Info on SDA

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Notice he said that the DOCTRINES were heretical, not the people that held those doctrines. One can hold a heretical doctrine without being a heretic.
OK, that makes sense! LOL; I hope “me again” is a “Sir” as I was not sure. It did not tell me in the profile for that forum member.
Thankyou for your opinions, kind Sir. May I ask you to clarify please? I was told by people on this forum that Adventists are not “heretics,” rather, they are “separated brethren.” Can you explain please? :confused:
That’s a good point. I am not equipped to judge a man’s salvation, either now or in the future because people who are unsaved today could become converted tomorrow. Also, I hold a minority opinion in believing that it’s possible for Christian cult members or Christian sect members to enter the kingdom of heaven through the Lord Jesus Christ, to include Jehovah Witnesses, SDAs and Mormons. I also believe it’s possible for a Muslim to enter the kingdom of heaven through the Lord Jesus. **If anyone enters heaven, it’s through Jesus alone e.g. the kingdom of heaven belongs to Jesus and He knows the hearts and circumstances of all men and He will judge everyone righteously. **All those who enter His kingdom of heaven are covered by the blood of Christ.

So I agree with the concept that some cult members are “separated brethren” who love the Lord Jesus. Fortunately, we do not have to have a theological understanding that is 100% accurate to enter heaven. The Lord kept entry-level requirements to enter His heaven pretty simple, which is fortunate for most of us!!! 👍
For anyone who is a SeventhDay Adventist, please don’t be personally offended by the following because it is not directed at you. Instead, it is directed exclusively at Adventist teachings, okay? :whistle:

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SDA teachings are rubbish because they are predicated on a woman named Ellen Gould White who taught that Jesus “secretly” entered the holy of holies in heaven in the year 1844. :rolleyes: This false prophecy from Adventism is called the Sanctuary Doctrine of 1844.

This nutty doctrine was developed by Ms. White because the second coming of the Lord didn’t happen in 1844 – as was promised!!! In order to validate the failed prophecy, Ellen White conjured up the 1844 Sanctuary Doctrine. The entire Adventist denomination is grounded upon this false prophecy and heretical teaching. That should be a clue to any reasonable person that Adventism is predicated on heresy.

Many subsequent Adventist teachings are equally heretical, to include the soul sleep doctrine, which the Adventist share with the Jehovah Witnesses. It’s interesting to note that both of these “Christian denominations” [sic] were founded upon false promises of specific dates for the second coming of Christ.

Adventists teachings are predicated upon the voluminous writings of it’s founder, Ellen Gould White – and her interpretations of the bible. Catholic teachings are predicated upon the bible and the magesterium. If you are baptized into Adventism, you will be asked to accept Ellen Gould White as the “Spirit of Prophecy;” whereas if you are Catholic, you will be asked to accept the teachings of the magesterium. Which is a safer bet**:** Ellen Gould White from 1844 or the Catholic magesterium? :thankyou:

Would you rather join a cult that has it’s foundings that are based upon false prophecies starting in 1844 with Ellen G. White? Or would you rather be grounded on the rock? Pray tell? :hammering:

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Thank you kindly for tuning in today. Stay turned. More to follow. News at eleven! 👍
What follows is the creed from the SDA website that Adventists must accept at baptism. It describes the SDA belief that Ellen White is the Lord’s messenger and is “a continuing and authoritative source of truth” [sic]:

#17. The Gift of Prophecy**:** One of the gifts of the Holy Spirit is prophecy. This gift is an identifying mark of the remnant church and was manifested in the ministry of Ellen G. White. As the Lord’s messenger, her writings are a continuing and authoritative source of truth which provide for the church comfort, guidance, instruction, and correction.
(The White Estate, n.d.)

Here is what Ellen White wrote about those who contradict the religious opinions that she presented**:**

We are not to receive the words of those who come with a message that contradicts the special points of our faith. They gather together a mass of Scripture, and pile it as proof around their asserted theories. This has been done over and over again during the past fifty years. And while the Scriptures are God’s Word, and are to be respected, the application of them, if such application moves one pillar of the foundation that God has sustained these fifty years, is a great mistake. He who makes such an application knows not the wonderful demonstration of the Holy Spirit that gave Power and force to the past messages that have come to the [Adventist] people of God.
(White, 1910, p. 20)

Those are the teachings of the SeventhDay Adventists. Here are the sources to verify that it’s not fabricated:


The White Estate (n.d.). The Seventh-day Adventist Church’s Understanding of Ellen White’s Authority. Retrieved June 19, 2010, from

White, E. G. (1910). Call to the watchman. [Brochure].

Ellen G. White, Charles Taze Russell, Joseph Smith and a myriad of others have led countless souls into apostasy. Pray for those who are ensnared in these demonic entanglements of the devil. :hmmm:
The Catholic Church teaches essentially people of good will are on the path to salvation.

The Catholic Church contains the full revelation of God and the sacraments that nurture us in faith. However, it does not mean that we in ourselves are more holy. It means we have all the graces necessary to draw on in our own daily faith walk and it is the same for the pope, cardinals and bishops, religious congregations, and laity.

