Info on SDA

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No. Actually Miller wasn’t the founder of our Chrch either. And yes, our Church would have survived just fine without Ellen White’s ministry thereof. None of our doctrines originated with her; in fact, the seventh-day sabbath doctrine had it’s beginnings elsewhere.
Thats correct, the Sabbath originated at creation and by keeping the Sabbath, the seventh day, Saturday for the Lord as He commanded means that we recognise Him as or Creator and Redemer. People try to take away the fouth commandment but then dont know what to do with the rest of the Law. I also heard people saying that you cannot find the 4th commandment in the NT… I reply…can they find the 3rd one?
I do honestly believe with all my heart and mind that God always did and will guide His people no matter what, with or without Ellen White. But I am actually happy our church have the Spirit of Prophecy because it helps in our journey.

Have a great one mate
as always my friend. i do thank you for your honest direct answers. however. the view that a prophet must be 100% correct in their prophecies, is not my view. read deautoronomy 18:22, Jerimiah 28:9, Ezekiel 33:33, and 1rst Samuel 3:19. just to name a few. if as i am supposing you are saying Ellen G. White made prophecies that later turned out to be false, then the Bible itself declares her to be a false prophet. there is also the company she kept. William Miller, and Joseph Bates are suspect to say the least, as to why they were teaching what they were teaching. there seems to be some conflicts of interest in their backgrounds, and some of their associations that would make them somewhat untrustworthy. i have to wonder how much of their ties with a fraternal organization shaped their theology. and also i have to question if Ellen G. Whites “visions” actually happened, or if they were stories, concocted between herself, her husband, and Joseph Bates. too many things are suspect at adventisms early beginnings for me at least to put any stock in their doctrines. Peace 🙂
Sorry; there isn’t much you can say to me about Ellen White’s character or believability that would make me change my beliefs about her and her ministry in the beginning days of The Remnant Church.
I forgot to mention that Adventists believe that THEY are THE remnant church. In the SDA creed, none of the other Protestant or Christian churches are THE remnant church, to include Catholicism. Adventists believe and teach that they are special and that they are the last un-apostatized church in existence. This is nonsense and is similar to the JWs teachings.
I guess the internet makes people a little more apt to say strong opinions for or against, but in person; my experience has been much different.
Thanks for pointing this out. 🙂
I am actually happy our [SDA] church have the Spirit of Prophecy because it helps in our journey.
This aptly demonstrates the baptismal vow that Adventists must affirm to.

What follows is the creed from the SDA website that Adventists must accept at baptism. It describes the SDA doctrinal belief that Ellen Gould White is the Lord’s messenger [sic] with the “Spirit of Prophecy” [sic] and that she “is a continuing and authoritative source of truth” [sic] for her followers**:**

#17. The Gift of Prophecy: One of the gifts of the Holy Spirit is prophecy. This gift is an identifying mark of the remnant church and was manifested in the ministry of Ellen G. White. As the Lord’s messenger, her writings are a continuing and authoritative source of truth which provide for the church comfort, guidance, instruction, and correction.
(The White Estate, n.d.)


The White Estate (n.d.). The Seventh-day Adventist Church’s Understanding of Ellen White’s Authority. Retrieved June 19, 2010, from

Cults generally have exclusivity. This is aptly demonstrated by Ellen Gould White, Charles Taze Russell, Joseph Smith and many others. They preach that if you aren’t a member of their sect, then you’re damned or you don’t have “the truth.” All of these cult leaders were prolific writers during their time.

Ellen Gould White expressly told her followers to reject any biblical interpretation that contradicted anything that she taught. She used the term “we” to describe her teachings to create a psychological exclusivity in her cult. You can read it here**:**

We are not to receive the words of those who come with a message that contradicts the special points of our faith. They gather together a mass of Scripture, and pile it as proof around their asserted theories. This has been done over and over again during the past fifty years. And while the Scriptures are God’s Word, and are to be respected, the application of them, if such application moves one pillar of the foundation that God has sustained these fifty years, is a great mistake. He who makes such an application knows not the wonderful demonstration of the Holy Spirit that gave Power and force to the past messages that have come to the [Adventist] people of God.
(White, 1910, p. 20)


White, E. G. (1910). Call to the watchman. [Brochure].

