Feds say they thwarted militia plot to kidnap Governor Whitmer. Other state governments targeted too

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Correct me if I’m wrong but I thought libertarians were essentially right-wing anarchists? Or put another way, anarchists who believe in the sanctity of private property?
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I’ve often wondered if you put Spanish Civil War-era anarchists and American libertarians in a locked assembly hall for a few days would they get along or be at each others’ throats?
The one member of the group whom you say calls Trump a tyrant probably does so due to the fact that Trump is still part of the government. These people are members of a militia group, and militia groups hate all forms of government. They stockpile weapons in order to overthrow the government, whether it be local, state, or federal government.

I would suggest you stop making it seem that the far-right lunatics are benign, and that only the far-left lunatics are militant. The far-right fringe is far from benign. They are violent White Supremacists who are anarchists that hate our government and wish to overthrow it, just as Antifa does. And no, I do NOT agree with Biden or others who say that Antifa is not a movement but just an idea. They are dangerous to our democracy, but so are the far-right. And yes, as I have previously stated, both the far right and the far left are growing in numbers and must be stopped.
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right wing groups such as the boogaloo’s despise the government and the police.
Boogaloo isn’t a group lol it’s a meme. People look silly when they talk about it like it’s a group.
it’s a movement. does it really matter how one quantifies it? They have already murdered people and attempted to kill more.
No lol they’re not a movement. Unless you consider several hundred thousand people in on a common joke a movement. The people who have committed crime may share the boogaloo meme, but there is no structural organization.
The one member of the group whom you say calls Trump a tyrant probably does so due to the fact that Trump is still part of the government. These people are members of a militia group, and militia groups hate all forms of government. They stockpile weapons in order to overthrow the government, whether it be local, state, or federal government.

I would suggest you stop making it seem that the far-right lunatics are benign, and that only the far-left lunatics are militant. The far-right fringe is far from benign. They are violent White Supremacists who are anarchists that hate our government and wish to overthrow it, just as Antifa does. And no, I do NOT agree with Biden or others who say that Antifa is not a movement but just an idea. They are dangerous to our democracy, but so are the far-right. And yes, as I have previously stated, both the far right and the far left are growing in numbers and must be stopped.
I never claimed far right extremists are benign. What I have been clear about is that the far left extremists such as Antifa are far from being merely an idea.

My main point, though, is that there is a concerted effort on the part of the media and Democrats to paint anyone on the right with the same paintbrush as far right extremists. Hence, Trump is “literally Hitler” and his supporters are Nazis, white supremacists and racists.

Such rhetoric is turning up in public schools, in normal social interaction, and in election discussion / activity where people’s homes are been vandalized, lawn signs destroyed and people ostracized or fired from work merely for supporting Trump.



That kind of rhetoric is unconscionable as is the rhetoric that seeks to minimize the extremism and racism on the left.

Hence white people are necessarily racist because of “white privilege.” Yet, according to that same rhetoric, people of colour can never be. Speaking of privilege.

Even your presumption that concludes “…I would suggest you stop making it seem that the far-right lunatics are benign” is an example of conservative positions being distorted to make it appear that anyone defending a conservative position is being an extremist.
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Thankfully this leftist plot (being falsely reported as “Right Wing” supporters by some in the MSM) foiled . . . .
Right wing militia group plot to overthrow several state governments, including Michigan Gov. Whitmer World News

NEW: Whitmer Kidnapping Plotter Was a BLM Supporter, Media Narrative Crumbles​

October 10, 2020 by Bonchie

When it was reported several days ago that a plot to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer was foiled by the FBI, the media kicked into high gear. They were sure the culprits were MAGA loving Trump supporters and also white supremacists. In fact, we even had some cable news analysts suggesting Trump should be charged as a co-conspirator . . .

That narrative started to fall when it was revealed one of the ringleaders not only didn’t support Trump, but that he had called the President a “tyrant” . . .


Narrative Fail: Turns Out the Folks Behind the Whitmer Plot Aren’t Who Dems and Media Are Painting Them As​

October 8, 2020 by Nick Arama . . .

As we reported previously, the FBI busted up a plot against Michigan governor Gretchen Whitmer, to allegedly overthrow or kidnap her by an “extremist militia group.”

The FBI did a good job taking down the group and it sounded like a serious danger to Whitmer if they did what they are alleged to have done, so it’s good they got them.

But when Whitmer sounded off about the plot, she immediately tried to falsely link the president . . . .

. . . Further, turns out in checking out the folks behind the alleged plot, one of the alleged members, Brandon Caserta, would appear to be an anarchist. Not only that, he’s anti-Trump. Check the flag in the background. . . .

