Please dont listen to propaganda.
Refutable pro-life prolife organizations, including Catholic reigious (sisters) who work on the front lines of the pro-life movement helping women in crisis pregnancies, have called Pres. Trump “the most pro-life President in history” and point to his accomplishments to date.
ALL nations in this world, including African tribal nations before and during the hey-day of African slavery, have a history of violence. Think about that. World history is rife with violence, and much of it was endorsed by governing powers of the countries.
Yes, the U.S. has a history of violent government-enacted policies (e.g., declarations of war, but often to defend our nation), but it also has a history of justice, liberty, and giving aid around the country and around the world.
And throughout our history, the United States has always had a group, often a large group, opposing government-sponsored violence. E.g., during the time of legal slavery, the abolitionist movement was big (I won’t say “huge,” since that’s Pres. Trump’s favorite word and that might cause you to stop listening). There were many many people, including many powerful people, who worked to put an end to slavery, and who worked in their own homes to help escaped slaves make new lives in free states.
And since the abolition of slavery, yes, there have been plenty of carpetbaggers and scalawags–people who took advantage of the freed people while working secretly to oppress and murder them, but there have also been plenty of legitimately good people and organizations run by white people and people of color who have worked to help ex-slaves and their ancestors become successful in a country where some people still don’t accept anyone different from them as equals.
I think it is safe to say that most white people in the U.S. reject “white supremacy” and racism
We cannot claim to be the most generous country in the world (I believe that some of the smaller, wealthier countries can claim that honor), but we have certainly been a major force in enacting government aid policies that help people in countries stricken with war, outbreaks of disease, and natural disasters. E.g., consider the Ebola outbreak in Africa a few years ago, and our American doctors who worked on the front lines.
Abortion is an abhorent act of violence against women and their helpless unborn children. It is also an incredibly foolish act because it kills potential world saviors, people who may become brilliant scientists, statespeople, artists, businesspeople, and theologians/ministers.
The Democratic Party has stated that there is no room in their Party for pro-lifers. They have aligned themselves utterly with legal abortion at all stages of pregnancy. Some naive people believe that the Democratic policies will help women who find themselves in crisis pregancies to choose to bear their children to term–but over and over again, we have seen that this is NOT the case. Women with multiple resources choose to abort their children.