In the 2012 GOP
document, references to God actually increased six-fold over the 2008 platform – which saw two mentions, both in the chairman’s preamble:
– “. . . humility before God and before a nation of free and independent thinkers.”
– “. . .ever grateful to Almighty God for the political, religious, and civil liberties we enjoy. . .”
In 2012, the GOP mentioned God 12 times, in 10 separate phrases:
– “. . .Reaffirm that our rights come from God, are protected by government, and that the only just government is one that truly governs with the consent of the governed. . .”
– “. . .May God continue to shed his grace on the United States of America. . .”
– “. . .We offer our Republican vision of a free people using their God-given talents. . .”
– “. . .God-given individual rights. . .”
– “. . .the primary role of government is to protect the God-given, inalienable, inherent rights of its citizens. . .”
– “. . .defend the law-abiding citizen’s God-given right of self-defense. . .”
– “. . .taking advantage of all our American God-given resources. . .”
– “. . .God-given natural resources. . .”
– “. . .We condemn decisions by activist judges to deny children the opportunity to say the Pledge of Allegiance in its entirety, including “Under God” in public schools. . .”
– “. . .the God-given natural beauty and resources of our country. . .”