Where is the Catholic outrage over recent American immigration policies?

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I’ve suggested several solutions:
  • Sanction Refugee Countries
  • Military Action Against Cartels
  • Safe Zone in Mexico
  • UN Coalition
I have yet to hear or see a better plan.
I’ve suggested several solutions:
  • Sanction Refugee Countries
  • Military Action Against Cartels
  • Safe Zone in Mexico
  • UN Coalition
I have yet to hear or see a better plan.
What problem are you trying to solve? Immigration of all types has been around forever and will continue to exist in the future. Immigration is not the fault of Mexico or Central America or anyone else it’s part of human nature for people to look for a better life even if they need to travel hundreds or thousands of miles.

Be thankful that in our country there has been no need for our countrymen to migrate out in desperation. The solution is to apply the Golden rule to those seeking refuge in our communities.
You’re wrong. Terribly wrong! The International Community must intervene and fix those countries that are having problems. There’s such a thing as Responsibility and we must hold other countries accountable for their failures.
Be thankful that in our country there has been no need for our countrymen to migrate out in desperation. The solution is to apply the Golden rule to those seeking refuge in our communities.
I don’t run away and burden others. If YOU wish to apply the Golden Rule please bring a migrant family into your home.
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My parish has done this, sponsoring refugees from Iraq, Syria, Sudan and Myanmar.

I also personally helped in bringing household items to help refugees set up their new home.

I also believe in the rule of law.

There seems to be a belief in here that compassion and belief in the rule of law is incompatible. Those who do believe in the rule of law are not heartless or bad Catholics.
You’re wrong. Terribly wrong! The International Community must intervene and fix those countries that are having problems. There’s such a thing as Responsibility and we must hold other countries accountable for their failures.
Be thankful that in our country there has been no need for our countrymen to migrate out in desperation. The solution is to apply the Golden rule to those seeking refuge in our communities.
I don’t run away and burden others. If YOU wish to apply the Golden Rule please bring a migrant family into your home.
Have you read the parable of the proud Pharisee and the Tax collector? The one where the Pharisee prays saying that he is better than the other?
My parish has done this, sponsoring refugees from Iraq, Syria, Sudan and Myanmar.

I also personally helped in bringing household items to help refugees set up their new home.

I also believe in the rule of law.

There seems to be a belief in here that compassion and belief in the rule of law is incompatible. Those who do believe in the rule of law are not heartless or bad Catholics.
Are the policies and laws that the administration is championing compassionate?
There seems to be a belief in here that compassion and belief in the rule of law is incompatible. Those who do believe in the rule of law are not heartless or bad Catholics.
Compassion doesn’t always mean taking it on the chin and accepting all the world’s burdens. The International Community should rectify this situation and stop it from happening again.
Yeah I guess I don’t get it. These people are obviously proud of where they come from, but we/they should just let their countries fall to ruin? No civilization should be left there? We should allow govt corruption and crime to destroy their countries?
What we are doing is insane. It’s like a doctor trying to treat a fever instead of finding out why the patient has a fever in the first place and treating the cause. Treat the causes of illegal immigration, not the symptoms. Why is that hard to understand?
Increasing aid doesn’t solve the problem, either.

We have far too many of our own issues to worry about. How about locking up the borders and forcing countries to deal with their own issues instead of relying on handouts from the US and our wealthy allies?

And then, when we do clean the place up, we get told we’ve designed a puppet government for the US. And we’re money and power hungry and oh look at the imperialists. Yes. That’s all accurate. It happens, and has happened. So I say - stay out.

I’m sorry, but that needs to stop. The problems there are not ours. They’re being made ours. At some point someone needs to say enough is enough.
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The outrage, as I see it, is in the flaws in federal law. Those accidentally born here to illegal parents should not receive automatic citizenship. Show me another nation which grants this. If they do, they are just as wrong. This is a liberal/progressive ruse to, among other things, create a larger dependent class and gain votes. Don’t think so? Ha! Pay better attention.

Latin American “refugees” are here for the MONEY.

Hear that? For the Money.

They are not fleeing generalized violence, or starvation or religious or other persecution.

They want the money.

The problem? The endemic and pervasive corruption in Latin American government. How - who - is addressing this for those who cannot flee? Sadly, the “official” Church response is crickets to the multi-millions who suffer without being able to flee corruption.

Now there is the injustice; there should lie the outrage.

Progressive/Liberal guilt cannot supply the entire world with a living at the expense of other people’s money. Sooner or later, it runs out.
Those profoundly corrupt governments that victimize their own citizens get a pass! Obama was golden and innocent on this matter. President Trump is the progressive neo-Hitler.

Beam me up, Mr. Soctt.

DW has skin in this game, so please keep the flames to a manageable level.
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Jesus Mary and Joseph certainly ran away (to Egypt)!

I highly doubt they had to queue up at the local equivalent of an Egyptian ermbassy, or at the border, spend time in detention, fill in miles of paperwork in triplicate, or fork out $$$ for immigration lawyers as people often need to do today.

Christ says ‘whatsoever you do to the least of these, that you do to Me’. Criminals and children certainly qualify as ‘the least’, and the true measure of a person and a society is in how well they treat them.
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Even if there were such a path, there are people who will be ahead in the queue. Either way someone will be turned down.

We cannot solve all the world’s problems or bear all of their burdens.

This fact does not make us bad people or bad Catholics.
I highly doubt they had to queue up at the local equivalent of an Egyptian ermbassy, or at the border, spend time in detention, fill in miles of paperwork in triplicate, or fork out $$$ for immigration lawyers as people often need to do today.
If you want to live like they did 2,000 years ago be my guest. In all honesty, you don’t know what they had to do. I’m sure they followed the rules though! They also responded to the Census.
Christ says ‘whatsoever you do to the least of these, that you do to Me’. Criminals and children certainly qualify as ‘the least’, and the true measure of a person and a society is in how well they treat them.
Take them into your house and let me know how it goes! Oh, no background checking either 😉
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