Who would you vote for in America?

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I think voting in “America” is secret ballots for a reason. I do not share or discuss my prospective or recent votes. I also think that if everybody else just voted without making endless speeches about it, the country would be better off.

I just revealed to a friend who I voted for in the 2012 election. Perhaps when a similar amount of years have passed, we can discuss this year’s voting, assuming the Lord lets me live that long to both vote and to discuss it years later.
Who knew helping the poor or immigrants or prisoners was considered against Catholicism… honestly, stop painting with such a wide brush, you lose all credibility that way
I’m sorry, but this is painting Republicans with a broad brush as well.
  • Republicans are all for non-profits and local govts helping the poor. They simply see it as a local & state issue, not a federal issue. Many polls have shown that Republicans donate more money to the poor than Democrats do. Democrats tend to donate money to colleges, museums, theater, etc.
  • Republicans are all for LEGAL immigration. When Democrats were calling for a crackdown on immigration during the George W. Bush administration, Pres. G.W. Bush said immigrants often handle the jobs Americans don’t want. Republicans are not against immigration, we are simply against illegal immigration - a position everyone shared just 10 years ago.
  • In regards to prisoners… .I really don’t understand this one. President Trump was involved with the Prison reform bills with Kim Kardashian & Kanye West. Prisons need reform, I doubt you will find anyone who disagrees.
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That is likely what I will do this November. I will go vote, but for the presidential election either leave it blank or do a write in.

There are limits to the lesser-of-two-evils approach as far as I am concerned.
Republicans are all for LEGAL immigration.
Demonstrably false, as Trump’s and Cotton’s over all immigration plan they submitted in 2017 aimed to reduce legal immigration by 50% in 5 years. Didn’t pass, but the “only opposed to illegal immigration” mantra is simply disingenuous at this point.

Trump Supports Plan to Cut Legal Immigration by Half - The New York Times
I said Republicans, not Donald Trump.

The proposal he submitted was to eliminate “Chain Migration,” a policy where a legal immigrant can sponsor every single EXTENDED relative he/she has to come over, regardless of who they are.

That proposal didn’t pass a REPUBLICAN House & REPUBLICAN Senate

Yes, Donald Trump’s position is that immigration should more limited and that the United States should limit immigration to:
  1. people who really want to be Americans
  2. people who will not require welfare, etc.
He essentially, wants out immigration policies to be closer to other nations, like Japan, etc.

But just because this is Donald Trump’s position does not mean it’s the position of all Republicans.
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This derailed quickly.
Lol. Like this wasn’t the rail line the conversation was always set to go down?

American politics, man. Politics in general, I guess.

Especially in systems without the ability to have your vote transferred from a preferred party that loses, to your second most preferred party, etc. Systems that force you to choose only one pick, you end up voting against what you most fear, instead of voting for what you most want. And because of how much you fear ‘the worst guy’ (from whatever your perspective is on that), you end up locked into a tribe with ‘the guy who’s just marginally less bad’ even if you otherwise wouldn’t align with him on much at all and would, all else being equal, prefer very different representation altogether.

I honestly want to live on a ranch in the boonies at this point. Just tune out the insanity.
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I will readily acknowledge there are republicans with a more sensible immigration stance. But it works both ways. If I cannot claim the GOP opposes much legal immigration, you cannot claim they don’t.
If I cannot claim the GOP opposes much legal immigration, you cannot claim they don’t.
I don’t think the GOP has a position on the amount of legal immigration. The party is divided. But I think most would agree that our immigration laws & system needs to be modernized.
American politics, man. Politics in general, I guess.

I honestly want to live on a ranch in the boonies at this point. Just tune out the insanity.
“Politics” nowadays is just an excuse for people to have their 2-minute hate, or maybe their 2-hour hate or their 24-hour hate.
It’s a drag.
I wish I could find some Catholic forum where religion was not constantly politicized. Even the prayer groups are all becoming more and more political. It reminds me of a whole bunch of Father Berrigans and Father Coughlins. I’m tired of all of them and all of their followers in all camps.
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Yes, which is why your statement the “republicans are all for legal immigration” is demonstrably false.
Interesting. Might I ask if you’re a Catholic? If so, are you familiar with Luke 6:37?

Luke 6:37:
““Stop judging and you will not be judged. Stop condemning and you will not be condemned. Forgive and you will be forgiven.”
So if I feel personally offended by the racist comments of someone, I am “judging them”?

Nothing wrong with not supporting someone who makes racist comments. Let’s call a spade a spade.
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So if I feel personally offended by the racist comments of someone, I am “judging them”?

Nothing wrong with not supporting someone who makes racist comments. Let’s call a spade a spade.
You judged and condemned now show us the ‘facts’ that prove your statement. Not some bias news source that makes ‘claims’, but solid facts! Offended you say? Offended by what? Our Lord and Saviors words? It’s my recommendation (which you may ignore) you rethink what you’ve said, what you are about to say, and what you will say in the future. There’s to much division in this World already because many don’t follow the word of God. Let’s not add anymore to it when it’s not necessary!
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You judged and condemned now show us the ‘facts’ that prove your statement
When did I ever say Trump was going to hell? I did not condemn him, don’t exaggerate.

What are you taking issue with? That I find racism sinful and that I believe Trump has said racist and hateful things and has had affairs? I’m stating common knowledge. I can not like what Bill Clinton did either, it does impact how someone will be as President. If they cheat on their spouse, why won’t they cheat on our country?
Our Lord and Saviors words?
What does this even mean?
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Yes, Donald Trump’s position is that immigration should more limited and that the United States should limit immigration to:
  1. people who really want to be Americans
  2. people who will not require welfare, etc.
It has always been a requirement that potential legal immigrants would need to submit proof of assets to prove that they will not be a burden on the welfare system.
I am eligible but not registered to vote, and I wouldn’t vote for anyone. I avoid the news cycle and politics and ask God to bless and guide whoever He wills to be in office on all levels in all places. I know the Church encourages voting, but it is a prudential matter and I would rather save my loyalties for the theocracy of Christ when it comes. If I were forced to vote I would write in someone like Lil B.
I voted for Trump last time (he was the first republican I ever voted for for president) and I’ll probably vote for him again this time. Not to sound rude, but I’m seriously worried about Bidens mental state.
So if I were American (which I am not ) I would probably vote for Donald Trump in the next election.

I would NEVER vote for a Democrat and I think any true Catholic shouldn’t as they stand for everything not Catholic.

The other parties seem quite insignificant as well.

This would lead me to vote Trump but who would you vote for? Or are a lot of Catholics just not voting?
The American Solidarity Party.


Brian Carroll is their presidential candidate.

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