White woman who hit black man during argument about whether he could be on the beach is charged with a hate crime

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Her life if she is here on a passport may be ruined.
Why would her passport be ruined? Holding a passport is to mitigate flight risk prior to a case concluding. It isn’t permanent.
The article says she is a Russian refuge not an American citizen so how will this play out on her visa.
We never hear what happens to some of these people
In general, I think people never hear how a case concludes because they don’t follow it. IF one wants to know, an occasional Internet search for updates is sufficient.
I often look for updates in many of these and other stories and never can find anything more about the incident and what happened to the person who got charged with a hate crime, a very serious offense, a felony. I disagree and think people are very interested but they are quick “click bait” stories that never resurface.
I’ve seen enough street fights to know that the other person will say the vilest racist things even though he or she may not be a racist.
I don’t think this conclusion would pass peer review lol
I’ve seen enough street fights to know that the other person will say the vilest racist things even though he or she may not be a racist.
I don’t think this conclusion would pass peer review lol
People in general in a fight say the nastiest, meanest, ugliest things they can think of because they are trying to hurt the other person.
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They were egging her and put the words in her mouth.
I really hate it when people of color use mind tricks to get me to say racist things
I know right!!
There are videos that are outright racist and they are there. There are other videos that you wonder what went on. Well people do do strange thing when challenged. I am thinking of the Sacramento Karen who was in the store and she tells the Black woman over and over again " I only said excuse me" as she tried to pass by and the woman took offense and said she never called her a vile name.

The woman denies it but in anger because the woman told her she could not say the word, she does say it.

Sacramento 'Karen' Punched in Face After Hurling N-Word at Woman

Did she only say “excuse me” initially? Who knows?
I have no idea what this post means.
(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)

This was the original post which I was responded to you Balto1 said that “I really hate it when people of color use mind tricks to get me to say racists things” in my response what I said about the Black man video taping while he was egging her on.

Then I responded to you when you posted " I know right" as an affirmation to Balto1.
This was another story with a" racist" woman.

There was a case a few months ago called Sacramento Karen about a “racist” woman at a Seven Eleven. This post was in response to that.
There are videos that are outright racist and they are there. There are other videos that you wonder what went on. Well people do do strange thing when challenged. I am thinking of the Sacramento Karen who was in the store and she tells the Black woman over and over again " I only said excuse me" as she tried to pass by and the woman took offense and said she never called her a vile name.

The woman denies it but in anger because the woman told her she could not say the word, she does say it.

Sacramento 'Karen' Punched in Face After Hurling N-Word at Woman

Did she only say “excuse me” initially? Who knows?
Perhaps you did not see the original story and were not familiar with it but it was a story where a white woman was in the store and passed a Black woman and then said “excuse” me but the Black woman took offense to it and accused the white woman of calling her a name. The white woman totally denied it but then as the confrontation escalated, the white woman said the word. I posted a link to the story. Have you been reading the thread? My adding the story was to understand what is provocation is involved, does it matter.
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Yes, the story was just confusing.

She doesn’t say n- and then she does. . .

I’ve been angry at people who were black a few times in my life. I had a black roommate who stole my wedding ring. I was. . . . not happy at all. I didn’t call him n. though as I’m not racist so I don’t say racist things.

I was attacked another time by a black guy late at night. I did call him some unpleasant things but not n. as I’m not racist.
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Yes, the story was just confusing.

She doesn’t say n- and then she does. . .

I’ve been angry at people who were black a few times in my life. I had a black roommate who stole my wedding ring. I was. . . . not happy at all. I didn’t call him n. though as I’m not racist so don’t say racist things.
That was the point that many posted made.

I was just wondering if in the heat or an argument and if you watch Sacramento Karen, you can see it gets very heated and totally escalated does it matter . Finally Sacramento Karen is challenged to say the words and so frustated as she even backs back to de-escate but then then upon in your face pressure, says a very nasty word.
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Yes, the story was just confusing.

She doesn’t say n- and then she does. . .

I’ve been angry at people who were black a few times in my life. I had a black roommate who stole my wedding ring. I was. . . . not happy at all. I didn’t call him n. though as I’m not racist so don’t say racist things.
That was the point that many posted made.

I was just wondering if in the heat or an argument and if you watch Sacramento Karen, you can see it gets very heated and totally escalated does it matter . Finally Sacramento Karen is challenged to say the words and so frustated as she even backs back to de-escate but then then upon in your face pressure, says a very nasty word.
weird situation.
I was just wondering if in the heat or an argument and if you watch Sacramento Karen, you can see it gets very heated and totally escalated does it matter . Finally Sacramento Karen is challenged to say the words and so frustated as she even backs back to de-escate but then then upon in your face pressure, says a very nasty word.
weird situation.
It was a difficult situation because you have a white woman stating over and over that she only said “Excuse me” and she repeats this about 10 times.

