You said:
I can define meaning as something which is the source of all motions. It simply grants strength and peace once you find it.
I believe that meaning is the underlying concept which resides under the absolute truth. Truth stand upon absolute truth. Hence meaning is the source of all motions.
As a Catholic I believe God is the unmoved mover. Unless you can scientifically prove that something can start from nothing, which it can’t, then I believe what you are searching for is God.
God in your system of belief is the creator and sustainer of universe. This however is problematic since God create universe by eternal cause and move it by temporal cause. You cannot possibly have both cause in the same framework.
I believe in God as creator but I believe that universe can sustain itself and can move based on laws of nature. Laws of nature is a part of truth and we are heading to find absolute truth and then meaning.
You outright ignore the possibility of God, which is your right, but you follow up by changing the definition of move.
I think I address this point in previous comment.
Based on this response you just stated that we “move as a result of our emotions”. If we take this response and add it to your above response we get:
- I can define meaning as something which is the source of all motions.
- We know that we move as a result of our emotions.
- Love is simply an emotion.
- Love being an emotion can cause motion.
- The motion caused by love can lead to meaning.
- The meaning that results from Love can grant strength and peace once you find it.
That is not correct because love and another emotions only cause motion. We on top of that need purpose since purpose give our motions directions. We on top of that need to expand our knowledge to understand truth, then absolute truth and finally meaning.
If you reread and put together all of the answers you gave trying to argue everyone’s comments, you will find you actually answered your own question. You just refuse to accept your own answer.
That is not correct.
I will keep praying for your Bahman. I pray that God will open your mind and your heart to see that he loves you and that your life is not meaningless.
Thanks for your praying.