Ellen Gould White did have a spirit that helped her to formulate many of her heresies. It was not the Holy Spirit but, instead, is of demonic origin. That explains why the demonic spirit provided Ellen Gould White with heretical theories that have repeatedly been refuted by the Church fathers. The spirit that possessed Ellen White helps to confuse people by providing doctrinal error. :nope:
I understand that Ellen White began having her “phrophesies” after having been hit on the head with rock. She was in a coma for awhile and when she awakened she began her anti- Catholic ministry by making many predictions which of course didn’t come to pass…Not a one. Her disciples came up with ways around it and began the SDA sect of which the entire premise is to defame and degrade the church that Jesus Christ established on earth. I personally think that not one of them really knows what the Bible is let alone what it says.
I understand that Ellen White began having her “phrophesies” after having been hit on the head with rock. She was in a coma for awhile and when she awakened she began her anti- Catholic ministry by making many predictions which of course didn’t come to pass…Not a one. Her disciples came up with ways around it and began the SDA sect of which the entire premise is to defame and degrade the church that Jesus Christ established on earth. I personally think that not one of them really knows what the Bible is let alone what it says.
hello my friend yes the prophecies happened after she was hit in the face by a rock. no, not directly after. it was not until some years later that these types of visions took place. if in fact she had any. not until she came under the influence of william miller and joseph bates. and she did not have the “sabbath” vision, until she and james had read a lenghthy paper about it, written by joseph bates. interestingly enough, her vision totally corrosponded to what she had read. lot more to this than meets the eye. and i still havent gotten an answer about Miller and Joseph Bates. peace 🙂
This aptly demonstrates the baptismal vow that Adventists must affirm to.

What follows is the creed from the SDA website that Adventists must accept at baptism. It describes the SDA doctrinal belief that Ellen Gould White is the Lord’s messenger [sic] with the “Spirit of Prophecy” [sic] and that she “is a continuing and authoritative source of truth” [sic] for her followers**:**

#17. The Gift of Prophecy: One of the gifts of the Holy Spirit is prophecy. This gift is an identifying mark of the remnant church and was manifested in the ministry of Ellen G. White. As the Lord’s messenger, her writings are a continuing and authoritative source of truth which provide for the church comfort, guidance, instruction, and correction.
(The White Estate, n.d.)


The White Estate (n.d.). The Seventh-day Adventist Church’s Understanding of Ellen White’s Authority. Retrieved June 19, 2010, from

Cults generally have exclusivity. This is aptly demonstrated by Ellen Gould White, Charles Taze Russell, Joseph Smith and many others. They preach that if you aren’t a member of their sect, then you’re damned or you don’t have “the truth.” All of these cult leaders were prolific writers during their time.

Ellen Gould White expressly told her followers to reject any biblical interpretation that contradicted anything that she taught. She used the term “we” to describe her teachings to create a psychological exclusivity in her cult. You can read it here**:**

We are not to receive the words of those who come with a message that contradicts the special points of our faith. They gather together a mass of Scripture, and pile it as proof around their asserted theories. This has been done over and over again during the past fifty years. And while the Scriptures are God’s Word, and are to be respected, the application of them, if such application moves one pillar of the foundation that God has sustained these fifty years, is a great mistake. He who makes such an application knows not the wonderful demonstration of the Holy Spirit that gave Power and force to the past messages that have come to the [Adventist] people of God.
(White, 1910, p. 20)


White, E. G. (1910). Call to the watchman. [Brochure].

