Why do Protestants become Catholic?

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As it was said before, OSAS is a doctrine of men and it was never taught by anyone until the reformation.

More Catholic hogwash to destroy the simple Gospel of the Lord.

Joh 3:15 -
so that everyone who believes in Him will have eternal life.

Ac 2:21 -
then whoever calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.

Joh 10:9 -
I am the door. If anyone enters by Me, he will be saved, and will come in and go out and find pasture.

Mr 16:16 -
Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned.

Blind leading the blind.
James says, Thou believest that there is one God. Thou dost well: the devils also believe and tremble. 20 But wilt thou know, O vain man, that faith without works is dead?’ [James2] He also says, ‘Do you see that by works a man is justified; and not by faith only?’ [James2] Paul says in 1Cor.13 that if you have faith without Charity you have nothing and he says that Charity is greater than faith. Hebrews10 says that if a man sins willfully after coming to the faith there is no sacrifice left for him. This Hebrews quote is pretty big too; it teaches that a man can have salvation and then sin and lose it. Uh, Oh. What did they mean?

Dude, in James, what kind of ‘works’ was he talking about?
Hebrews10 says that if a man sins willfully after coming to the faith there is no sacrifice left for him. This Hebrews quote is pretty big too; it teaches that a man can have salvation and then sin and lose it. Uh, Oh. What did they mean?

What indeed!

Hebrews 10:1-6
1 Since the law has only a shadow of the good things to come, and not the actual form of those realities, it can never perfect the worshipers by the same sacrifices they continually offer year after year.

2 Otherwise, wouldn’t they have stopped being offered, since the worshipers, once purified, would no longer have any consciousness of sins?

3 But in the sacrifices there is a reminder of sins every year. 4 For it is impossible for the blood of bulls and goats to take away sins. 5 Therefore, as He was coming into the world, He said: You did not want sacrifice and offering, but You prepared a body for Me. 6 You did not delight in whole burnt offerings and sin offerings.

Uh oh is right, oh misguided Catholic Soul. Does this mean that God does not delight in those vain repititious sacrifices and offerings that went on day after day year after year over and over and over again that do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING WHATSOVER and TAKES NO SINS AWAY when Jesus did it ALL and said IT IS FINISHED?

How can that be, oh blind Catholic person? That Jesus really DID take ALL those sins away that those Jewish Priests could not do in a million zillion years?

Actually what Hebrews 10 REALLY REALLY says is that those priests men of yours are doing the very same things those Jews did AND GUESS WHAT, Cowboy…

GOD DOES NOT DELIGHT IN THEM. And it is an INSULT TO HIM, as well as it should be.

And, where, pray tell, does that even allude to a man losing his salvation?

Sorry to burst your Catholic bubble.
Oooo I feel so…snakelike. Kind of like Lord Voldemort in the Harry Potter series.

Well, if you have anything that you would like to discuss…as a plain old Christian, we would be happy to assist you!

But, I will remind you that it was you that brought up the topic of debate and asked us to supply a difference. I have done so. Naturally, if you would like to engage in that debate with my snakelike self, I am happy to assist you in any way that I can.

Or, if you would like to fully embrace the Mother Church, I can help you there too.

What, and give up my Lord and Savior? For a ‘Church’ that tolerate pediphile priests? Are you kidding?

Actually, I know you’re not and that’s what so sad.
Julia…where are you?

Are you just going to set there and spit venom all day, or are you going to get back to a true debate of the issues. You asked, many pages ago, for someone to debate you on an issue. I brought up Once Saved Always Saved, and then you went on for three pages without debating it. Why is that? Well, you have not answered so allow me to wander down the road of speculation a bit.

The reason is that you can’t. The thing is, that old doctrine that is such a cornerstone of the Protestant faith can’t be defended. Why? Because the Bible does not support it. Oh, now you can pull a verse out of context (an old Protestant trick) and then make some assertions about it, but you can’t make it stand up in the context in which it was written. Protestants the world over know this, and it scares the heck out of them. Why? Because if you are wrong about the pillars of the Protestantism, then you have only two choices left…go to Rome or leave Christianity behind. And that, my dear, is a frightening thought for those who have been taught to hate Rome since they were not old enough to see over the pew.

