Why Catholics Should Vote for Trump article

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  • the devil may be dressed in sheep’s clothing,*
You need to rethink.

Trump is advocating for the lives of little babies. He is standing athwart the Democratic attack on the religious and on our churches and schools.

Biden believes is is just fine and dandy to murder a baby a day from birth. He officiates at gay marriages. He has uttered not a single peep about the Democratic attacks on nuns, on the Knights of Columbus, etc.

There are clear choices here from a Catholic perspective, and they lead, clearly, to voting for Trump.
Transcript of pertinent remarks about the hoax comments…

Let’s watch. Let’s just watch. Very dishonest people. Now the Democrats are politicizing the coronavirus, you know that right? Coronavirus, they’re politicizing it. We did one of the great jobs. You say, “How’s President Trump doing?” They go, “Oh, not good, not good.” They have no clue. They don’t have any clue. They can’t even count their votes in Iowa. They can’t even count. No, they can’t. They can’t count their votes.

[Clearly referring to the dems criticism of how he’s doing in response to the virus]

One of my people came up to me and said, “Mr. President, they tried to beat you on Russia, Russia, Russia.” That didn’t work out too well. They couldn’t do it. They tried the impeachment hoax. That was on a perfect conversation. They tried anything. They tried it over and over. They’d been doing it since you got in. It’s all turning. They lost. It’s all turning. Think of it. Think of it. And this is their new hoax. But we did something that’s been pretty amazing. We have 15 people in this massive country and because of the fact that we went early. We went early, we could have had a lot more than that.

[Again refers to current situation at the time in relation to the hoax comment. It would be pretty incoherent for someone to make a point that the virus is a hoax and then go on to give current numbers and refer to “going early” as far as response.]

…he goes through other topics and points (these are not polished speeches)

Then continues to point out what we are doing [at that date Feb 28, mind you, before anyone knew much of anything] about the virus. So how can anyone say that he said the virus itself is a hoax when he then goes on and on about the actions his admin is taking in response? For character limitations, I’ll pull a few points but the link is there to read in it’s entirety.

-My administration has taken the most aggressive action in modern history to prevent the spread of this illness in the United States.
  • On January 31st, I ordered the suspension of foreign nationals who have recently been in China from entering the United States. An action which the Democrats loudly criticized and protested and now everybody’s complimenting me saying, “Thank you very much. You were 100% correct.”
  • And my guys that we have the best professionals in the world, the best in the world and we are so ready. At the same time that I initiated the first federally mandated quarantine in over 50 years. We had a quarantine some people. They weren’t happy, they weren’t happy about it.
    -I also created a White House virus task force. It’s a big thing, a virus task force. I requested 2.5 billion dollars to ensure we have the resources we need. The Democrats said, “That’s terrible. He’s doing the wrong thing. He needs eight and a half billion, not two and a half.” I’ve never had that before. I ask for two and a half, they want to give me eight and a half, so I said, “I’ll take it.” Does that make me a bad…
And none of those nations have anywhere near the complexities of managing the nation that the USA has. To start, they are all largely geographically small…
which ought to mean the virus spreads more easily.
and have largely homogenous and very small populations
What does homogeneous have to do with anything? As for population, Seoul South Korea has more than New York City.
as to Australia (which is geographically large) the relatively small population is largely limited to the coasts (and there are more sheep than people there!)
There are plenty of places in Australia with a dense population. But what do you have to say about Greece, or Argentina? I could add Vietnam. And Germany. In fact, about the only country doing worse than the US is Brazil, which happens to have a Trump clone of their own at the helm.
There really is no apples-to-apples comparison to mortality rates from other countries at this point.
You have a valid point. However, if you go back up, you will see that the it was originally claimed that America had the best mortality rate and the “lamestream” media wouldn’t report it. Of course there are other factors. However, we have what data we have, and excusing the failures on the part of this country does no good.

It is better to use what data we do have than revel in ignorance, reject science, and embrace and anti-intellectualism.
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excusing the failures on the part of this country does no good.
What, in your opinion, are the failures and your proof that if those measures had been taken we would have had a significant difference in outcome at this point?
It is better to use what data we do have than revel in ignorance, reject science, and embrace and anti-intellectualism.
It’s difficult to use data that doesn’t tell give us a clear picture. No one is reveling in ignorance. It’s ignorant to look at hard data alone and not account for other factors or use it as proof of how "terrible’ the US is doing compared to other countries. Trump doesn’t make decisions alone in this ever-evolving situation. He has a task force advising him and what’s he supposed to do when the early models of these projections were horribly wrong, the experts flip-flopped on masking, and the governors have control of their states who have also made big errors in their response decisions? He’s not a king who has total control of a virus.
  • the devil may be dressed in sheep’s clothing,*
You need to rethink.

Trump is advocating for the lives of little babies. He is standing athwart the Democratic attack on the religious and on our churches and schools.

Biden believes is is just fine and dandy to murder a baby a day from birth. He officiates at gay marriages. He has uttered not a single peep about the Democratic attacks on nuns, on the Knights of Columbus, etc.

There are clear choices here from a Catholic perspective, and they lead, clearly, to voting for Trump.
If all you think about is the unborn, you may have a point. But, Trump has saved zero lives taken in abortion.

