My husband has been in the hospital since Sunday evening with COVID. He’s on oxygen (but not intubated) and on Rendisvir (sorry about the spelling), and antibiotics.
I have been home from work with COVID, but the only symptoms I had were loss of taste and smell, which is actually coming back after only 8 days.
We wear masks everywhere outside of our home–except when we went to help my husband’s elderly parents. We’ve been helping them out for months now, even before COVID hit the country. They never leave their house. They do have caregivers during the day.
AND…my husband’s sister also comes over to help her mother (not her dad, whom she hates). She’s a school nurse, and wears a mask on the job, but not when she is with her parents or us.
As far as we know, she was the first of the family to test positive with COVID. And then my parents-in-law tested positive and went into the hospital, but they were discharged within a few days. Now my MIL is back in with pneumonia and UTI, and if she lives, will go home on hospice care. (She has late stage dementia, so death would be a home-going to heaven for her.)
And then my husband started having symptoms, and got tested and was positive, and when I lost my sense of taste/smell, I got tested and was positive.
Sadly, though, my husband’s case seems to be the most serious of all the family members, and we are all praying that his oxygen levels will improve and that he will actually get to go home alive.
So apparently we got COVID through family contact. The only other time I’m out is when I’m at work, and at the grocery store, and I wear a mask both places. Other than helping his parents, my husband never goes out because he works from home.
So…I think I’m qualified to comment here. I think I’ve earned that right.
Here’s what I think. I think most people in the U.S. DO WEAR MASKS and practice social distancing, and all the rest. I do not think that Pres. Biden or anyone else has to pontificate on mask-wearing or issue a 100-day suggestion. I seldom see anyone without a mask in our city.
I think most people who get COVID do so because they are fulfilling family responsibilities that they will NOT give up, even at the risk of their own lives.
Yes, perhaps wearing a mask around family would help, but when you’re sitting at table helping your mother or father eat the meal that you have brought over for them, or when you are helping change your mother’s diaper-you’re not necessarily going to wear a mask the entire time (especially when eating or drinking)–and that’s probably all it takes for many of us–that little bit of exposure.
So I think we need to stop blaming “lack of mask wearing” for the spread of the disease. It’s not realistic to wear that mask constantly when you’re helping family. Just not gonna happen.
We wear masks at work…but we take them off in our tiny breakroom when we eat breakfast and lunch. it’s just possible that I caught COVID there, brought it out to my parents-in-law and sister-in-law and my husband and myself. Maybe we should eat in total isolation at work?