The outrage, as I see it, is in the flaws in federal law. Those accidentally born here to illegal parents should not receive automatic citizenship. Show me another nation which grants this. If they do, they are just as wrong. This is a liberal/progressive ruse to, among other things, create a larger dependent class and gain votes. Don’t think so? Ha! Pay better attention.
Latin American “refugees” are here for the MONEY.
Hear that? For the Money.
They are not fleeing generalized violence, or starvation or religious or other persecution.
They want the money.
The problem? The endemic and pervasive corruption in Latin American government. How - who - is addressing this for those who cannot flee? Sadly, the “official” Church response is crickets to the multi-millions who suffer without being able to flee corruption.
Now there is the injustice; there should lie the outrage.
Progressive/Liberal guilt cannot supply the entire world with a living at the expense of other people’s money. Sooner or later, it runs out.
Those profoundly corrupt governments that victimize their own citizens get a pass! Obama was golden and innocent on this matter. President Trump is the progressive neo-Hitler.
Beam me up, Mr. Soctt.
DW has skin in this game, so please keep the flames to a manageable level.