LBTBG? That Lil B?
Ok. But please show me where it is written in the party platform it says Republicans are for reduced immigration? I don’t think you will find it.Yes, which is why your statement the “republicans are all for legal immigration” is demonstrably false.
It has always been a requirement that potential legal immigrants would need to submit proof of assets to prove that they will not be a burden on the welfare system.Yes, Donald Trump’s position is that immigration should more limited and that the United States should limit immigration to:
- people who really want to be Americans
- people who will not require welfare, etc.
Why repeat lies like this? A leader has to talk to other leaders… Go ahead and put a spin on it… It’s not true. And anyone who wants to follow the laws is allowed to be free… Very few innocent people are behind bars. And with the liberal politicians in charge even many guilty of serious crimes are walking around free…The dictators and autocrats, Putin, Orban, Erdogan, Kim Jong Un, Xi, Bolsonaro and their ilk.
Show me these facts in a factual report…And I have to repeat: This “freedomland” of ours keeps more people incarcerated that ANY other regime. The Soviet Union included. Learn the facts before you attempt to dispute them.
Are you sure? and if you really look at how the world has treated the United States… we HAVE been taken advantage of in SO MANY ways. Yes, sometimes he says unusual things but it COULD be to get those other nations to consider their behavior. Watch what he says but also watch what he DOES… HE tries to make a point and if the point is taken by the other country and he finds out they are willing to make changes with how they treat America, then President Trump becomes more willing to compromise. It’s his style and while it may be harsh on it’s face, it works, many times for the good of the US.He us a man who lacks education, does not read,