Ellen Gould White did have a spirit that helped her to formulate many of her heresies. It was not the Holy Spirit but, instead, is of demonic origin. That explains why the demonic spirit provided Ellen Gould White with heretical theories that have repeatedly been refuted by the Church fathers. The spirit that possessed Ellen White helps to confuse people by providing doctrinal error. :nope:
Amen! Sadly many things you quote dont have any truth in it but look, one day not too far away indeed, we’ll all know what the truth was.
Everything that Ellen White wrote does not go against the Word of God… The only thing happened to me by reading her writtings was the strong desire to read more the Bible and improve my relationship with my God. So please, dont say things because someone else wrote that about her or because you heard that, but by experience.
I understand that Ellen White began having her “phrophesies” after having been hit on the head with rock. She was in a coma for awhile and when she awakened she began her anti- Catholic ministry by making many predictions which of course didn’t come to pass…Not a one. Her disciples came up with ways around it and began the SDA sect of which the entire premise is to defame and degrade the church that Jesus Christ established on earth. I personally think that not one of them really knows what the Bible is let alone what it says.
Wow Greggy you are a bit far from reality… I dont know where you got your information from but I can tell you its pretty wrong and let me tell you, you would be surprise about how much I know my Bible and I am a simple member of the SDA church, not even a pastor… We believe in a personal relationshiop with God and in order for that to happen, I have to study the word of God and spend time with Him… I wont say anything about most of my Catholic friends in regards to their knowledge in the Bible…

Oh, Ellen White is not like Nostradamus or that kind of rubbish prophets around, she wrote on the light of the Bible and if you would but put your pre conceptions aside and research her writings you will find that the only thing she does in to bring your attention to God and His word.

And by the way, I dont hate Catholics and I know Ellen White didnt either… Plus if she would have an anti catholic ministry why then she wrote so many other things and not just about Catholics? Weird fact is that with only 3 grade education she wrote more than 1000 articules, letters, etc and heaps of books… She wrote more than any woman in America, more than Lincoln, even more than Shakespiere… with only 3 years of school! You cannot tell me thats not interesting…

About the Sabbath, just aswering to Benedict, the reason why our pioneers got into that is because after that dissapointment, they study Daniel 8, 9 again and again to see why (miller was mistaken) and discover that the time frame of the prophecy was correct but that the cleansing of the sanctuary was not the second coming as they thought… After reading Hebrews 9 they understood. So by studying after that the sanctuary, they found in the Bible that the Law was placed in a very important section of the sanctuary (on earth and heaven) and in the Law of God the Sabbath was present…

And preggy, about the anti catholic stuff you said, when I humbly study the Bible and get to books like Revelation and Daniel, the evidence on regards of the small horn related to the Catholic church is big… have you ever study those books? Is not that I hate your church, is just that in the Bible I found very clear the caractheristics of your church related to this power expressed in Revenation 12, 17 for example and Daniel 2, 7, 8

And I do also believe that most of God’s people is within your church.
To say the Catholic Church is the small horn is the reflection of the anti-Catholic sentiment running through your SDA beliefs…my girlfriend and her husband went back east, had been in the Catholic charismatic community which in itself caused people to leave. Their spirituality centered around the Lord providing this and that for them back in the early 70 to mid 70’s when everything was cheap, including college.

They were thrown for a loop when they met the SDA’s and those people exclaimed the Word of God…and look at how the Catholic Church changed the commandments…if you believe the Word of God then why are you putting the Church above the Word of God…and so they had no defense. They came to my house after their entrance and tried to get me to join. At that time, I had not studied my own church’s ecclesiology and didn’t answer them too well. But the whole thing seemed weird. And they were becoming clinical doctors. They told me the wife’s mother came to their church. The preacher began denouncing the Catholic Church to the mother, he knew about her. She got up and when she was leaving, he started saying more insults…

How scrupulous teachings can even abuse the sacred commandment to honor your mother and father…in the name of religion. There is not a single Christian church where members have not sinned. But if anything, the preacher was pretty unprofessional. A year later or so, they began to start thinking critically…did research and found out Ellen White was also into numerology…they left, but as far as I know they did not return to the Catholic Church but continued to just stay with Bible reflections and follow the Holy Spirit in every day living.

The small horn is the projects, trumpets out the work of the beast. We are experiencing the 10 horns now…those powers throughout the entire world that in spirit work against all the 10 commandments.