God alone judges. A seminarian is taught that they will encounter people in their parishes some day that will have more faith than them. Or, like the story I heard years ago, about an African servant, faith unknown, who accidentally washed the boss’s money with his slacks, and hung the money out to dry with the laundry. The servant can’t be condemned because he is not part of any church, or may not know Christ. That is baptism of desire-- seeking righteousness and goodness. And when it bears fruit in love of neighbor, that person is already demonstrating the presence of God in him.
For anyone who is a SeventhDay Adventist, please don’t be personally offended by the following because it is not directed at you. Instead, it is directed exclusively at Adventist teachings, okay? :whistle:

////////////////// TURN ON ANTI-CULT MESSAGE /////////////////

SDA teachings are rubbish because they are predicated on a woman named Ellen Gould White who taught that Jesus “secretly” entered the holy of holies in heaven in the year 1844. :rolleyes: This false prophecy from Adventism is called the Sanctuary Doctrine of 1844

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Thank you kindly for tuning in today. Stay turned. More to follow. News at eleven! 👍
You are welcome. Don’t worry about me being offended. I understand that you are directing your posts at teachings you feel are false.
I am not a SDA pastor, I am just a member of my church, being an adventist since birth I guess I could say, but you know, you never stop learning from God’s word so I love studying the Bible and getting to know our Lord more
What do SDA’s teach on the End-Times ---- Daniel’s 70th Week, the Millennium, and the Rapture of Church, etc ?
Don’t worry about me being offended. I understand that you are directing your posts at teachings you feel are false.
Adventists teach that when Jesus died on the cross, He ceased to have consciousness until His resurrection e.g. soul sleep. Protestant101, would you like to corroborate this for our readers? 🙂 :eek:

If Jesus is God, then how can He not have consciousness? :rolleyes:
That particular SDA thread was closed by the moderator because it deviated from the original SDA Saturday sabbath topic. We can finish the conversation in this thread because it is entitled “Info on SDA.” Since “information” on Adventism is a more generalized topic, it should be allowed to go into different theological rabbit holes where Adventism differs from Catholicism.
Richard Kastner:
So, let me get this straight. You are saying that Heb. 10 7-16 is talking about the new covenant in Jesus Christ and this covenant is defined as God’s law of love written in our minds and on our hearts by the Spirit of God and this is made possible by the sacrifice of the body of Christ as per Heb. 10
10By the which will we are sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all.

Would you say that this is the official CC’s stance on this passage?
If you’re suggesting that the Father sent his Son only one time to be a sacrifice for our sins, then yes, you are correct.

I’m not qualified to articulate official Catholic teachings on Hebrews 10:7-16 because I’m still in the exploration phase of theological research. However, if seems as if you’re suggesting that the Lord Jesus is “re-sacrificed” at every mass. Is that what you’re suggesting? . Although I haven’t studied the theological issue yet, I would suggest that your implication is a gross theological misunderstanding. Exactly what does Adventism’s founder (Ellen G. White) teach on this issue? :rolleyes:

Instead of attempting to lead readers down a rabbit hole for a theological surprise, why don’t you simply make your case-in-point ---- and then show your supporting reasons?
Ellen G White was not the founder of our Church.
What follows is the creed from the SDA website that Adventists must accept at baptism. It describes the SDA belief that Ellen White is the Lord’s messenger and is “a continuing and authoritative source of truth” [sic]:
#17. The Gift of Prophecy: One of the gifts of the Holy Spirit is prophecy. This gift is an identifying mark of the remnant church and was manifested in the ministry of **Ellen G. White. As the Lord's messenger**, her writings are a continuing and authoritative source of truth which provide for the church comfort, guidance, instruction, and correction.
(The White Estate, n.d.)

The White Estate (n.d.). The Seventh-day Adventist Church’s Understanding of Ellen White’s Authority. Retrieved June 19, 2010, from

Protestant101, as an Adventist, can you please disclose who is the founder of your church? 🤓
If you’re suggesting that the Father sent his Son only one time to be a sacrifice for our sins, then yes, you are correct.

I’m not qualified to articulate official Catholic teachings on Hebrews 10:7-16 because I’m still in the exploration phase of theological research. However, if seems as if you’re suggesting that the Lord Jesus is “re-sacrificed” at every mass. Is that what you’re suggesting? . Although I haven’t studied the theological issue yet, I would suggest that your implication is a gross theological misunderstanding. Exactly what does Adventism’s founder (Ellen G. White) teach on this issue? :rolleyes:

Instead of attempting to lead readers down a rabbit hole for a theological surprise, why don’t you simply make your case-in-point ---- and then show your supporting reasons?
Yes the Mass is a sacrifice. Everytime the priest concecrates the bread and wine our Lord Jesus stands before the father for us. Revelation speaks of the altar in Heaven where the sacrifice takes place. It is not a bloody sacrifice, but Jesus stands as the sacrifical lamb throuout all time interceding for us. The Mass is the celebration of this wonderful, and Holy sacrifice.
Yes the Mass is a sacrifice. Everytime the priest concecrates the bread and wine our Lord Jesus stands before the father for us. Revelation speaks of the altar in Heaven where the sacrifice takes place. It is not a bloody sacrifice, but Jesus stands as the sacrifical lamb throuout all time interceding for us. The Mass is the celebration of this wonderful, and Holy sacrifice.
I’m only on page 32 of a book called Catholicism for Dummies and it may take me a while to get to that part of the book where it will hopefully explain it in layman’s details.

I don’t think that the mass is a re-sacrifice of Jesus in the context of re-nailing Him back onto the cross. However, the mass may be an extension of the one and only sacrifice of Jesus on Calvary. Jesus said, “Do this until I come” or words to that effect.
Just reading Greggy’s quote this pm, already I can see such a beautiful and tremendous expression of worship through the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass where the Word of God is transmitted through so many and holistic forms…in contrast to reading and reflecting --however most sincerely --the Word of God alone.

There is just so much in the worship of God in the Mass.
Ellen G White was not the founder of our Church.
yes…she was my friend. SDA theology is based on Ellen G. Whites visions. without E.G. White. the SDA would not exist. miller could not have continued the movement after the great dissapointment. also miller was more arian in his beliefs about the God head. was he not? peace 🙂
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