So we all stand ready. If you have an arguement to make…don’t sing it sister…just bring it.

Actually, I am enjoying this beautiful Spring weather! I much rather be out in God’s Great Outdoors than stuck behind a computer with people who have absolutely no desire to ‘debate’ nor ‘understand’ anybody or anything that doesn’t agree with their ‘Church’ .

Scare me? I laugh in the face of fear… :tiphat:

How about you, Dude? Do YOU fear?

And as for leaving Protestantism, Yup! That I did. But leave it for a Church that denies the finished work of my precious Savior?

As a convert in 1968 at the ripe old age of 18 I knew it was the truth. My best friend in high school was Catholic and I came from an anti Catholic family. The minute I stepped into St. Stephens church with her that wonderful Sunday in June of 67 I knew the Lord was there in a way that He wasn’t in any other church and I had attended them all except for Mormon or JW. At the time I didn’t know it, but it was His Presence in the Blessed Sacrament. I remember kneeling down and I said “This is truly your home Lord and now it’s mine.” I fell in love with the faith, especially the Blessed Mother and that was it for me. My mom who was against my taking what they then called “Inquiry Class” went with me to be sure I wouldn’t learn some of those “damnable Romanish doctrines”. Mother converted the year after I did. I have never regretted it and am amazed that I keep learning and loving and trusting the Church more and more. Protestants become Catholic for one reason - ITS THE TRUTH!
IT’S DOCTRINE! Where is your testimony about sin and how Jesus changed your life? Even if 99% of Catholic doctrine was correct its that incorrect 1% doctrine that will “damn you to hell”. More and more Protestants are becoming Catholic because they are more interested in unity than truth. They are deceived. This “can’t we all just get along” and “we are the world” attitude has got to stop". A relationship with Jesus is about truth…not numbers. If there was only one true Evangelical believer left in this world it would be a threat to Catholicism. That one believer represents the truth and they are terrifed of it. Have you never been taught about the book of Revelations? The world is heading into a one world religion. That means it will be centered in Rome. Someday Rome will be hunting down all of the “true” Christians in the world and killing them. Wise up before it is to late and on this note it has been nice knowing you as I am sure to be banned for this post.
The difficulty of explaining “why I am a Catholic” is that there are ten thousand reasons all amounting to one reason: that Catholicism is true.–G.K. Chesterton chesterton.org/gkc/theologian/whycatholic.htm
:amen: …Being a convert to the Catholic Church (former Baptist)… I would have to say though I felt a definite call… and acted on it… it was because of the TRUTH!:yup:
it was because of the TRUTH!

And what, exactly, was that truth, pray tell?
IT’S DOCTRINE! Where is your testimony about sin and how Jesus changed your life? Even if 99% of Catholic doctrine was correct its that incorrect 1% doctrine that will “damn you to hell”. More and more Protestants are becoming Catholic because they are more interested in unity than truth. They are deceived. This “can’t we all just get along” and “we are the world” attitude has got to stop". A relationship with Jesus is about truth…not numbers. If there was only one true Evangelical believer left in this world it would be a threat to Catholicism. That one believer represents the truth and they are terrifed of it. Have you never been taught about the book of Revelations? The world is heading into a one world religion. That means it will be centered in Rome. Someday Rome will be hunting down all of the “true” Christians in the world and killing them. Wise up before it is to late and on this note it has been nice knowing you as I am sure to be banned for this post.


It’s nice to know that true courage and true faith and TRUE LOVE for Jesus exist in this very decieved, very PC world today.

One thing I noticed about these Catholics is that they have a ‘love’ and a ‘zeal’ alright but its not based on Knowledge. It is either

No. 1: Based on the Worldly idea of love which isn’t love at all…

No. 2: Love for the Church

No. 3 Love for themselves (pride, ego, better than anybody else School of Pharasee type ‘holiness’

Or all three .