The Catholic Church teachings are based on the new life given by Jesus Christ Who lived, died, rose from the dead on the third day, Sunday. The Catholic Church does not teach anti-Christ.

Catholic priests also are looking to passages in Daniel right now in the Christian spirit and are concerned about the times we are living in as well.

When I hear SDA’s say such remarks, knowing the inner workings of the Church, and many of us knowing of internal betrayals among us…I think most of the anti-Catholicism is part of their indoctrination because they are not recognizing Christianity in our teachings or sacraments and they do not comprehend church history.
Wow Greggy you are a bit far from reality… I dont know where you got your information from but I can tell you its pretty wrong and let me tell you, you would be surprise about how much I know my Bible and I am a simple member of the SDA church, not even a pastor… We believe in a personal relationshiop with God and in order for that to happen, I have to study the word of God and spend time with Him… I wont say anything about most of my Catholic friends in regards to their knowledge in the Bible…
I’d like to put my :twocents: worth in here. Rex, I admire and respect your wanting to know and get closer to God. If only all Christians would. Too many of us go by the old " don’t bother me,let George do it" syndrome. And as far as Biblical knowledge for a majority of Catholics go, yes, too few are knowledgeable or properly catechized.
Oh, Ellen White is not like Nostradamus or that kind of rubbish prophets around, she wrote on the light of the Bible and if you would but put your pre conceptions aside and research her writings you will find that the only thing she does in to bring your attention to God and His word.
That may be true for the SDA, but I find the writings of the Church Fathers more inspirational than Ellen White’s writings. Don’t you? If the CF covered all subjects why is White’s writings given such noteriety?
And by the way, I dont hate Catholics and I know Ellen White didnt either… Plus if she would have an anti catholic ministry why then she wrote so many other things and not just about Catholics? Weird fact is that with only 3 grade education she wrote more than 1000 articules, letters, etc and heaps of books… She wrote more than any woman in America, more than Lincoln, even more than Shakespiere… with only 3 years of school! You cannot tell me thats not interesting…
That may be what you believe but I have run across publications issued by the SDA ( all this has been a subject of other threads ) that were vehemently anti-Catholic and downright vicious in their attacks of the Catholic Church, especially the Roman Catholics. There have been many lies issued about the RCC by the SDA . In fact, there were some members of the SDA on these forums that actually propagated the SDA stance of anti-Catholicism. We tried to tell them otherwise, but to no avail. You should check into this.
About the Sabbath, just aswering to Benedict, the reason why our pioneers got into that is because after that dissapointment, they study Daniel 8, 9 again and again to see why (miller was mistaken) and discover that the time frame of the prophecy was correct but that the cleansing of the sanctuary was not the second coming as they thought… After reading Hebrews 9 they understood. So by studying after that the sanctuary, they found in the Bible that the Law was placed in a very important section of the sanctuary (on earth and heaven) and in the Law of God the Sabbath was present…
Sabbatarianism by the SDA has been discussed and argued many times before on this forum, so I will not bring it up again, unless you wish to.
And preggy, about the anti catholic stuff you said, when I humbly study the Bible and get to books like Revelation and Daniel, the evidence on regards of the small horn related to the Catholic church is big… have you ever study those books? Is not that I hate your church, is just that in the Bible I found very clear the caractheristics of your church related to this power expressed in Revenation 12, 17 for example and Daniel 2, 7, 8
Keep in mind that it was the Catholic Church that presented the Bible. as we know it. What ever the Catholic Church teaches today is what Jesus and His Apostles taught 2000 years ago. With the Church as the originator and custodian of the Bible, it is impossible for it to, and cannot, teach or promulgate anything that is not supported by scripture.
And I do also believe that most of God’s people is within your church.
This is true.

God Bless. Shalom haMeshiach.

