Trump will win. He won’t need worldly help.
Traditionally, a sitting president is hard to defeat; the polls under-represent Trump’s support; Biden is a terrible candidate.
One way the polls are skewed is this: we often don’t know who is being polled. Biden will win CA & NY by several million votes each. Point is: Trump can lose the popular vote by 5+ million votes and win the election anyway. He did it once already.
I hope you’re right. Reading this thread makes it obvious that good manners is more important to people than good actions. Good to know.
I personally think it depends on who Vice President Biden selects for his running mate (Vice President).
I think a lot of Americans are uncertain of Vice Pres. Biden. If they liked Pres. Obama, they’ll be OK with VP Biden.
But it seems that a lot of people question VP Biden’s ability to be the President. Now I think that’s silly–the man is not a good speaker, and many Americans are not good speakers, and I don’t think it’s right to deny a person an office because they’re poor public speakers.
However, Vice President Biden will either demonstrate his political savvy OR he will lose the election depending on who he selects as his running mate. Thankfully our Constitution requires that the Vice Presidential candidate be at least 35 years of age, so that eliminates several of the young women who seem to be the favorites of many Americans.
But if he selects someone with a lot of experience, the ability to speak well in public, and who appeals to people as a compassionate, caring individual–I think the Biden ticket will win.
Sorry, VonDer Tann, but I think that the media has done too good a job with their constant attacks against Pres. Trump, and I think that most people are not willing to look past his many personal faults at the bigger picture.
I would like to challenge Catholics (and others on this forum) to re-read the story of Samson (Judges 13-16). Samson was an awful judge of Israel (the political leader at that time in history)! He was a slave to his appetites, uncouth, a womanizer, imputsive, talked too much–sound familiar everyone?
Yet GOD used him mightily. He was God’s choice for those times, and at the end of his life, Samson’s tragic plea to God was answered by God, Who was still using Samson to defeat the enemies of Israel.
I think that Pres. Trump is a current “Samson,” with many negative traits, but that God IS using him to bring about much good in this country.
I know that many of you have legitimate complaints against the President and his administration. But…when it comes to the issues that Christians are concerned about, mainly abortion, Pres. Trump is hailed by pro-life activist groups as a champion. Pres. Biden will reverse this. I don’t think any policy, ANY “Autobahn” can justify voting FOR a Presidential candidate who will bring about this sure-fire death sentence for innocents.