Well … perhaps but I do not think so… He received a Catholic Funeral Mass at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Basilica in Boston, MA and his Committal Service at Arlington Cemetery was presided over by Archbishop McCarrick …that doesnt sound very Anglican to me …
And it also shows that those Catholics here on CAF who want to drag every past/present wrong done by Trump into why a Catholic should not vote for him [serial adulterer married more than once etc] are very hypocritical. Many of them vote for and support Democratic Candidates whose personal lives are not any better and who talk trash equally as well - just not in front of a camera or on Twitter.
And obviously the Archbishop of the DC Archdiocese and Boston could certainly support a Kennedy [and Ted is not the only one] at every stage of through every wrong action through out a very long political career - election after election after election … including a “Catholic” perpetually voting for every pro abortion bill and against any restriction of abortion - which is a very public scandal …
But then these same Bishops often times wonder why Catholics dont listen to the Church’s teaching and their children fall away from the Church more and more …I dont wonder … they are taking their cues from the Catholic teachings according to Pelosi, Kennedy, Biden, Kaine, Leahy, DeFasio, Murray, Menendez, et all
And it also shows that those Catholics here on CAF who want to drag every past/present wrong done by Trump into why a Catholic should not vote for him [serial adulterer married more than once etc] are very hypocritical. Many of them vote for and support Democratic Candidates whose personal lives are not any better and who talk trash equally as well - just not in front of a camera or on Twitter.
And obviously the Archbishop of the DC Archdiocese and Boston could certainly support a Kennedy [and Ted is not the only one] at every stage of through every wrong action through out a very long political career - election after election after election … including a “Catholic” perpetually voting for every pro abortion bill and against any restriction of abortion - which is a very public scandal …
But then these same Bishops often times wonder why Catholics dont listen to the Church’s teaching and their children fall away from the Church more and more …I dont wonder … they are taking their cues from the Catholic teachings according to Pelosi, Kennedy, Biden, Kaine, Leahy, DeFasio, Murray, Menendez, et all
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