Why Catholics Should Vote for Trump article

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And 5000 times less than all the people murdered by communist dictators.
All autocrats got their start somewhere; this 130,000 is the ground floor in which the supporters of the new dictatorship are complicit.
You are complicit in the doings of who you vote for, whether Trump or Biden. In the world and of the world, Trump voters and Biden voters.

Catholics, our work is not to force a presidential choice that will fix America; our work is to be actual beings of virtue, to be the reality of the Sermon on the Mount, for Democrats and Republicans to see a New Option in their midst. Leave Republicans and Democrats to select their appetites; we must be sojourners in their midst so they will not end as Sodom and Gomorrah; we are the 10 in their midst prayed for by Abraham.
Not sure where you got that idea. I am passionate about truth, about not reading things in to fit my narrative, so, I will ask for actual statements even if I disagree with the person.

Remember, I am the one who believes Republican default abortion loopholes are vile. I’m tooooo pro life for most pro life groups.
You are confusing my refusing to accept innuendos and heresy about any person, including Mr Biden, with endorsement.
So then you are ready to condemn the baby murderers of the Democratic party, and Biden in particular, now that he has fully embraced the abortion-okay-until-birth?
No it isn’t. A vote for someone else is just that, a vote for someone else.
It is not my place to condemn any person.

I am against abortion regardless of the political party endorsing it.

After the DNC I will read the complete 2020 platform. If that platform states that abortion is okay until.birth, I will speak out against that plank.

Right now, this is not a part of the DNC platform, and only small number of public voices have stated they support such. I will not read it into public statements. Calumity and detraction and rash judgement are not Christian actions.
A number of times you have referenced Trump’s behavior or beliefs from 20 years ago, in apparent attempts to attack him. Yet you refused to believe that in June 2020 Biden said he approved abortions up until the moment of birth. I still haven’t heard from you that this is at true statement.

Biden’s slide away from Catholic belief is horrifying…just horrifying to any Catholic. Once, he was pro life. Now, if he is elected it appears the Democrats will push through a bill leading to the mass murder of babies across the world. American dollars will fund the murder of millions of innocent babies.
He officiated at a gay marriage against canon law and whispered not a word of protest as Catholics were attacked again and again by the Democrats under Obama. He whispered not a word of protest when Kamala Harris insinuated no Knight of Columbus could ever have a government job.

He has been refused the Eucharist he is so sadly fallen from the church.

This, from a man who once was Catholic. l

So, when will you admit that BIden is to be denounced and when will you agree to never vote for him?
It seems that there is no civility left in this discussion. I’ve taken the US Bishop’s Civilize It pledge, and because of that will not respond anymore.
Right now, this is not a part of the DNC platform, and only small number of public voices have stated they support such. I will not read it into public statements. Calumity and detraction and rash judgement are not Christian actions.
Why no, they are not. But why won’t you even condmen Biden who has said he DOES SUPPORT abortion until the moment of birth? THis was clear from his June 30 2020 statement, which is entirely in line with the majority of Democratic presidential candidates.
“Too many Universities and School Systems are about Radical Left Indoctrination, not Education,
Few people seem aware of how horribly our universities have failed. In 2011. Arum and Roksa found that our universities are " characterized by limited or no learning for a large proportion of students…An astounding proportion of students are progressing through higher education today without measurable gains in general skills …looking at … 2,300 students, discovered no statistically significant gains in critical thinking, complex reasoning, and writing skills for at least 45 percent of the students".

So about half of our university students have learned nothing, nothing after 4 years.

Something must be done.
Firstly what you have posted has nothing to do with leftist indoctrination. Secondly, how do we know.it was not ever thus?
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Hi, actually my second post about this answered the question: he National Center for Education Statistics compared students from 2003 with those from 1992, it discovered a frightening decline in skills. The “reading proficiency of college graduates has declined in the past decade,” And it’s not just undergraduates. “Only 41 percent of graduate students tested in 2003 could be classified as “proficient” in prose…only 31 percent were classified as proficient“Only 31 percent of college graduates can read a complex book and extrapolate from it.”.

But that’s just college level. All our educational levels have declined - not that they were ever that good, compared to many other countries. Even the national IQ has declined.
Hi, actually my second post about this answered the question: he National Center for Education Statistics compared students from 2003 with those from 1992, it discovered a frightening decline in skills. The “reading proficiency of college graduates has declined in the past decade,” And it’s not just undergraduates. “Only 41 percent of graduate students tested in 2003 could be classified as “proficient” in prose…only 31 percent were classified as proficient“Only 31 percent of college graduates can read a complex book and extrapolate from it.”.

But that’s just college level. All our educational levels have declined - not that they were ever that good, compared to many other countries. Even the national IQ has declined.
Again, what has any of this to do with supposed leftist indoctrination as referred to upthread?

I see it as equally likely to be simply a product of more young people, who are less likely to be suited to or especially interested in university study, being told they need a degree to improve their job prospects and so enrolling. Or elsemaelse.dnand life in general.being more.expensove and more.students.needing to work, or work longer, abd devote less time.to.study.

And it may in fact be more true now than in past decades that a degree is needed to open more options - although it is a chicken-and-egg question as to.whether increased enrollments raises the bar for jobseekers in general.
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Again, what has any of this to do with supposed leftist indoctrination as referred to upthread?
Oh, sorry, nothing, I was answering your mention about if it wasn’t always this way. ANd the answer to that question is: our education system was much better in the past.

As for indoctrination, I have no facts about that, but the hundreds of thousands of young people ready to riot, commit arson, throw bricks, and loot certainly says something.
It seems that there is no civility left in this discussion. I’ve taken the US Bishop’s Civilize It pledge, and because of that will not respond anymore.
Hi, sorry if you are offended. And I do hope you will always be civil, and I certainly pray I always will be.

However, I am still puzzled that you felt it right to question Trump and present a list of unhappy facts about his past, then claim to be very pro life, but refuse to condemn Biden for the same things you felt were wrong when believed by Trump.

You said you couldn’t condemn a person, but could condemn Trump. ANd if you can’t condemn a person, why can’t you condemn the vast numbers of Democrats who now support abortion until birth?
That doesn’t lessen the 130,000 ( it’s more than that now) dead. And tell that to the families of the dead that they should be grateful that their loved one’s death wasn’t at the hands of a dictator, and the 129,999 dead should be grateful because they could have been among 5000x more had they been murdered by a dictator. Edited to add a relevant paraphrase: Josef Stalin once said that one death is a tragedy while a million deaths are a statistic.
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Thank you for posting this … it was really moving as you said … Maximo Alvarez is very sincere and expresses himself - his feelings and emotion - extremely well.
To be clear. I agree with you. Any death due to COVID is tragic. Please see the post I was responding to. The poster compared the 130000 deaths to 9/11 so to show the absurdity of the comparison I followed suit using a different number. That’s all.
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