Excellent post, Alfie! I couldn’t agree more with you Brother! God bless you for your obvious love of Jesus and HIS TRUTH! Amen!
it was because of the TRUTH!

And what, exactly, was that truth, pray tell?
Julia, dear…I’ve read over most of your posts and quite frankly I wouldn’t waste my time trying to convice you…I’ll pray for you instead. God Bless…
Alfie, if you are interested, I am a Moderator at this excellent board that defends against the lies of the Catholic Church…here is the address: (Removed as per CAF policy on Board Swarms )

For all you Catholics here, if you believe that your Church is the OTC and you ‘know’ Truth, I dare you to come to our board and defend your ‘Truth’…

After all, since your Church is THE TRUTH, it should stand up to any and all scructany, am I right? We’d be delighted to see you all there! 👍

So come on over and ‘enlighten’ us ‘cursed’ Heretics… 😃

I double dare you! 🙂

What, and give up my Lord and Savior? For a ‘Church’ that tolerate pediphile priests? Are you kidding?

Actually, I know you’re not and that’s what so sad.
This is disengenuous at best, you should be ashamed of yourself, Julia. You claim to be following our Lord, but frankly, I don’t see that in posts such as the above.

And for your information:
We would be naïve and dishonest were we to say this is a Roman Catholic problem and has nothing to do with us because we have married and female priests in our church. Sin and abusive behavior know no ecclesial or other boundaries." Rt. Rev. William Persell, Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Chicago, Good Friday Sermon, 2002.

Alfie, if you are interested, I am a Moderator at this excellent board that defends against the lies of the Catholic Church…here is the address: (Removed as per CAF policy on Board Swarms )

For all you Catholics here, if you believe that your Church is the OTC and you ‘know’ Truth, I dare you to come to our board and defend your ‘Truth’…

After all, since your Church is THE TRUTH, it should stand up to any and all scructany, am I right?
LOL! I’ve been to that board! Within 10 posts Tan2Day was calling me a pedophile, a demon spawn, and various other vile names; the funny thing is, I never identified myself as a Catholic! All I was urging was that people be fair in the presentation! But because I was urging an honest presentation of the evidence, I was suddenly a Papist “pawn”.

Yeah - good times! Light of Christ, all right!
We’d be delighted to see you all there! 👍
I’d bet! I urge everyone to STAY AWAY!! There’s no intellectual discussion there, only name calling and hollow rhetoric. If anyone really doubts this, I urge you to go to the site (don’t register) and take a look at Tan2Day’s posts.
So come on over and ‘enlighten’ us ‘cursed’ Heretics… 😃
I double dare you! 🙂
This is an example of the level of maturity you’ll find at that site - this is a moderator!! If the moderators are this childish, what do you think the discussions are like?!?

May God Bless you, but no thanks.
Alfie and Julia1 -

You feel that the Catholic Church and the unity of it’s people have a distorted view on truth and love…while in fact YOU are the ones placing those restrictive parameters on them! Thus such violent reactions when we respectfully try to help you along. You cannot see that the catholic (and I do put the small ‘c’) view is much broader and deeper than what your restrictive minds can fathom.

This is an example of the level of maturity you’ll find at that site - this is a moderator!! If the moderators are this childish, what do you think the discussions are like?!?

May God Bless you, but no thanks.
I just stopped by there myself, and I would have laughed if it wasn’t so tragic :nope:

All I got out of my visit was “I’m right and you’re wrong (without any evidence”. And comments such as “the RCC is like the Whore of Bablon in a training bra”.

Childish? I’ll say!
As it was said before, OSAS is a doctrine of men and it was never taught by anyone until the reformation.

More Catholic hogwash to destroy the simple Gospel of the Lord.

