Actually both are intrinsic evil. An honest comparison - one is murder.o, they do not advocate for abortion. They do not promote it. They do not encourage its use. The only thing they will not do is use the power of law to make it illegal.
At this point it might be illuminating to compare this to homosexual acts. We know that homosexual acts are intrinsically evil, just like abortion. And although there is still debate on the issue of civil recognition of homosexual unions comparable to marriage, there is no debate in either party that there should not be a law that criminalizes homosexual acts in all circumstances (like there once was). This does not mean the Republicans are promoting homosexual acts. They are not telling people it is a good thing to do. Yet even the Republicans are united in refusing to make those acts punishable under the law. So when you vote for a Republican, are you supporting homosexual acts? No, of course not. Yet you say that voting for a Democrat is supporting abortion.
Yes, democrats advocate for abortion. Listen to them. I have asked them myself face to face. Safe. legal and unlimited. How is it ever safe for the baby and many times the mother?
They have advocated for it in front of a national audience during debates.