Where is the Catholic outrage over recent American immigration policies?

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You can be outraged but it won’t accomplish anything.

Do you support holding failed states accountable and militarily wiping out the cartels?
With respect, that’s just not true. If you are asking for asylum, you go to a U.S. embassy or consular office, or go to any port of entry and present yourself to customs officials there. If you do that with kids in tow, you are not separated from them (except in unusual circumstances where the parent is a wanted criminal, etc.)

If, however, you cross the border illegally by jumping the fence, swimming the river, etc. with your kids in tow, then you have broken U.S. law and, when/if captured, you go to a detention facility (i.e., a jail) and the kids go elsewhere while we figure out where to place them. That’s the same thing that happens when any other parent is detained for breaking the law and it’s not readily apparent where the children should go.

Yes, what is happening is pretty darn terrible…but the parents who are voluntarily putting their children in this position bear the majority of the responsibility for it.

We’re being put in a position where we either ignore the crime and ignore the danger these parents are putting their kids in (which is what the previous administration was doing), or we send the kids off into detention with their parents so we don’t separate them (which I think would be a far worse thing than separating them), or we do something like what we’re doing now…process the criminal and deal with the kids best we can.

There is no good solution under the laws as they exist today. These parents should be playing by the rules and requesting asylum through the proper channels (and not putting their children in danger by dragging them across deserts and wilderness into another country). Just go to the port of entry. Do it the right way
Except there are verified reports of parents who DID present themselves at a port of entry being separated from their children. Like the Catholic woman from Congo who presented herself at the San Ysidro port of entry to claim asylum, only to find herself separated from her daughter and her daughter sent to Chicago with the Office of Refugee Resettlement. Or countless Hispanic parents who have presented themselves at the border crossings along the Mexican border, only to still be separated from their children. (Several of those verified reports involve parents who presented themselves at the crossing at the Brownsville international bridge, some involve other ports of entry)
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At this point, I’d be considering military options. The cartels are becoming a tremendous burden to the USA and the exodus of asylum seekers and illegal immigrants is a National Security issue.

Mexico is a failed state and they dump their problems on us. Let’s start by sanctioning Mexican Government Officials along with Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador. Furthermore, let’s take this to the UN and have it declared a Humanitarian Crisis.
Rather than using violence which is a strange response to see in a Catholic forum by the way. Why not consider the source of the problem which is drug money that comes from our country which is then used to spread violence and corruption in South and Central America? How does the military solve that problem?
Why not consider the source of the problem which is drug money that comes from our country which is then used to spread violence and corruption in South and Central America?
Who’s responsible for supplying the money? Our Government? The CIA?
How does the military solve that problem?
Assuming that our government isn’t actively aiding and supplying the drug epidemic, it would be necessary to forcibly break the cartels.
I do not want to make this thread political, so I’m not commenting on Trump.

But I think you make a good point re: millennials and faith. Many people in America (not just millennials) associate Christianity with politics and certain figures in the culture that have almost zip in common, in terms of values.

The goal of Catholics should be to show young people and America at large that the Christian faith is much larger than any political party or ideology.
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I couldn’t add links to my post (too many characters), so I’ll post them here separately. As I said, families are being separated even if they present at a port of entry to claim asylum. So even if they’re trying to follow US laws, they’re still being separated from their children.

(Congolese mom and daughter separated for months after mom presented them at the San Ysidro port of entry – might have continued had the ACLU and senators not gotten involved)

(mother separated from 18-month-old son for 2+ months after presenting at Brownsville international bridge port of entry)
(Brownsville local paper notes that in 13 of 15 cases of family separation an advocate is working with, the families had presented themselves at the international bridge)
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These people are not violating the law.
They are if they snuck into the country as illegal aliens. That’s completely against the law. Please, go sneak into Mexico and see where that gets you.

I have compassion. I also know that American citizen kids are still hungry and still have no coats in the winter.
I couldn’t add links to my post (too many characters), so I’ll post them here separately. As I said, families are being separated even if they present at a port of entry to claim asylum. So even if they’re trying to follow US laws, they’re still being separated from their children.
And they always have been because they cannot take their kids to holding while they’re awaiting adjudication on their request.

This isn’t new, folks.
But the propagandist media said otherwise… :frowning_face_with_open_mouth:
And they always have been because they cannot take their kids to holding while they’re awaiting adjudication on their request.

This isn’t new, folks.
The situation is new, though, and more expansive, and less merciful:

This describes the current situation well, and why Catholics leaders and bishops are speaking out against it in particular now as well:

Whose standards should we be striving for?
You completely took that out of context.

What I said was, if you’re illegal, you reap what you sow. The poster said “these people are not violating the law”. Yeah, they are, if they snuck in…and if they think we’re terrible, they should sneak in elsewhere and see how other places treat illegals.
I disagree with the “situation” being “new”, or more expansive, or any of that.

I smell some media spin, especially since some of the things being attributed to the current administration have been going on for ages - like holding areas and separating asylum seekers.

This isn’t new.
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You smell media spin, I smell defensive attitude re: political preference.

Either way, the bishops have said much about it, and I recommend looking into it, as they are our moral shepherds.
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You smell media spin, I smell defensive attitude re: political preference.
You’d be wrong on my count.

I immigrated my husband here. Legally. Through the red tape and the paperwork. This has nothing to do with who occupies the White House for me. I’ve thought this for literally decades.
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