys guess which one was built for the celebration of the Traditional Mass and which was built for the Novus Ordo Mass? :yup: That latter one really lifts my heart, mind, and soul heavenward!

Or how about a before/after pic, like the ones they show you on weight loss commercials? Let’s look at what kinds of improvements the Novus Ordo has made…
http://www.stjames-cathedral.org/history/images/1918 Interior.jpg
http://www.stjames-cathedral.org/history/images/12th ORD Mass.jpg
(In case you were wondering, it IS the same church–St. James Cathedral in Seattle). This is an example of what is known to some as a “proper implementation” of Vatican II. Gotta love noble simplicity! :rolleyes:
I’m telling you what you sound like, not what you think.

And I’m telling you there can only be one foot in that shoe, and for now it’s not yours. For a long time it was awful for those who now are happy with the NO too. Change it if you can, suck it up if you can’t, which is what they had to do as well.
You still don’t get it, do you? Let me rephrase it. Slowly.

I believe there is plenty of room for both the Novus Ordo and the Tridentine Rite. I don’t think Catholics should be forced to attend one or the other due to lack of availability of either Mass. No one should feel threatened that one Mass will exclude the other. The Novus Ordo is here to stay. I just wish the Tridentine Latin Mass was available, too, for those who desire it.
Your talking about Our Lady of the Angels Cathedral, wreckovated by Cardinal Mahony.

The most sacandalous piece of ‘art’ in that egyptian temple however was the statue of Our Lady in the front.

Dressed like a pagan godess, shaven like a Macy’s plastic model (literally), and without a veil or even any sign of prayerful piety.

It’s called “inculturation”. One of the many wonderful improvements in the Church since Vatican II.
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