So we accept poverty as inevitable?–But as Jesus said, the poor you’ll always have with you.
Anything other the no is incorrect.
Who said anything about your money at any point. This whole argument has been you cramming words in my mouth like:–Besides, if this is your goal, fine. Give away every penny you’ve ever made…just don’t give away what I earned, OK?
Wasn’t the point.–OK, people get the treatment they earn. Act responsible and law abiding? Great. Act like a thug, and throw a molotov cocktail at police? Expect to get shot.
No it’s an argument; if your families poor odds are you will be too.–This is an argument for communism: If someone is not oppressed (and maybe hasn’t been for decades), we still have to…what? Give them free stuff? Sounds like that’s what you’re suggesting.
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