Hi there, as a Catholic single guy I can tell that you’re not ugly and would happily take you on a date, I don’t where you live obviously but if the opportunity arises then I’d totally be down for that. While I’m also nearly 27 and single, I have been several different relationships a most of which were not Christ-centered and at best only semi-Christ centered. That being said I can tell you you’re not missing much. Everything you need to know about healthy relationships can be found in the Church teachings and the lives of the saints. St. Pope John Paul II spoke and wrote extensively on human relationships, sexuality, women etc. I highly recommend you read his book “Love Matters” along with his papal document “Mulieris Dignatatem” and his Theology of the Body. I would recommend that you consider that you being at least for the time being is God’s protection over you. I can tell that our generation in general and especially men inherited the hedonistic philosophy and culture of the Sex Revolution from the highly mistaken boomers. However #MeToo is challenging aspects of that culture and has raise the incompatibility of this sexual free for all culture and maintaining the dignity of women. Of course St. Pope John Paul II already spoke on this decades before #MeToo. Our generation in general is only focused on sex completely devoid of its purpose and meaning. However, I think women are starting wake up but unfortunately the men are running a bit late. I think our generation is starting to realize this hook up culture has failed us and so called “sexual liberation” hasn’t liberated anybody but has rather made us slaves to our desires of the flesh and the Vice that goes with it. Please ask for St. Pope John Paul II’s intercession and along with Mary. Best of luck to you!