If that’s the case, they need to be clear about it. Let them say “active homosexual problem.”
I have heard the ones I listen to on Catholic radio clarify it.
As I have mentioned to you before, it also depends on what people mean by the words they choose. To SOME people, to be “homosexual” means you are actively engaging in the homosexual acts and chaste people would only be called “same sex attracted.” To others, “homosexual” means chaste or unchaste, but living the “gay culture.” Finally, to others, “homosexual” is the same things as “same sex attracted.” In my experience, most members of the Catholic media use “same sex attracted” to indicate chaste individuals.
Let them go even further—more specific, and say “abusive active homosexual problem.” For even sexually active homosexuals/those who embrace their sexuality can still live out their sexuality in a non-abusive way. Consider gay couples for example.
OK, this is where I’m going to disagree with you. No priest (unless he was married before becoming a priest) should be engaged in sexual activity.
Engaging in fornication or homosexual acts will send the person to hell, if they don’t repent & change their lives. And a priest engaging in such acts is even worse.
We need a ZERO TOLERANCE policy regarding unchaste activity within the clergy. Any priest today caught with porn or sexually activity with another person should be kicked out of the seminary and should be suspended from the priesthood.
It’s not just homosexual… it’s all unchaste behavior.
To me, a priest having consensual sex with a woman is just big a scandal as a priest having sex with a 16 year old boy. The only difference is one is most likely statutory rape. But they are still both a major scandal.
According to the John Jay Report, of all the known sexual crimes committed within the Catholic Church, only a very small % was pedophilia. The majority was
pederasty, with a some being specifically suffering from hetrosexual
Hebephilia or
But the fact is, the vast majority of the sexual abuse is classified as pederasty, which is when an adult has a homosexual relationship with a someone between the ages of 11 and 19.
NOTE: the age ends at 19. So when you have a priest or bishop committing pederasty against a 18 or 19 year old seminarian, it’s NO different that him committing it against a 16 year old.
So maybe we should call it a “pederasty” issue, but the fact is a priest having pederasty against a 19 year old is just as bad as a clergy member having homosexual relations with a 50 year old.
NONE of it should happen because all clergy should be CHASTE. And yes, we are all called to be Chaste, but the facts are we lay people EXPECT our clergy to be more holy that we are. And maybe that’s clericalism, but I don’t care. I expect my deacon, priest & bishop to be better Catholics than I am.
God Bless