PAX DOMINI :signofcross:

Shalom Aleichem
Wow Greggy you are a bit far from reality… I dont know where you got your information from but I can tell you its pretty wrong and let me tell you, you would be surprise about how much I know my Bible and I am a simple member of the SDA church, not even a pastor… We believe in a personal relationshiop with God and in order for that to happen, I have to study the word of God and spend time with Him… I wont say anything about most of my Catholic friends in regards to their knowledge in the Bible…

Oh, Ellen White is not like Nostradamus or that kind of rubbish prophets around, she wrote on the light of the Bible and if you would but put your pre conceptions aside and research her writings you will find that the only thing she does in to bring your attention to God and His word.

And by the way, I dont hate Catholics and I know Ellen White didnt either… Plus if she would have an anti catholic ministry why then she wrote so many other things and not just about Catholics? Weird fact is that with only 3 grade education she wrote more than 1000 articules, letters, etc and heaps of books… She wrote more than any woman in America, more than Lincoln, even more than Shakespiere… with only 3 years of school! You cannot tell me thats not interesting…

About the Sabbath, just aswering to Benedict, the reason why our pioneers got into that is because after that dissapointment, they study Daniel 8, 9 again and again to see why (miller was mistaken) and discover that the time frame of the prophecy was correct but that the cleansing of the sanctuary was not the second coming as they thought… After reading Hebrews 9 they understood. So by studying after that the sanctuary, they found in the Bible that the Law was placed in a very important section of the sanctuary (on earth and heaven) and in the Law of God the Sabbath was present…

And preggy, about the anti catholic stuff you said, when I humbly study the Bible and get to books like Revelation and Daniel, the evidence on regards of the small horn related to the Catholic church is big… have you ever study those books? Is not that I hate your church, is just that in the Bible I found very clear the caractheristics of your church related to this power expressed in Revenation 12, 17 for example and Daniel 2, 7, 8

And I do also believe that most of God’s people is within your church.
You can read the bible, you can quote the Bible, but understanding what it means is another matter. You no doubt have memorized many specific passages from the Bible, but your interpretations, and understanding of the books is almost completely false. The SDA is lost and clueless because you don’t have the quidance of the Holy Spirit to correctly interpret the Bible…Only the Catholic Church does.

Do I find Ellen White interesting? mildy so, but I also find the history of Adolph Hitler, and Karl Marx interesting. Yet that doesn’t mean I embrace what they wrote. Insane and evil individuals fill the history books and we read about them in order to guard against their false teachings and prophesies. Ellen White was a deluded and possibly brain damaged individual and no reasonable person in my opinion would take her word over the word of the thousands of holy men and women of God who have taught us consistantly for two thousand years

As far as you believing that “God’s people are in the Catholic Church” , I’ve heard that line before and what you really mean is that God’s people will come out from the Catholic Church and join you someday. From all that I have read, and discussed about what SDA teaches about the Catholic Church I have seen nothing but deception, lies. Inuendo, and false accusations. none of which they have ever explained or given any evidence for.
Amen! Sadly many things you quote dont have any truth in it but look, one day not too far away indeed, we’ll all know what the truth was.
Everything that Ellen White wrote does not go against the Word of God… The only thing happened to me by reading her writtings was the strong desire to read more the Bible and improve my relationship with my God. So please, dont say things because someone else wrote that about her or because you heard that, but by experience.
my friend, why must i go on my own experience, and not use someone elses quotes? does this mean i cannot comment on world war 2 because i wasnt there? does this mean, i cannot investigate what others have said of Nixon and watergate? i think its fine to look up quotes by people who were close to the source, and little known thing an author wrote. Adventist do this also. they will find something that someone wrote about a pope, or a bishop or what have you, and run with it. i dont fault your folks for doing this. its fair either way. Play Ball!😃 peace 🙂
You can read the bible, you can quote the Bible, but understanding what it means is another matter. You no doubt have memorized many specific passages from the Bible, but your interpretations, and understanding of the books is almost completely false. The SDA is lost and clueless because you don’t have the quidance of the Holy Spirit to correctly interpret the Bible…Only the Catholic Church does.