The Black woman accuses the white woman of lying but there is no videotape showing that she did say the nasty word originally.

Still Sacramento Karen had over 4 million views and she was declared a “racist”…

She does say the nasty word but it is much later in the very heated exchange when the Black woman dares her to say the word.
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It was a difficult situation because you have a white woman stating over and over that she only said “Excuse me” and she repeats this about 10 times.

The Black woman accuses the white woman of lying but there is no videotape showing that she did say the nasty word originally.

Still Sacramento Karen had over 4 million views and she was declared a “racist”…

She does say the nasty word but it is much later in the very heated exchange when the Black woman dares her to say the word.
Yep, just watched the video. Another partial video with only part of an incident. We have no idea what started the incident. We have no idea what was said prior to the whole “I said excuse me” battle.

Should the white woman have used a nasty name, absolutely not! That said, I believe both women were at fault in this instance. All it would have taken was one of the them to drop the ball and end it.

As someone else said, many things get said in anger that are not truly a person’s thoughts and feelings. It is about “one upping” the person you are arguing with. Might be how they really feel and might not be.

We can look at an action someone does and judge it right or wrong but we as humans can not judge another person’s heart. That is for God alone.

IMHO it is wrong to label anyone a racist.
Off topic, but I hate that vertical video has become the norm. Often times there is more in a scene that would be visible if the phone were rotted. Vertical video looses context.
Instead of insinuating things, why not be forthright about what you think I intentionally lied about?
Instead of insinuating things, why not be forthright about what you think I intentionally lied about?
Strike a member of a sacred class and your charges get upgraded.
That isn’t what happened at all. The initial charge was based on the attack. They were upgraded not because the man was the ‘sacred class’ but because she used racially derogatory speech towards him.

Black people aren’t a ‘sacred class’ they are people who deserve to be treated like human beings. Just like unborn babies deserve protection because they are human beings. By referring to black people as a ‘sacred class’ it very much seems like the same comment she made. ‘Go back to where you came from’.

I know you can’t see anything wrong with that attitude. That’s why the problem is referred to as systemic and endemic.
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They were upgraded not because the man was the ‘sacred class’ but because she used racially derogatory speech towards him.
Did those words cause the little old lady’s slap to inflict more physical injury? He puts words in her mouth after taunting her. She answered while clearly under emotional distress. I wonder if she was even aware of the question?
By referring to black people as a ‘sacred class’ it very much seems like the same comment she made. ‘Go back to where you came from’.
I do not recall seeing that in the video. I guess when a member of a class deemed sacred by the SJWs speaks, we have to simply believe.
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They were upgraded not because the man was the ‘sacred class’ but because she used racially derogatory speech towards him.
Did those words cause the little old lady’s slap to inflict more physical injury? He puts words in her mouth after taunting her. She answered while clearly under emotional distress. I wonder if she was even aware of the question?
That demonstrates your skewed vision. She is not a ‘little old lady’. She is in my own age bracket, fit as a fiddle by all accounts and not due any of the immunity you are trying to claim. Unfortunately, I know a fair few women like this full of entitlement and that ‘emotional distress’, is guarding her ‘privilege’ with the venom of vipers. He on the other hand is a 25 year old black male which is a dangerous thing to be in today’s climate. Doing nothing wrong until this woman assails him. She didn’t like him laughing because why? She thinks he just lie down and take it because she is entitled and ‘privileged’. It’s a blatant example of the poison that needs to be flushed out of people.
By referring to black people as a ‘sacred class’ it very much seems like the same comment she made. ‘Go back to where you came from’.
I do not recall seeing that in the video. I guess when a member of a class deemed sacred by the SJWs speaks, we have to simply believe.
Again, your assumptions are skewed. You’re implying that a black person is innately a liar. He relayed what had happened before he started filming because it was that kind of thing that made him realize what he was dealing with.

“She says, ‘This is America. This is America, you can’t do this. I’m from Winnetka. You need to go back where you’re from,‘”

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His sister uploaded it. NYC was ready to prosecute her, but he refused to cooperate. He said the incident was over and had no interest in pursuing charges.
Imagine the twists that would be applied if she weren’t caught on tape trying to lie about him to the cops and using his race against him, if people can perform these summersaults to claim he should be in jail for daring to tell a white woman to get her dog under control and record evidence.
She did not spew.

She was asked one loaded (not open-ended) question, “Is it because I am black?” She said, “Yes.”
That seems like spewing to me. Why would anyone not being racist answer yes to that? An innocent person would be immediately defensive against the insinuation. “How dare you?!” would be a more empathizable response. Considering it all happened in the context of her trying to have them removed from a public space by just assuming they alone (she bothered no others) had no right to be there, he had every right to ask if he was being profiled. I’m not here confused about whether to take her word for it. I see no need to excuse someone for an admission of racism.
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