How the Catholic 'alt-right' aims to purge LGBTQ members from the church

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I did not accuse you of revealing anyone’s sins. I was commenting on the portion of your post where you said, “OTOH, I don’t think it is right to post people’s personal info. And nasty trolls of any position are just making everything worse, and putting their own cause in a bad light, if indeed it is their own cause.”
Oh :o By personal info, I meant addresses and schools attended by their children. Sorry about the misunderstanding!
You’ve said this already. Read the reply to the last time you said it.
To be honest, my experience with the phrase was that it was about a different way of conservatism; it was only a few weeks later that I heard a radio interview with Spencer in which he made the racist aspect of his idea clear. This was in the summer of 2016.
Yes this was my experience as well and I assume of millions of people. I think there is some doubt about the origin of the term. Yes this guy Spencer claims he started it. But like millions of people I have no connection with this insignificant guy nor recognize his claim whether it be accurate or not we do not recognize any controlling attachment.

The term Nazi cane from National Socialist which came from the old German Labour party.
The Bulgars were a Turkish tribe who name Bulgaria but Bulgarians today are not mainly descended from the Turkish. There are many examples.

A term is best defined by the people who use it not by any unclear references to the origin. Certainly not one promoted by the secular Left for political posturing.

One of the problems today is that people are not using the same language. They do not respect who defines it nor their arguments for defining it a certain way.
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So what we have is Catholics now who think it okay to say they are “alt-right” for being Catholic. The term needs to stay where it was and not be expanded like this.
No, what you have here is exactly the same thing as when Hilary called Trump supporters, “deplorables.”
I think I understand what you’re saying, but for me there are more important battles.
Romans 1:26-27
“For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was meet”
Leviticus 18:22

Thou shalt not lie with mankind as with womankind: because it is an abomination
What does that have to do with defending homosexuals when they’ve been targeted and oppressed?
You used the term " Church teaching "

Those with ssa deserve kindness. But when they want to change the definition of of the word marriage and the word spouse and get angry when orthodox Christians say no to that, whatever.

They want to reject what has been revealed to us as far as what Our Father in Heaven thinks of sodomy and fornication ? They might as well embrace anger, one of the seven deadly sins. A damned soul is what it is.

Christians must pray for them, but not enable them.
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Orthodox Christians are not alt right. They ARE right.

Righteous in fact.
You used the term " Church teaching "

Those with ssa deserve kindness. But when they want to change the definition of of the word marriage and the word spouse and get angry when orthodox Christians say no to that, whatever.

They want to reject what has been revealed to us as far as what Our Father in Heaven thinks of sodomy and fornication ? They might as well embrace anger, one of the seven deadly sins. A damned soul is what it is.

Christians must pray for them, but not enable them.
For you, then, the tactics described in the article are acceptable?
Perhaps one of the most extreme examples of harassment was endured by Aaron Bianco, a gay man married to another man who told the New Ways ministry that he resigned from his job at a San Diego parish as a pastoral minister after more than a year of abuse. He said he received death threats, had his tires slashed, got hundreds of harassing letters, phone calls and emails, and was physically attacked after a Mass.

“They broke into the office/rectory and spray painted” an anti-gay slur on the conference wall, he wrote in an email to friends.

The final straw, he said, was when LifeSite News and the Lepanto Institute published an article about him that included family photos and his address. It also called for San Diego Bishop Robert McElroy to fire Bianco.
I don’t know what the alt-right is. Wasn’t this term cooked up by Steve Bannon? what did he mean by this term?
For you, then, the tactics described in the article are acceptable?
Grace, I didn’t read the OP, so I’m not defending any tactics.

As far as the man in San Diego, Did he exercise his legal recourse ?

It sounds like he has endured quite a bit of criminal activity directed toward him. Hate crime, assault, terroristic threatening, criminal mischief. He should pursue prosecution if any of these perpetrators can be identified.

Racism and bigotry are ugly mindsets. Evil stuff indeed.
I will join them in their disapproval of Homosexual acts, but if they are going to interfere with a group that is having a retreat then I think they are going too far.
It amazes me that people buy in to the “newspeak” buzzwords that the progressives create in order to isolate and target groups of people. Very few seem to understand the propaganda machine that has been unleashed by most Media outlets.
As far as the man in San Diego, Did he exercise his legal recourse ?

It sounds like he has endured quite a bit of criminal activity directed toward him. Hate crime, assault, terroristic threatening, criminal mischief. He should pursue prosecution if any of these perpetrators can be identified.
Reported to the police and FBI.
No, what you have here is exactly the same thing as when Hilary called Trump supporters, “deplorables.”
She specified that she was referring to the racists and misogynist. Perhaps you don’t consider racism “deplorable,” but many of us do.
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