Do I find Ellen White interesting? mildy so, but I also find the history of Adolph Hitler, and Karl Marx interesting. Yet that doesn’t mean I embrace what they wrote. Insane and evil individuals fill the history books and we read about them in order to guard against their false teachings and prophesies. Ellen White was a deluded and possibly brain damaged individual and no reasonable person in my opinion would take her word over the word of the thousands of holy men and women of God who have taught us consistantly for two thousand years

As far as you believing that “God’s people are in the Catholic Church” , I’ve heard that line before and what you really mean is that God’s people will come out from the Catholic Church and join you someday. From all that I have read, and discussed about what SDA teaches about the Catholic Church I have seen nothing but deception, lies. Inuendo, and false accusations. none of which they have ever explained or given any evidence for.
goodness greggy, you said a mouthful! i couldnt agree more. just one little thing to add. and i do not intend for this to sound uncharitable or mean to our protestant friends out their. the more i study protestantism, the more i study these other movements, and the people behind them, the more and more convinced i am, that their really is a called out Church. there is a Church that has been seperated, and is being made Holy for the return of Christ, the more i study this, the more i see it is the Roman Catholic Church that is the One True Church, and all others are just pretenders. when i study their founders, i am just amazed that anyone would follow them at all. not just SDA and Mormon, but protestant groups as well. it really blows my mind what people will exchange for the truth. my prayers for us all. so i would have to say YES Gods people are in the Catholic Church. and we are staying here. you are welcome to join us, my friend. Peace 🙂
The SDA’s teach that the Catholic Church is the “whore of Babylon” in the bible and the Adventists preach “come out of her.” :rolleyes: SDAs also teach that the Pope is the anti-Christ. :rolleyes:

Conversely, Ellen Gould White was “channeling” and the spirit or spirits that spoke and wrote through her are demonic – and that’s why the spirits provided so many false doctrines upon which Adventism is built. It’s almost hysterically funny what those spirits said through Ellen White. In reality, the accusations aren’t funny, but they’re just so bizarre that it gives me a little chuckle. It’s even stranger that Adventist sincerely believe that the Catholic Church is the “whore of Babylon.” :rolleyes:

It’s really sad that Satan continues to vigorously attack Catholicism, the original church that Jesus established. Satan is responsible for the false heresies in Adventism, JWism, Mormonism and other sects.
The SDA’s teach that the Catholic Church is the “whore of Babylon” in the bible and the Adventists preach “come out of her.” :rolleyes: SDAs also teach that the Pope is the anti-Christ. :rolleyes:

Conversely, Ellen Gould White was “channeling” and the spirit or spirits that spoke and wrote through her are demonic – and that’s why the spirits provided so many false doctrines upon which Adventism is built. It’s almost hysterically funny what those spirits said through Ellen White. In reality, the accusations aren’t funny, but they’re just so bizarre that it gives me a little chuckle. It’s even stranger that Adventist sincerely believe that the Catholic Church is the “whore of Babylon.” :rolleyes:

It’s really sad that Satan continues to vigorously attack Catholicism, the original church that Jesus established. Satan is responsible for the false heresies in Adventism, JWism, Mormonism and other sects.
this leads to a very good question. have you ever read about Ellen G. White, at ANY time, testing the spirits she was in contact with. which we are commanded in the scriptures to do. have any of these “prophets” that are modern day done this? ive never read this in any of their testamonies. they just receive whats given them, without, testing weather the spirit is from God or not. Peace 🙂
Again, I believe those that are so anti-Catholic are in demonic bondage and are blinded…

But I also am reflecting on this thread…that the Lord is challenging all of us with people of different beliefs…that we are still called to hold each other as representatives of Christ and to treat each other accordingly…

Because what we do to each other…we are doing the same to Christ Himself. As far as SDA’s accusing Catholics…they know little of real Catholicism. Otherwise, they would not believe such things.
Again, I believe those that are so anti-Catholic are in demonic bondage and are blinded…

But I also am reflecting on this thread…that **the Lord is challenging all of us with people of different beliefs…that we are still called to hold each other as representatives of Christ and to treat each other accordingly…

Because what we do to each other…we are doing the same to Christ Himself**. As far as SDA’s accusing Catholics…they know little of real Catholicism. Otherwise, they would not believe such things.
KathleenGee, you are correct and that has crossed my mind many times. We will be judged on how we treated His sheep, no matter which denominational fold they are in. The way that we treat them is the way that we are treating Jesus.

