Where is the Catholic outrage over recent American immigration policies?

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Sounds like the civil penalty.

Not the criminal one.

I won’t get potentially jailed for doing five miles over the speed limit. It’s also not a Federal offense.
Sounds like the civil penalty.

Not the criminal one.
I think we’re parting ways on this one. Yes, it could be a $50 fine or 6 months in jail. I’m not going to look it up, but I’m going to guess that’s a pretty standard penalty for a host of trivial “crimes.” But what is the cost of putting someone in jail for 6 months?

Here’s from the Federal Register: “The Director of the Bureau of Prisons determined that, based upon fiscal year 2015 data, the fee to cover the average cost of incarceration for Federal inmates in Fiscal Year 2015 was $31,977.65 ($87.61 per day).” So six months in federal jail = $16,000. So we should put all those hundreds of thousands of “illegals” in jail at $16,000 a pop? Just for fun I did some math: 100,000 prisoners for 6 months @ $16,000 each = a mere $1.6 BILLION. If anyone thinks that’s the solution, please raise your hand.

Again, the money would be much better spent trying to make El Salvador, Honduras, and Guatamala places where people would want to live.
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Please stop conflating it with Legal Immigration, it’s dishonest
I’m not conflating the issues… read my posts… I’m advocating for fixing the process. Processing these refuges should be at least as easy as it was 100+ years ago when we processed thousands and thousands of immigrants. With advancements we’ve made it should be easier, not harder.
You have to remember back when we had Ellis Island & Angel Island running, Ellis Island easily let in EUROPEANS, but the Asians waiting at Angel Island sometimes had to wait there weeks, months and even years before they were granted access to America.

The “good ole days of immigration” had a dark past too. Plus, there were no federal safety nets. People came here who knew they would have to work hard to make money.

And we had gangs in those immigrant neighborhoods (similar today).

God Bless
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Just in case I’m being misunderstood (that NEVER happens in this forum, of course), I’ll add I’m all for LEGAL immigration and for stopping ILLEGAL immigration.

One thing no one ever brings up (on either side of the debate) is that it’s only because these people can walk across the border they are given an advantage. What about the West Africans who are all going across the Sahara and drowning? What about the Rohingya? What about the Syrians? What about the Yemenis? What about the Afghans? Their problem is that they can’t walk across the border. But the current system discriminates against them. It’s not fair to them. We need to reform the whole system, decide how many immigrants and how many refugees we want a year, and then enforce it. And again–not by going after the immigrants. Go after the employers of illegal immigrants.

One other thought: I think people have the idea that in the past immigrants came to the US and that was it. But in fact 1/3 of them stayed just a little while and went back to where they came from. That was the case with my great grandfather and great uncle–stayed a year or two and returned to England. I suspect today’s immigrants are no different. And if you think they are living the easy life, I invite you to drive around the Salton Sea in California–I did once and I still haven’t gotten over it. It makes El Salvador look like heaven on earth.

And with that, good night.
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Speeding ticket vs Federal offense and deportation.

Yep. Can’t say I see a parallel there.

No, cleaning up Guatemala, El Salvador, and Honduras isn’t our place, actually. The money would be better spent helping our own…like I said, kids in Baltimore had no heat in their schools last year and American children go to bed hungry. There’s far more wrong with that.
I think it won’t be long and most people will finally realize child trafficking was and is much more organized and prevalent than they ever could have imagined.
Trump is a Whack Job. If CAF’ers want to continue to support and justify his BS, it just confirms why many people, especially the Millennials, are abandoning religion. After all, what’s the point? And for the rest of us, religious hypocrisy is getting too hard to swallow. I’d rather spend my Sunday mornings playing golf and send my money to libraries and animal shelters.
That kind of demonstrates the real grounding of your religious beliefs, doesn’t it?

Is it faith (or loss of faith) in God or in humankind that motivates your sentiments and outrage?

From where I stand, what seems very clear is that you are using heavy handed and emotionally laden rhetoric to try to change other people’s perspectives, which can have legitimate variance. It isn’t as if you have laid out a clear and careful case regarding your position, it is that you are attempting to shame or belittle others into swallowing your opinion and outrage as the only possible morally correct way of viewing the situation. Personally, I find that approach off-putting and bereft of any real merit, precisely because you assume those who disagree with you are necessarily morally deficient.

Carry on, though, because I suspect sincere and decent people will see through your moral “outrage” the more you post.
I was really liking your post until you typed:

“But this will never happen because employers (usually good solid Republicans) are benefiting from the labor of illegal immigrants–they’re cheaper, don’t join unions, don’t make trouble, and don’t ask for their rights.”
And why is this putting you off? Who owns those construction companies, restaurants, landscaping services, etc.?
I suppose it’s the “good solid Republicans” who own the high tech firms like Amazon, Facebook, Apple and Google, the media companies, the Starbucks and Kellogg’s and Targets of world who support illegal immigration and every other politically correct “Republican” position?

Since when has it been “good solid Republicans” speaking out in opposition to Trump’s attempts to curtail illegal immigration and build a wall? Seems to me that it is the left side of the political spectrum that seems most in favour of open borders. Must be from the sheer kindness and generosity of their disinterested little hearts.
Lamentable denigration . Especially because after all his bashing of how Mexican “treat the children”, if it isn t a matter of resources,as he says,he fails to explain why those who have the economical resources are welcome and those who haven’t aren 't.
Really sorry I watched it. It is hurtful. And political.
I would have felt the same for any such video denigrating American culture.
Or any such video here.
There is no need for this ,HarryStotle .
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What about the West Africans who are all going across the Sahara and drowning? What about the Rohingya? What about the Syrians? What about the Yemenis? What about the Afghans? Their problem is that they can’t walk across the border. But the current system discriminates against them. It’s not fair to them. We need to reform the whole system, decide how many immigrants and how many refugees we want a year, and then enforce it. And again–not by going after the immigrants. Go after the employers of illegal immigrants.
Many of them are legit refugees (syria, africa, etc), unlike our visitors from south of the border.
Once we contain illegal immigration, my preference is to increase our intake of actual refugees.
President Trump does not want to turn America in to a migrant camp like Europe.
Morally deficient? Hmmm, my priest at morning Mass yesterday had stronger words of condemnation for this situation than I have posted. But my guess is, like me, he is not a Trump supporter so that makes us both morally deficient. I am sure it won’t be long before the Bishop sees through his phony “moral outrage” and boots him out of the diocese. After all, the only thing we Catholics are allowed to be outraged over is abortion, gay rights and the 1960’s sexual revolution.
I suppose that if your priest reduces all moral issues to Trump=“whack job,” and insists that his view is the only one of merit, and that anyone who disagrees with him is a “Trump supporter” without any moral legitimacy, and further reduces counter moral perspectives to a straw man so he can bash anyone who disagrees with his view, your priest does have some serious need of moral and spiritual guidance.

Merely calling fellow Catholics hypocrites does not amount to a moral argument, it just makes your sense of moral superiority obvious to everyone.
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