I am still Catholic so there you go and I am sure many scientists and historians would object to your view of scientific historyI didn’t say “all”. What I am saying is that the scholarship you so greatly admire would not even be possible if Catholic priests and nuns did not make it a priority and available for the average person.
The Catholic Church has never been afraid of understanding or discovering God’s creation.
In turn, the Catholic church has the deposit of Faith, the Magisterium, and centuries of scholarship of Saints and Popes. All supported by Scripture.
To discount these teachings because one has unsubstantiated notions that differ is a bit vain, IMHO.
Perhaps enroll in a good RCIA program fro clarification on certain teachings.
This can be done one on one with a priest, if you seek out a Spiritual Director.
Seek the truth. Don’t simply seek a church that agrees with YOU.