. . . Caserta called Trump a “tyrant” and an “enemy.” Doesn’t sound at all like a Trump supporter or someone who is in any way operating based on Trump.
“Trump is not your friend, dude,” Caserta says. “And it amazes me that people actually believe that when he’s shown over and over and over again that he’s a tyrant. Every single person that works for government is your enemy, dude.”
But somehow this is missing from a lot of the reporting. . . .
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Yes sir!

The Media IS the problem. This is why people argue, fight, and even kill each other. The means of information have become a joke, they do not report news, they promote ideology. Present twisted facts, and out of context information.
Unfortunately,I doubt the leftist media will correct this misrepresentation of events.
I’m skeptical when there is only one biased source that purports to know “facts” that no other outlet knows.

Why can’t we just say that this plot was terrible, and should be denounced by everyone, Democrat, Independent, and Republican?
right wing blogs spinning… yea, trust worthy sources.
these same militia members where photographed at a right wing patriot rally earlier in the year. they can try and lie their way out of this mess but it’s their boyz.
I don’t believe antifa has an organizational structure, no. I don’t believe they have financiers. I do believe it’s a more coherent ideology than what you get with people in on the boogaloo meme. Because you could get 10 right wing leaning gun owners in a room and ask them questions about government and it’s role in society and get 10 different answers. You would probably consider me a “boogaloo” yet I’m a monarchist who abhors Republican forms of government and democracy in general and finds libertarians to be laughably naive if not outright idiotic.
The Republican Party in general is kind of chaotic inside. You’ve got your libertarian types, your social conservatives, your free marker worshipers, your evangelicals. It’s a big umbrella of random schools of thought that honestly would probably just as soon do away with each other but their common ground is uniting against democrats. Without that they’d tear each other apart.
It is worth reading the Michigan Speaker of the House’s response to Governor Whitmer about this. It is included the article from the Detroit news. This attack was not just an attack against Governor Whitmer, it was attack against republicans in Michigan. The republican speaker of the house also pointed out the Democratic lieutenant Governor blamed republicans for this plan which he correctly said was inflammatory and untrue. So…yea…somehow the media was reporting the republicans had motivated militia in Michigan to kidnap the Governor. This is nonsense.

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"Whitmer in the past has argued that she has agreed with the “spirit” of the Defund The Police movement and if she had gotten her way she might be in harm’s way right now."


OUCH: Democrat Governor of Delaware Pardoned One of Gov. Whitmer’s Kidnap Plotters​

Posted at 8:00 am on October 11, 2020 by T.LaDuke

(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)

HOW DARE YOU (AP Photo/Paul Sancya)

The whole story about these clowns who were exposed last week in a foiled plot to kidnap Governor Whitmer keeps getting a tad bit stranger as more comes out. As I wrote here last week on this, thankfully the plot was foiled by the police before she was able to defund them…
“OPINION: Thankfully the Plot Against Gov Whitmer Was Stopped Before the Police Were Defunded.
Whitmer in the past has argued that she has agreed with the “spirit” of the Defund The Police movement and if she had gotten her way she might be in harm’s way right now.

Now comes word that one of the idiots planning on doing this was just pardoned by her fellow Governor, and Democrat to boot, just last year in the State of Delaware. You know Deleware, where Joe Biden served as a Senator forever and not Scranton, Pennsylvania as you might believe from all of the commercials.

From The Detroit News
Delaware last year pardoned one of the men charged in a plot to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer.

Delaware Gov. John Carney last year signed off on the pardon for Barry Gordon Croft Jr., 44, of Bear, Delaware, who was arrested and then charged Wednesday in federal court in Michigan with conspiring to kidnap Whitmer.

Croft was pardoned for charges dating to the mid-1990s, including possession of a firearm during the commission of a felony, assault and burglary, according to a copy of the pardon papers. The Wilmington (Delaware) News Journal first reported the news.

Croft was also convicted on charges of conspiracy, receiving stolen property and disorderly conduct, according to the pardon document. . . .
. . . Yet doesn’t it seem that the Democrats are the ones pandering to people who are all about defunding the police and destroying property and life and calling it peaceful? Including bailing them out of jail or even pardoning people. . . .
The Republican Party in general is kind of chaotic inside. You’ve got your libertarian types, your social conservatives, your free marker worshipers, your evangelicals. It’s a big umbrella of random schools of thought that honestly would probably just as soon do away with each other but their common ground is uniting against democrats. Without that they’d tear each other apart.
I think the Democrat party is much the same way, which is why it’s so ridiculous that we’re all supposed to be housed under two parties.
The two party system is better than the alternative. Imagine a scenario where there’s a third party that actually gets say 25% of the vote. Then the other two get say, 35% and 45% each. The guy with the 45% wins, and then the other 55% of the country is completely unhappy. Right now at least roughly half the voters have a winning candidate. It would be bad if well over half “lost” so to speak.
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