Can our democracy survive if most Republicans think the government is illegitimate?

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Not Russia related stuff.
Actually Roger Stone-Trump-Russian collusion, the part Barr redacted. But again we’ll have to see. And don’t take Junior off the hook. The Senate has the goods on his keeping his father in the know on your “Russia hoax.”
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Either that, or he doesn’t want to be around on Jan 6 for the shenanigans in the House.
Or Trump forced him out so he can have an “acting” AG who supports his attempt to overthrow the election.
Trump is gone Jan 21st. If Biden isn’t sworn in, doesn’t Pelosi get promoted?
Actually Roger Stone-Trump-Russian collusion, the part Barr redacted.
Barr redacted what he was required to. Grand jury activities and names not related must be redacted now more than ever, with the leftist cancel culture.
And don’t take Junior off the hook. The Senate has the goods on his keeping his father in the know on your “Russia hoax.”
Junior. Oh, I thought you meant Hunter, the go between for Joe and the family activities with the Chinese.
What I object to are subversive means of upsetting an election, like pursuing sham impeachment charges for years.
I agree, but I see trying to get state politicians to betray their constituents more subversive. The law suits were using legal means to have the election thrown out. They failed on several grounds because democracy.
Hang man is coming down from the gallows and Trump don’t have very long.
Awesome song, but inappropriate. Rhetoric needs to to be less inflammatory than gallows imagery. That is what I have heard from the incumbents extreme followers. It is not better turned against him.
What are the odds, NYC takes Trump into custody Jan 21st?
What are the odds, NYC takes Trump into custody Jan 21st?
It’s still America, and rich people don’t really go to jail very often in America. I think they will cause him pain and annoyance, and cost him money, but it seems unlikely he actually goes to jail.
Who is trying to undo the electoral college, other than Democrats?
I just saw a quote from your pal Stephen Miller suggesting that he (or someone) could set up an alternate set of electors to overthrow the election. I assume he is acting with Trump’s consent (not that what he is describing is a real thing).

Given that the electors have now all voted, and that all votes were certified by the safe harbor deadline, there is really no way to change the outcome. I have heard that Trump is still looking for a way to do so, however. Are you saying that is untrue? That Trump is finally admitting the election is over? That would be good.
I just saw a quote from your pal Stephen Miller
Not my pal. I’ve never met him.
suggesting that he (or someone) could set up an alternate set of electors to overthrow the election.
You mean like the antics some Hollywood types tried four years ago?
On real time, the electoral college has already voted. The process works.
That Trump is finally admitting the election is over? That would be good.
Sure, but it isn’t necessary for the process to work. Four years go the process worked. Today the process worked.
I have heard that Trump is still looking for a way to do so, however.
Trump has done nothing illegal. He went to court, unlike Obama setting up spies in the Trump campaign, weaponizing the FBI that used a dossier filled with lies put together by Hillary and the Russians.
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