Why Catholics Should Vote for Trump article

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America was violent before Roe vs. Wade. It will be violent if Roe vs. Wade is overturned. America is a violent nation. It used violence to enslave African peoples. It used violence to decimate Native American tribes. It used violence to nearly exterminate the Buffalo. It used violence to enforce Jim Crow segregation. It used violence to murder African-Americans with lynching. How is voting for a racist, White Supremacist, White Nationalist sympathizer restoring a Culture of Life? America has never had a “Culture of Life”. I’m voting for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris because I don’t ally with EVIL to achieve good!

Please dont listen to propaganda.

Refutable pro-life prolife organizations, including Catholic reigious (sisters) who work on the front lines of the pro-life movement helping women in crisis pregnancies, have called Pres. Trump “the most pro-life President in history” and point to his accomplishments to date.

ALL nations in this world, including African tribal nations before and during the hey-day of African slavery, have a history of violence. Think about that. World history is rife with violence, and much of it was endorsed by governing powers of the countries.

Yes, the U.S. has a history of violent government-enacted policies (e.g., declarations of war, but often to defend our nation), but it also has a history of justice, liberty, and giving aid around the country and around the world.

And throughout our history, the United States has always had a group, often a large group, opposing government-sponsored violence. E.g., during the time of legal slavery, the abolitionist movement was big (I won’t say “huge,” since that’s Pres. Trump’s favorite word and that might cause you to stop listening). There were many many people, including many powerful people, who worked to put an end to slavery, and who worked in their own homes to help escaped slaves make new lives in free states.

And since the abolition of slavery, yes, there have been plenty of carpetbaggers and scalawags–people who took advantage of the freed people while working secretly to oppress and murder them, but there have also been plenty of legitimately good people and organizations run by white people and people of color who have worked to help ex-slaves and their ancestors become successful in a country where some people still don’t accept anyone different from them as equals.

I think it is safe to say that most white people in the U.S. reject “white supremacy” and racism

We cannot claim to be the most generous country in the world (I believe that some of the smaller, wealthier countries can claim that honor), but we have certainly been a major force in enacting government aid policies that help people in countries stricken with war, outbreaks of disease, and natural disasters. E.g., consider the Ebola outbreak in Africa a few years ago, and our American doctors who worked on the front lines.

Abortion is an abhorent act of violence against women and their helpless unborn children. It is also an incredibly foolish act because it kills potential world saviors, people who may become brilliant scientists, statespeople, artists, businesspeople, and theologians/ministers.

The Democratic Party has stated that there is no room in their Party for pro-lifers. They have aligned themselves utterly with legal abortion at all stages of pregnancy. Some naive people believe that the Democratic policies will help women who find themselves in crisis pregancies to choose to bear their children to term–but over and over again, we have seen that this is NOT the case. Women with multiple resources choose to abort their children.
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The Democratic Party has stated that there is no room in their Party for pro-lifers
Seems odd when the governor of Louisiana is a prolife Democrat.

And trump campaigned against him claiming he was a “radical liberal”.

I think a person who really is pro-life actually crosses the aisle and approves of a prolife candidate. Why campaign so heavily against him?
I’m voting for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris because I don’t ally with EVIL to achieve good!
Meanwhile Trump is withdrawing troops, brokering peace deals and getting nominated for Noble Peace Prize. Peace through strength.

Communism and Catholicism are enemies. A vote for Biden is a communist vote.
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. . . . Trump has done more for blacks than the Democrats, one can just say the other side is as bigoted and it does go to the history of the Democrats. The Klan was anti-Catholic too.

Oh, by the way, 36% of all black unborn are aborted, one third or even one quarter of all abortions are of blacks even though they are only 12-14% of the population, about what they were in 1970. . . .

Too many blacks support Trump for those posting the views you do while supporting up to 36% or more of all blacks being aborted.


