Why do people on CAF seem to think liberals are evil?

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I guess you are assuming that everyone accepts that we live in a multicultural world. If you think that is the USA, then you fundamentally misunderstand conservatives.

Conservatives view America as a melting pot, and believe that multiculturalism is ripping this country apart.

The beauty of America is that we are a melting pot.
Liberalism, as defined by the Church, is sinful.
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Is there something I do not understand? I understand the argument about abortion, etc. People on here seem to act like the conservative party is in perfect observance of Catholic issues or social teachings. Apparently, CNN is biased but FoxNews is not? Since when did issues like gun control, climate change, immigration become religious issues?

I don’t understand the deifying of Donald Trump here. Apparently, he can do no wrong to some people or to other people is a horrendous person.

Apparently, if a Catholic doesn’t vote Republican, align with the conservative party or is not a huge supporter of Donald Trump, I voted contrary to church teaching.
I don’t think any of us have the authority to claim that liberals, by default, each of them, are evil. Nor do I think that’s the case.

There is Liberalism and there is Leftism. I disagree with both, but one is far more Marxist than the other (Leftism) because it is blatant in wanting to smash and destroy certain things that are intrinsically good (family, creating life, masculinity and femininity, etc).

When it comes to Conservatism, while we can’t claim it to be the exact same as Catholic moral teaching (Pope Leo XIII warned us against Americanism – the idea that liberty means we can do anything we want and it’s good), much of Conservatism does align itself with the most essential Church teachings on morality.

For instance, Social Conservatism sides with the sanctity of life (against abortion and against suicide on demand). It also sides with traditional marriage. These things are taught as dogmatic and magisterial – they aren’t simply prudential teachings. In other words, Catholics MUST abide by these if they want to be in a state of grace.

The Republican Party is just a tool to further Conservatism, just as the Democratic Party is a tool to further Liberalism/Progressivism.

When it comes to Conservatism, it tends to fall on the side of the Church. When you go to the DC March for Life, it is heavily Catholic – lots of Religious praying the rosary, lots of Parishes, the Knights of Columbus, etc. But you’ll also see the support from Republicans.

This is the same when it comes to defending the sanctity of Marriage…
Is there something I do not understand? I understand the argument about abortion, etc. People on here seem to act like the conservative party is in perfect observance of Catholic issues or social teachings. Apparently, CNN is biased but FoxNews is not? Since when did issues like gun control, climate change, immigration become religious issues?

I don’t understand the deifying of Donald Trump here. Apparently, he can do no wrong to some people or to other people is a horrendous person.

Apparently, if a Catholic doesn’t vote Republican, align with the conservative party or is not a huge supporter of Donald Trump, I voted contrary to church teaching.
…Issues like gun control, climate change, and immigration can overlap with religious teachings, but by default, they are prudential issues. This is why a Catholic who supports strict gun control and a Catholic who supports gun ownership can disagree and still both be in good standing with the Church.

With Climate Change (I’m using this as an example), this one can lead to something dangerous. Why? Because while protecting the planet and even siding with the Climate Change theory aren’t bad, much of the responses to HOW to address climate change by the “experts” are to promote population control – this means sterilization, euthanasia, abortion, and contraception. It was expressed very clearly in the UN’s Sustainable Developmental Goals. In Laudato Si, Pope Francis laid out that we have a responsibility to protect the planet, but that population control as a means to do it is strictly prohibited.

Sadly, Liberals tend to not side with this. They will say we must protect the planet, but then will say that promoting population control is the way to do it.

When it comes Liberals and Catholics, much of what Liberals promote as gospel truth goes strictly against Catholicism. Beyond that, if a Catholic says he is pro-life, pro-traditional marriage only, believes in the family unit above the State, Liberals will disagree with this. Leftists, on the other hand, will become apoplectic.

Liberals and Leftists have left practicing Catholics out. But if Liberals insist on promoting these things, then Catholics ought to be out.
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Well, the government keeps shutting itself down or coming close to do so, so they’re at least flirting with the idea of total collapse on at least a yearly basis.
Nah… It is playing to their bases. Neither party has the nerves to go scoarched earth.
I’m not saying it isn’t anything more than appeal to political bases, especially since both sides know full well that their base will blame the other side for the shutdown. However, I think it is worth noting that, despite our prosperity, there’s still at least signs of fragility. Do I think it will lead to total collapse? No, but I do think it is worth being concerned that enough division exists at some level that shutting the government down temporarily is considered a good political move.
Of course liberals aren’t evil but the political party they usually support is not in line with the life teachings of Jesus as shown in the five Catholic non negotiables. Any Catholic who somehow forms their conscience that leads to supporting the democratic party with it’s current political ideology I think is placing more importance on their politics
How is multiculturalism ripping the country apart? What’s the difference between multiculturalism and a melting pot?
Why does a political party have to show partiality to a religious beliefs? That’s my point about multiculturalism. What if a political party showed partiality to Islam, Hinduism, etc? I don’t see why religion is involved in politics
Of course they are. And there’s often some twisted SJW pridefulness involved.
Because they are militant promoters of the culture of death, to the point of stating that pro life democrats are t welcome e to run for office! They are also ardent supporters of same sex marriage and gender theory, which are both evil. I honestly don’t understand how you don’t understand?

I think with regards to DJT it is a case of over compensation since the left and even government agencies are openly biased against him. He can do no right in their eyes, so people compensate for that by swinging the other way…
Because liberals are wrong.
People on here seem to act like the conservative party is in perfect observance of Catholic issues or social teachings
Apparently, if a Catholic doesn’t vote Republican, align with the conservative party or is not a huge supporter of Donald Trump, I voted contrary to church teaching.
I have no idea where you get this idea from, the american catholic church is so anti conservative it is scary.

So are most posters to this board. As a conservative I have to be very careful of how to word my criticisms of liberal belief and policy.
Religion doesn’t have to necessarily be involved but it should NOT be supressed!
There are both liberals and conservatives on CAF. You see it in just about every thread. I can’t speak for everyone but the huge majority of us Conservatives don’t think liberals are evil. Some of the issues might be evil like abortion, so the act could be but not the person. Sometimes we, both sides, get so caught up in the politics we only see our side being attacked and not the other side being attacked and we get over sensitive to it instead of having a civilized debate. That is where the term “snow flake” came from in today’s political culture and it applies to both sides.

Unfortunately the democratic party of today is not the same as the party of JFK day. The party is pro-abortion, for me and a lot of others pro-life is non-negotiable. Look at the some of the keynote speakers at the last few election cycles of the democratic conventions. The pro-life Democrats, which are a minority it seems if you listen to the party, are not given a platform to speak. As a Catholic you can not be pro-abortion.

We love you, we love our liberal brothers and sisters just as much as our conservative brothers and sisters on CAF. God bless you.
I identify more with a prolife democratic. Some people make it seem like all democratic people are evil socialist and Marxist. Social justice warriors are apparently evil as if the alt right isn’t even too or the neo Nazi who identify with right wing politics.

I understand not liking the democratic party based on the culture of death.

When has climate change and gun control become Catholic issues?

As for the media being biased towards Donald Trump’, he does indeed say ridiculous things.
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