Pointing out SDA false doctrines and heresies while concurrently showing kindness to individual Adventists is a balancing act. An Adventist could take it personally when it’s pointed out that Ellen Gould White channeled demonic spirits that provided heresies, such as Catholicism being the “whore of Babylon,” soul sleep, the 1844 Sanctuary doctrine and other strange demonic beliefs. Again, it’s a balancing act to hate the demonically inspired heresies while concurrently showing love to the sheep who are ensnared by them.

Is it possible to take a firm stand against heresies, while concurrently showing kindness to those who are ensnared by them?
Again, I believe those that are so anti-Catholic are in demonic bondage and are blinded…

But I also am reflecting on this thread…that the Lord is challenging all of us with people of different beliefs…that we are still called to hold each other as representatives of Christ and to treat each other accordingly…

Because what we do to each other…we are doing the same to Christ Himself. As far as SDA’s accusing Catholics…they know little of real Catholicism. Otherwise, they would not believe such things.
Didn’t Jesus say that “the gates of hell shall not prevail”? All these “religions” that attack the Church prove Jesus’ words. These attacks in turn strengthens the Catholic Church and infuriates Satan. The trouble is that Satan has the ear of too many who do not heed, or are ignorant of, Jesus words and believe Satan’s lies. The end of days must be near for not only has Satan stepped up his attacks on the Catholic Church but has duped many into assisting him. Pray for all those poor souls.

PAX DOMINI :signofcross:

Shalom haMeshiach
KathleenGee, you are correct and that has crossed my mind many times. We will be judged on how we treated His sheep, no matter which denominational fold they are in. The way that we treat them is the way that we are treating Jesus.

Pointing out SDA false doctrines and heresies while concurrently showing kindness to individual Adventists is a balancing act. An Adventist could take it personally when it’s pointed out that Ellen Gould White channeled demonic spirits that provided heresies, such as Catholicism being the “whore of Babylon,” soul sleep, the 1844 Sanctuary doctrine and other strange demonic beliefs. Again, it’s a balancing act to hate the demonically inspired heresies while concurrently showing love to the sheep who are ensnared by them.

Is it possible to take a firm stand against heresies, while concurrently showing kindness to those who are ensnared by them?
Sincere Adventist Christians look at it no differently and yet some Catholics choose to call us “viscious” or worse; but all we are doing, or trying to do, is the same as any Catholic: “Pointing out Catholic false doctrines and heresies.” After 4 years, or is it 5 on this forum; I am still trying to figure out why its “hatred” when an Adventist does just what the Catholics also wish to do.

I think your post makes it clear. Respective/opposing sides should be able to discuss differences, and even why we feel these are heresy without getting so personal.

I will say too that I know some professing Adventists and others have posted on this forum in a very hateful manner.
Sincere Adventist Christians look at it no differently and yet some Catholics choose to call us “viscious” or worse; but all we are doing, or trying to do, is the same as any Catholic: “Pointing out Catholic false doctrines and heresies.” After 4 years, or is it 5 on this forum; I am still trying to figure out why its “hatred” when an Adventist does just what the Catholics also wish to do.

I think your post makes it clear. Respective/opposing sides should be able to discuss differences, and even why we feel these are heresy without getting so personal.

I will say too that I know some professing Adventists and others have posted on this forum in a very hateful manner.
Hello my Dear Friend:

It has been a while since I’ve seen and talked to you and also since we locked horns. I pray that you are well. You are still, and always will be, in my prayers as a friend.

You and many other SDA always make the comment that you are “Pointing out Catholic false doctrines and heresies”. I have asked many times what these false doctrines and heresies are and have yet to be told. Would it be asking too much again to tell me what these falsities are? Thank you and God Bless. Shalom haMeshiach.

PAX DOMINI :signofcross:

Shalom Aleichem
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