Never make this statement! All are welcome to offer sincere opinions on the topic. Not just those who agree with me (the OP) either.My apology for barging in.
Never make this statement! All are welcome to offer sincere opinions on the topic. Not just those who agree with me (the OP) either.My apology for barging in.
Does that mean you think there is no such thing as constructive analysis?Negative subjects always get more attention because there is much, much more conversation involved in picking things apart and destructively analyzing them.
Ad hominem is a logical fallacy.
Perhaps you don’t understand the original meaning of ad hominem. (Hint: he said “logical fallacy,” not “attack” or “argument.”) Ad hominem literally means “to the person.” Your response to the the Jung quotation was to the man Jung, not to the quotation.Not really, it is what it is.
I can think of many Catholic interpretations of it. One could study that statement for a semester. This is not even an exhaustive list:“Modern people don’t see god because they don’t look low enough.”
Isn’t that the only reason to offer evidence to the contrary, or discredit something? I didn’t attempt to discredit anything. I offered my honest reaction. In response, because you disagree, you are here discrediting my response. I have no problem with that, however, I should be offered the same courtesy, should I disagree with you.However, because you do not agree is no reason to discredit it.
It makes sense that I struggle with the idea that the Fall was irrelevant because I have a deep respect for Thomistic Theology. He is a Doctor of the Church.You are in good company though, because even the brilliant Thomas Aquinas disagreed.
Yes, true. However, Jesus is the one true revelation of God. Jesus the Savior. The Paschal Mystery. These would not make sense without the Fall. Theologically, reasonably, rationally. As an actor of spirituality or if intellect: Jesus the Savior makes zero sense without a Fall.But theology is an academic pursuit, and not just spiritual, requiring deeper thought, reason, research, and consideration before labeling it as “wrong”
I think this is a different question, although very important. Of course it wasn’t necessary, which makes it even more important that He chose to do it in this way. What did He intend to reveal by choosing this “violent blood shed and agonizing death,” rather than some gentler way? That is of paramount importance.Does that mean the death of Jesus was required to placate an angry God who could only be satisfied by violent blood shed and agonizing death?
I agree. Everything about what the Christ said and did is important.Jesus did far MORE than just die on a cross. What about his teachings? What about his moral example? He showed us how to live and expand our love. Without the “fall” would we still need instruction, example, and encouragement? Would God still come in the flesh if only to experience our life situation right next to us as one of us? I think so.
It is totally worth the thought! That is why I grappled with it. I just ended up somewhere else after doing so than the person I replied to.But it is only a speculative question. Still, to appreciate the full meaning of the incarnation, it is worth the thought.
If Christianity was created by man to achieve those ends, this could be true.Throw in the mix concepts like self-sacrifice and some other guy to carry the burden of anything you do wrong, and you have a winner.
So yes, I may say as well Christianity has been a pilar for morality. But in a rather accidental way. The primary goal was to control people and offer them a reason to still stay alive, being exploited.
He told us to be afraid. The Saints told us to be afraid. The Prophets told us to be afraid.I can’t imagine for a moment that is the way God wants us to live. I do not believe he would want us for 1 minute to tremble in fear of his judgment. I would encourage you to Instead try to be joyful about all of the good things God has given us. Leave the trembling and fear by the wayside. It will help improve your disposition.
You said it better than I could have.But the bible ceases to make sense at the very highest level to me if you believe that Christ conquered death through an incredible act of selflessness all for the benefit of a handful of people he could have just done a Noah with if he wished.
It is hard to think that many will end up in Hell. As for any specific person, I never make any claim of judgement.It must be very hard to walk through life, seeing all the good-hearted people trying the best they can with what they know, and thinking “they’re all gonna be tortured forever!”.
That is incredibly uncharitable of you, but also very stupid. What could possibly make you think I count myself among the saved? I live every day in fear of my own damnation. Among those I love dearly, there are many who are living sinful lives with no seeming intention to reform or confess. The thought that they might suffer is a constant sorrow for me. Though, perhaps in your extreme lack of charity you might disbelieve poor creatures like myself can even know love.Actually I bet you like thinking this way because it boosts your ego to think that you’ll be part of an exclusive club of saved. I bet it gives you a sense of glee to think fo so many people suffering.
It is not about what I enjoy or don’t enjoy.If I thought everyone was going to to Hell then I wouldn’t be able to muster the will to get out of bed, but you seem to enjoy believing this!
You already are arguing this with me. I seem to recall one specific argument with you where you accused me of the same viciousness you do now when I merely quoted a Pope on the subject of passionate kissing. Since you pick and choose which Popes to believe and which not, your criticism here is as empty as your charity.I’m not going to argue this with you. On other occasions where I debated theology with you you refused to believe other priests or even the vatican itself when I quoted them. If you won’t believe Priests and Popes then there’s no possible starting point for a reasoned discussion.