Can our democracy survive if most Republicans think the government is illegitimate?

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I think the divide between the rural states and the urban ones will continue, but I guess once the Republican Party sorts itself out things could be different.
I think there is at least as much sorting needed to be done by the Democrats. There is a strong leftist anti-constitution wing that opposes individual rights and limited government. They can call themselves “democratic socialists”, but they are authoritarian leftists.
Frankly, I don’t see how Biden controls them, even if he’s inclined to do so.
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I think there is at least as much sorting needed to be done by the Democrats. There is a strong leftist anti-constitution wing that opposes individual rights and limited government.
I think the extremists on both sides need to be silenced and the more moderate people given voice.
You mean like all the Republicans who kept saying “He won, get over it” after the 2016 election? Those people who tell you to accept the results?
Or even more, we survived 2000 when most Democrats considered GW Bush illegitimate and with better reason than 2016 and 2020. But we had to have a president. Saying Gore won would have been a hair more mistaken. Saying the election was rigged also means Trump did not win a fair election, and his term is up. So even the argument that the election was rigged, either by Russians, liberal cabals, or aliens, still leaves us with no president.

The idea that the House would somehow vote for Trump is a myth. We have already seen that there are a few (enough) Republicans that care more about the United States and her constitution than one bloviated ego.

I argued it was time to accept the result and move on in both 2000 and 2016. In four years, this election will be done and we will have a new one.
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You mean like all the Republicans who kept saying “He won, get over it” after the 2016 election? Those people who tell you to accept the results?
Because he did. The Russia hacked the election was a lie. They knew it was all along.
The idea that the House would somehow vote for Trump is a myth. We have already seen that there are a few (enough) Republicans that care more about the United States and her constitution than one bloviated ego.

I argued it was time to accept the result and move on in both 2000 and 2016. In four years, this election will be done and we will have a new one.
I’m all for moving on, but the losing candidate in our system has certain legal rights. They are allowed their investigation, recount and day in court. In many cases they are even charged for the recount.

What I object to are subversive means of upsetting an election, like pursuing sham impeachment charges for years.
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Well. Mueller had nothing, and Schiff would have said do or lied about having it, so there’s no reason to believe anyone else does.
Mueller spun stuff out to US Attorneys, so we don’t know. He thought that Trump could be indicted after he leaves office, so…

I think the Manhattan DA and the New York AG are the ones that are going to get him.
Mueller spun stuff out to US Attorneys, so we don’t know.
Not Russia related stuff.
He thought that Trump could be indicted after he leaves office, so…
He was talking about the allegation of obstruction.
I think the Manhattan DA and the New York AG are the ones that are going to get him.
I’m sure that us on the tax front and business areas. They both are working political vendetta, so I’m not sure how that carries over now that he lost.
Yes, they are going to get him. Hang man is coming down from the gallows and Trump don’t have very long.
Yeah, this is the kind of political vendetta stuff I mentioned above. If this legal form of cancel culture is what the left wants to do, two can play that way, but it further divides the country.
What I object to are subversive means of upsetting an election, like pursuing sham impeachment charges for years.
I agree, but I see trying to get state politicians to betray their constituents more subversive. The law suits were using legal means to have the election thrown out. They failed on several grounds because democracy.
Hang man is coming down from the gallows and Trump don’t have very long.
Awesome song, but inappropriate. Rhetoric needs to to be less inflammatory than gallows imagery. That is what I have heard from the incumbents extreme followers. It is not better turned against him.
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