CDC: 36% of Abortions Abort Black Babies​

. . . .
By the way, just voting for pro-abortionists is serious, teachings from the Vatican:

Abortion and Excommunication - Catholic Ethics.
Any Catholic who obstinately denies that abortion is always gravely immoral, commits the sin of heresy and incurs an automatic sentence of excommunication.

One may say, in the face of such facts, one is name-calling to justify their vote.

Abortion is so important to Democrats and really, nothing is more racist than abortion.

Anyone voting for Biden Harris votes for 36% of all black unborn to have their lives extinguished, please don’t accuse others of racism.

All the troubled cities run by Democrats, Minneapolis, Baltimore and so on.

And if I voted long time Democrat, I’d recognize that one has a role in those abortions exterminating the lives of minorities. . . .

I will add in, the demographics of abortion, nothing can be more racist and it decimates communities, as long as life is seen as something to throw away, those communities will have trouble. 45 years since Roe V Wade, 55 years since the Great Society, where is the improvement?
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I’m voting against racism, White Supremacist ideology, and White Nationalism. I support the dignity of all human life from conception to natural death. I will not negotiate with evil, even to overturn Roe vs. Wade.
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Why do you automatically associate public assistance with African-Americans? You do realize that most African-Americans are not on public assistance, right? Most of us work very hard! 😠
I apologize! Usually when Conservatives criticize the “Great Society”, it’s code for social programs created by Lyndon B. Johnson to address generational poverty, disenfranchisement, etc., often among African-Americans.
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I apologize! Usually when Conservatives criticize the “Great Society”
I criticize it because it is another one of those just throw more money at it and it will resolve without ever getting to the root cause. Incentivizing the wrong things…
Until there is a Constitutional amendment which grants unborn persons rights, this line of argument is a non starter.
Is the Constitution the ultimate decision-maker for you on whether abortion is acceptable? Or do you make this statement from a purely legal context?
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Again, you advocate for activists judges who would rule the way you want them to.
I would have thought a judge who honestly says - “Look, ain’t nothing in this here document that says you can kill your unborn offspring” - is not being an activist.

The activist would more likely be the one who contrives an interpretation that could not possibly have been intended by the authors.
Is the Constitution the ultimate decision-maker for you on whether abortion is acceptable? Or do you make this statement from a purely legal context?
I don’t find abortion acceptable. But I am not the one who gets to make decisions.

This is from a legal standpoint. Being that one side finds no Constitutional basis for allowing abortion, and the other side finds the ability granted either under the 14th or elsewhere regarding privacy of the mother, until there is clarity defined by law, I don’t see any progress being made regarding coming to a conclusion on this issue.

Morality set aside, our country runs on laws, and judges make rulings based on law, not necessarily morality.
The activist would more likely be the one who contrives an interpretation that could not possibly have been intended by the authors.
The authors of the Constitution did not make any provisions for protecting the rights of the unborn. Heck they didn’t make any provisions for protecting the rights of slaves, they didn’t make any provisions giving women a voice in our government. All these were rectified by Constitutional amendment at a later date.

Although it is a good document, the authors of the Constitution realized that things would come up in the future and allowed for change in the document, and spelled out specifically how to make those changes.
The authors of the Constitution did not make any provisions for protecting the rights of the unborn.
I don’t know the document. Did it protect the right to life of anyone? Did it seek to exclude the unborn?
Although it is a good document, the authors of the Constitution realized that things would come up in the future and allowed for change in the document, and spelled out specifically how to make those changes.
I’ve had Americans say to me that it is quite difficult to get changed. I prefer the process in other countries where one holds a single referendum and an examination of the votes (Eg is it carried nationally and in each or a majority of the States) determines the outcome.
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Can we at least assume you don’t support Biden either? These policies were in place and used when Biden was the VP for pete’s sake. You can certainly oppose Trump, but on those grounds I don’t see how you can support Biden either, especially given the litany of other Catholic issues Biden has.
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