I grew up near Wheaton College, Illinois, and went to a Bible Church (Fundamentalist) . For me, coming into the Catholic Church several years ago started when someone invited me to a Catholic Mass and there happened to be a baptism. The key aspects of water baptism and the invoking of In the Name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit were very familiar to me but what the pastor said before and after had me pondering why Baptism, according to the pastor talking, “was the first and chief sacrament of forgiveness of sins” And why it was established as a channel of Our Lord’s Grace was a real puzzler to me. I then looked up the Statement of Faith of that denomination from my teenage years and found their view of Scripture – (ie, Scripture plus the Teaching Authority of the Evangelical Free Church) that Baptism was only an Ordinance and also that in no way should any effect of Baptism be considered as regeneration. As I compared that position to what Scripture and the Catholic Church teaches about Baptism, that’s what started it all for me.
And, I saw this on some other web sites but copied it from Dave Armstrong’s web site, which is
socrates58.blogspot.com . It doesn’t go directly to your question, but perhaps it adds some perspective?
Says Dave Armstrong ~
Headline – Presbyterian Church Historian Mark Noll on Differences in Converts
This confirms something I have been contending for years. Dr. Mark Noll (of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church) has been on the Wheaton College faculty since 1979 and is the co-founder and present director of the Institute for the Study of American Evangelicals at Wheaton College. In recent years Dr. Noll has been a visiting teacher at Harvard Divinity School, University of Chicago Divinity School, Westminster Theological Seminary, and Regent College of Vancouver, B.C. His most recent book, co-authored with Carolyn Nystrom, is titled Is The Reformation Over? An Evangelical Assessment of Contemporary Roman Catholicism (Baker Academic, 2005).
The following exchange is from an interview by Carl E. Olson, on the Ignatius Insight blog:
IgnatiusInsight.com: Is The Reformation Over? contains a section about former notable Evangelicals (Scott and Kimberly Hahn, Thomas Howard, Peter Kreeft, etc.) who have become Catholic in recent years. Although they offer criticisms, they have a very ecumenical attitude toward Evangelicalism. Are there counterparts, so to speak, within Evangelicalism–former Catholics who became Evangelical because of serious theological reflection and who now engage in ecumenical dialogue with Catholics, either formally or informally?
Noll: I’m sure there must be, but most of the ex-Catholics I know or know about tend to be pretty severe on their Catholic past. Most ex-Catholic evangelicals of my acquaintance were not well catechized, and often their Catholic experience was nominal, mechanical, or (in some instances) abusive; by contrast, many ex-evangelical Catholics reasoned themselves into Catholicism from articulate evangelical positions. That difference helps explain the contrast in "ex"s (if, in fact, my experience speaks to a general situation).
Dennis E
I was wondering if you could tell me some of the major reasons why a Protestant, Evangelical, or Fundamentalist converts to the Roman Catholic Church. Thank you!