Jesus’ Teaching on Losing Salvation

Matt. 7:18 - Jesus says that sound trees bear good fruit. But there is no guarantee that a sound tree will stay sound. It could go rotten.

Matt. 7:21 - all those who say “Lord, Lord” on the last day will not be saved. They are judged by their evil deeds.

Matt. 12:30-32 - Jesus says that he who is not with Him is against Him, therefore (the Greek for “therefore” is “dia toutos” which means “through this”) blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven. This means that failing to persevere in Jesus’ grace to the end is the unforgivable sin against the Spirit. We must persevere in faith to the end of our lives.

Matt. 22:14 - Jesus says many are called but few are chosen. This man, who was destined to grace, was at God’s banquet, but was cast out.

Luke 8:13 - Jesus teaches that some people receive the word with joy, but they have no root, believe for a while, and then fall away in temptation. They had the faith but they lost it.

Luke 12:42-46 - we can start out as a faithful and wise steward, then fall away and be assigned to a place with the unfaithful.

Luke 15:11-32 – in the parable of the prodigal son, we learn that we can be genuine sons of the Father, then leave home and die, then return and be described as “alive again.”

John 6:70-71 - Jesus chose or elected twelve, yet one of them, Judas, fell. Not all those predestined to grace persevere to the end.

John 15:1-10 - we can be in Jesus (a branch on the vine), and then if we don’t bear fruit, are cut off, wither up and die. Paul makes this absolutely clear in Rom. 11:20-23.

John 17:12 - we can be given to Jesus by the Father (predestined to grace) and yet not stay with Jesus, like Judas.

John 6:37 - those who continue to come to Jesus He won’t cast out. But it’s a continuous, ongoing action. We can leave Jesus and He will allow this because He respects our freewill.

John 6:39 - Jesus will not lose those the Father gives Him, but we can fall away, like Judas. God allows us not to persevere.

John 6:40 - everyone who sees the Son and believes means the person “continues” to believe. By continuing to believe, the person will persevere and will be raised up. Belief also includes obedience, which is more than an intellectual belief in God.

John 6:44 - Jesus says no one can come to me unless the Father “draws” him. This “drawing” is an ongoing process.

John 10:27-28 - when Jesus says, “no one shall snatch them out of my hands,” He does not mean we can’t leave His hands. We can choose to walk away from Him.

Rev. 2:4-5 – Jesus tells the Ephesians that they abandoned the love they had at first and have fallen. Jesus warns them to repent and do the works they did at first, otherwise He will remove their lampstand (their awaited place in heaven).

Rev. 3:4 - in Sardis, Jesus explained that some people received the white garment and soiled it with sin.

Rev. 3:5 - Jesus says whoever conquers will not be blotted out of the book of life (see Exodus 32:33). This means that we can be blotted out of the book of life. We can have salvation, and then lose salvation by our choice.

Rev. 3:11 - Jesus says to hold fast to what we have, so that no one may seize our crown. Jesus teaches us that we can have the crown of salvation and lose it.

Rev. 13:10; 14:12 - we are called from heaven for the endurance and faith of the saints, keeping the commandments and faith.

Rev. 21:7 - we must conquer in order to share in our heritage and become a true son of Jesus. Rev. 22:19 - we can have a share in the tree of life in God’s holy city and yet have that share taken away from us.

Much more here:


Again, we must “accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior” every day - not just once - to be saved.
I am currently studying everything I can get my hands on to convert from being a Methodist to a Catholic. I was baptised as a Catholic because my mother and her family were all Catholics. She married a non-Catholic and we children ended up being raised as Methodists. I never felt at home there and attended many other types of churches over the years, looking for ‘the truth.’ I felt led, in a very strong way, to look into the faith of my baptism – Catholicism – in February of 2006. I started attending RCIA classes and mass. Reading, listening to Catholic CD’s all help. My one answer to your question of why Protestants convert is because they feel IN THEIR SOUL that something is missing; something isn’t quite right; and God leads them to the Catholic Church. Thank you for asking. 😉
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