Why Catholics Should Vote for Trump article

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Well … perhaps but I do not think so… He received a Catholic Funeral Mass at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Basilica in Boston, MA and his Committal Service at Arlington Cemetery was presided over by Archbishop McCarrick …that doesnt sound very Anglican to me …

And it also shows that those Catholics here on CAF who want to drag every past/present wrong done by Trump into why a Catholic should not vote for him [serial adulterer married more than once etc] are very hypocritical. Many of them vote for and support Democratic Candidates whose personal lives are not any better and who talk trash equally as well - just not in front of a camera or on Twitter.

And obviously the Archbishop of the DC Archdiocese and Boston could certainly support a Kennedy [and Ted is not the only one] at every stage of through every wrong action through out a very long political career - election after election after election … including a “Catholic” perpetually voting for every pro abortion bill and against any restriction of abortion - which is a very public scandal …

But then these same Bishops often times wonder why Catholics dont listen to the Church’s teaching and their children fall away from the Church more and more …I dont wonder … they are taking their cues from the Catholic teachings according to Pelosi, Kennedy, Biden, Kaine, Leahy, DeFasio, Murray, Menendez, et all
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And BTW, it certainly does infringe on my rights when the police get called on me wrongly, or I get wrongly accused of racism. Heck, the mere suggestion that I am racist these days can get me fired.
Please don’t change the subject by wanting to talk about Trump: Stick on topic, please, as I did with you. Don’t you think Shaun King oppresses Christianity when he calls for the actions he calls for?
No, I do not think that oppressed Christianity. However, I’m 100% in agreement that calling for vandalism should have repercussions.

I was not changing the subject with the Trump link… it is perfectly apropos to this discussion. Do you think that if someone punched an anti-Trump person after Trump encourages them to do so should have repercussions for Trump?
And BTW, it certainly does infringe on my rights when the police get called on me wrongly, or I get wrongly accused of racism. Heck, the mere suggestion that I am racist these days can get me fired.
Which right are you referring to?
Forgive me for not reading through all of the reply’s so it may have been brought up already, but I heard before that if all Catholics voted Republican they would win every time. This may even be the case today with the “dwindling” Catholic base.

As a pro-life advocate there is no way I could vote Democrat, not that the Republicans have it all figured out… case closed.
Instead of my reading 295+ posts, can anyone tell me if even one single person’s mind was changed about who they’re going to vote for?

I’ll save you the suspense about me: no. Even without reading the thread, I can tell you that there’s nothing there that would change my mind.
Totally disagree. He is the guy stopping the march to socialism.
Yes, except he isn’t going to be successful in all likelihood. He is blowing his re-election chances and opening the door to those very socialists to get in there because of his own incompetence and inability to effectively handle this crisis. If he weren’t so inept, then yes, he would be the one to stop the “march to socialism”. But that is not the case.
My right not to lose my job; my reputation or my livelihood; my right to not have the police called on me wrongfully (a traumatic event even if the accuser doesn’t, for example, lie about what occurred).

Two items the whole “Colorado baker” series of cases teaches: 1) I can “win in court” and still be financially and socially ruined; and 2) anti-Christian adversaries often lack any concept of mercy: They are often out to utterly destroy Christians (because that is precisely what the misguided plaintiff who sued the baker has tried to do); in fact, she (he? the person is a transexual) has sued the baker repeatedly and I believe actually has recently started another suit.
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in why they are voting for a man who supports the murder of children because . . . President Trump is bad . . . in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1…
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I wrote “Orange Man Bad” and they changed it to “President Trump is bad.”

Maybe they would care to explain why?
One time I made an “uncharitable” comment about Vlad Putin and was threatened with suspension. Admittedly, that was a long time ago, and I learned my lesson.
I’ll save you the suspense about me: no. Even without reading the thread, I can tell you that there’s nothing there that would change my mind.
Fulton Sheen said that the ability to argue in an effective way has died… so true
My right not to lose my job; my reputation or my livelihood; my right to not have the police called on me wrongfully (a traumatic event even if the accuser doesn’t, for example, lie about what occurred).
I’m afraid those are not rights… I agree with you that things can be unfair and unjust, but I do not see a right to not lose my job in the constitution .
I’ll save you the suspense about me: no. Even without reading the thread, I can tell you that there’s nothing there that would change my mind.
Fulton Sheen said that the ability to argue in an effective way has died… so true
I’m also stubborn and prone to be oppositional even when I’m flat wrong. 😁
Here’s a concept you’ll have to adjust to:

People have all sorts of rights not in the Constitution! Those rights may be created by courts or legislatures, but they most certainly do exist. For example, the constitution does not create a “right” not to be slandered - but the law says it exists, and I can sue for slander if you slander me. Many, MANY rights are not in the US constitution but exist nonetheless, including very often the right to a certain job, most particularly if I hold it already.

So I’m happy to educate you: The rights I articulated have in fact been repeatedly recognized under US law.
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So. Very. Strange…lol.

In response to your previous question about anyone actually changing their minds because of this thread:

I‘m kinda sorta thinking about voting for the American Solidarity Party candidate because of this (and a few other threads on this forum).

My state’s 13 Electoral College votes are going to Joe Biden even if he’s in a literal coma on Election Day so…yeah.
Thanks for educating me.

I’m still unclear what right has been infringed when you with someone merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, happy Kwanza, or whatever and someone says forget you and calls the cops. A complete was of resources and petty as all get out, but certainly not a violation of ones rights.

The more serious situation like losing your job for one of those things, seems far-fetched, but there is due process for those things - so I don’t really see a big issue there
Here is an interesting read … The Problem With Making Hate Speech Illegal – Foreign Policy

The point I would make is that a neo nazi solute is allowed in the US and so is an anti-Christmas shirt. Free speech is protected by the constitution and I think it should remain so… even if I firmly disagree with things people say, I would defend their right to say it.
So the article argues that people may say something we don’t like or that we think is hate speech and even though it’s protected under 1A, you can use public pressure and shaming tactics to, in effect, ruin their life for saying it. So back to the support of selling merchandise mocking another’s religion. It’s not something that I would defend as a right. It’s something I would fight against in the form of hurtful consequences to their business if they continue.
Your position of relying on due process works just fine - if life is a law school exam. It isn’t. The Colorado baker case, as I keep relying on, shows that you can “win” in court, but it’s a pure phyrric victory: The baker has seen his business dry up; basically lost every nickel he has ever made; and had a permanent bulls-eye painted on his back by a really, really nasty anti-Christian zealot, who is still trying to find new and creative ways to torture this poor man, basically because of his Christian faith.

I am fully aware: Are bad things likely to occur when you say “Merry Christmas”? No.

But my point is that bad things are becoming more likely to happen if you’re a Christian in the US circa 2020; there is a general trend of Christians being targeted; and the bad results are becoming harsher than ever.

Finally FWIW it’s late where I am – but thank you for a discussion that I did find thought-provoking. We can continue tomorrow if you like.
Catholics can no longer take cover behind a seamless garment argument or behind various gay bishops who lead lifestyles that would cause a saint a heart attack.
I’m a little late in getting caught up on all the posts here but

I’m wondering what’s behind your reference to “gay bishops” here. Are you using the term gay simply as a slur against bishops (or others) who hold positions which which you disagree? Or are you implying that bishops (or others) who have SSA cannot be holy and/or theologically correct?
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