If you look just a little, you will find the Holy Father, and Bishops have questioned Trump’s Christianity. Not my words, theirs.
It is always easy to argue your point if you are allowed to state your opponent’s position as well.
And what position would that be? My use of the term “unedjimicated deplorables” was not the main point I was making with my original statement. It was others who latched onto that and seriously thought I was pro anti-intellectual or some such tangent and argued a point I never made.
There are so many metrics with which to gauge the seriousness of the problem. And although each one has a level of uncertainty, the ensemble of data is overwhelming. We have badly handled this pandemic.
In what ways do you think the pandemic should have been handled? …and not by armchair quarterbacking with what we know now and applying that backwards. With what we knew at any given time, what do you think should have been done and what proof do you have that it would have made a big difference in the current statistics?
In what ways do you think the pandemic should have been handled? …and not by armchair quarterbacking with what we know now and applying that backwards. With what we knew at any given time, what do you think should have been done and what proof do you have that it would have made a big difference in the current statistics?
OMG. We had the same information all the other countries around the world had. How has our countries response been compared to the others. Very, lacking.
Sorry, as it is, Democrats support abortion law. Half of all black children conceived are aborted. 12% of the population has about 33% of all abortions. If people want to support this, then, let’s get all the facts on the table. Margaret Sanger as well, probably said some racist things but the Democrats have been awarded the Sanger award and see it as some great thing.

(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)

Anyone who supports the Democrat agenda which includes abortion should never accuse others of being racist, let alone, I find it repugnant that one could ever support such things. State your position but it should be rebutted as well. You seem to run this against Republicans and it is very unfair.

Yes, as if the word of some leftist as you quote is persuasive. Speaking against those who are fighting for the pro-life cause.
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We had the same information all the other countries around the world had. How has our countries response been compared to the others. Very, lacking.
What information would that be? Cite examples for your claim that other countries’ response was better than ours? Then account for all the variables such as demographics, reporting and testing discrepancies, quantity of travel in and out of the country, current place on the curve and time when the pandemic hit their country as opposed to ours and deceptive info from other countries etc.
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Actually we did NOT have the same info about the virus, since China has been lying to the world about it since day 1 (and I add that day 1 in China was likely long before we believe it to be).
and your proof that if those measures had been taken we would have had a significant difference
Try applying a little logic here. “Proof” of what might happen in an alternative timeline, if this or that had happened, is impossible, at least for anyone except God. I can show evidence. I know that all nations have their own unique situations, but we are the worst, by far, both in numbers dead and numbers infected.

While the argument that we are unique has merit, in the all nations are unique, we have had presidents who were also leaders in national emergencies and in war (and people are dying faster than a war) who could act. Had more stringent travel restrictions been placed nationwide, along with mandatory distancing and masking restriction, there are people who are now dead who would be alive, based on the evidence of other nations. Trump would not even take the simple step of setting and example of safety. I personally have heard people who have believed masks are not necessary because their hero Trump did not think they were. Trump has given nothing but excuses, accusation of fake news, and the worst leadership I have ever seen.

He has killed people by his inaction. That is what my pro-life vote will reflect.
OMG. We had the same information all the other countries around the world had. How has our countries response been compared to the others. Very, lacking.
I am not arguing that we have done a good job. But our results when compared to others was, IMO, mostly bad luck.
The asian countries faired the best, but the virus mutated when it hit Europe. Hence they got of very lucky. The asian strain of the virus is about gone and they are really worried in China and elsewhere (Australia) that the new outbreak is going to be more difficult to control.
New York, New Jersey, Massachisetss all got hit with the same European strain, they were simply about a week or two behind, and they did about the same as Italy, Spain, UK, and others. All got hit much harder than Asia and it was much harder to suppress. That is due to the European strains being more difficult.

Now, I would guess we will find out that in the May/June timeline the virus largely mutated again, and it has become more contagious, yet not as dangerous (this is not an uncommon path for virus’s to evolve), hence the states such as Texas and Florida that are having outbreaks now (but not near as bad as NY, Spain, Italy, UK BTW) are having a really difficult time controlling it, yet the deaths (a lagging indicator but we are a month past the spike) are not nearly as bad (eg. teas’s current daily death rate is about 1/15th of New York’s daily death rate in April).

And we are testing more than almost any country, and have been from quite some time, on a per capita basis. Lots of mis-information floating around. I am not trying to say its not still a problem, it is, its a big proble,m. I don’t like Trump, but the path of the virus in this country had little to do with Trump.
Our per capita death rate I believe is lower than other countries. We will see where this all goes concerning COVID. Also, we have a constitution that might make some measures impractical or illegal.
Homogeneity is noteworthy for many reasons. It’s fewer languages to have to communicate in and it’s more likely that the audience understands. It’s less likely that the audience disagrees because of cultural differences, or blames another culture. It makes an attitude of “we’re all in this together” easier to foster. All those are factors in pandemic response.
Trump has given nothing but excuses, accusation of fake news, and the worst leadership I have ever seen.

He has killed people by his inaction. That is what my pro-life vote will reflect.
Well, this same logic now, would pertain to Governor Abbot who you were praising weeks ago. So, are you also saying Governor Abbot has killed people?

Let it not lost on anyone, most who criticize Trump now, criticized him 6 months ago or even years ago.
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