I don’t much care for the way women are dressed these days either. However, just coming out of highschool last year, i completely understand the societal pressure involved with being a young women. Everyday young women are bombarded on TV, magazines, music videos, that to look beautiful, sexy, hot, whatever is the main priority when young, because you lose it when you are older. Of course i disagree with this, but i am also guilty to giving in to these pressures while in my teens. Teenagers have the worst self-esteem, i know i did, because we are constantly subconsciously told that we have to be thin, wear tons of make-up, have our hair pefectly straightened, and be a lust object to every man in exsistence to be worth while. It’s so wrong. So those of you with daughters around this age, don’t blame them for wanting to fit in blame the corporations that advertise this so-called “acceptance”. Those of you with sons, teach them what a real women is.